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PHM 115 B&Gs

BrandGenericTherapeutic ClassIndicationSpecial Considerations
Zithromax azithromycin macrolide antibiotic bacterial infections
Cipro ciprofloxacin fluroquinolone antibiotic bacterial infections tendon ruptures
Avelox moxifloxacin fluroquinolone antibiotic bacterial infections tendon ruptures
Valcyte valganciclovir antiviral viral infections X category in pregnancy
Ceftin cefuroxime cephalosporin antibiotic bacterial infections
Solvadi sofosbuvir antiviral hepatitis C
Mavyret glecaprevir/pibrentasivi antiviral combination hepatitis C Do not use if liver issues
Zovirax acylovir antiviral viral infections
Zofran ondansetron antiemetic drug nausea/vomiting
Plaquenil hydroxycholorquine antimalarial drug maleria, RA, systemic lupus can cause dangerous effects on your heart, DO NOT take with zithromax
Lidoderm lidocaine local anesthetic paid reducer can be fatal if too much is absorbed
BetaSept chlorhexadine disinfectant /antiseptic prevent infection can cause severe irritation or chemical burns in young children
Levaquin levofloxacin fluroquinolone antibiotic bacterial infections can cause tendon ruptures and damage to the aorta
SandIMMUNE cyclosporin Immunosupressant help to accept organ transplant Black box warning
Vibramycin doxycycline tetracycline antibiotic bacterial infections
Kytril granisetron antiemetic drug nausea/vomiting
Reglan metoclopramide dopamine antagonist heartburn, slow stomach emptying Never use for more than 12. weeks
Atripla efavirenz /emtricitabin antiretroviral HIV can cause severe or fatal liver problems
Isentress raltegravir integrase inhibitor HIV can cause severe skin reaction that can be fatal
Biaxin clarithromycin macrolide antibiotic bacterial infection
Epogen epoetin alfa human erythropoietin treats anemia
Truvada/Descovy emtricitabine /tenofov NRTI HIV
Tivicay doutegravir INSTI HIV Do not take with Tikosyn. May cause birth defects
Retrovir zidovudine NRTI HIV
Rayos prednisone corticosteroid inflammation can weaken immune system
Reclast zoledronic acid bisphosphonate slow bone loss Do not take if pregnant, can cause serious kidney problems
Herceptin trastuzmab monoclonial antibody breast and stomach cancer Do not take if pregnant
Xgeva denosumab monoclonial antibody treats giant cell tumors Do not take if pregnant
Sensipar cinacalcet calcimimetic hyperparathyroidism and hypercalemia
Alimta pemetrexed anticancer drug lung cancer Do not take if pregnant
Avastin bevacizumab anticancer drug cancer May cause bleeding
FloPred prednisolone corticosteroid inflammation
Otrexup methotrexate DMARD cancer, RA, Psoriasis Do not take if pregnant
Enbrel Etanercept DMARD arthritis Can weaken immune System
Stelara ustekinumab monoclonial antibody psoriais, arthritis
Remicade infliximab monoclonial antibody psoriais, arthritis May increase risk of developing cancer
Gilenya fingolimod immunomodulator MS Do not use if you have a serious heart condition
Arava leflunomide antirheumatic inflammation, RA Do not take if pregnant, Can cause severe liver damage
Azulfidine sulfasalazine antirheumatic inflammation, RA
CellCept Immunosuppressant liver or heart transplants Do not take if pregnant
Created by: Tannabanana
Popular Pharmacology sets




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