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Pediatric diagnoses

OT treatment: training in daily routine management, energy conservation, training in self management Cystic fibrosis (CF)
OT treatment: Develop behavior modifications, ADL skills, develop performance patterns Intellectual Disability (ID)
mildest form, most common and least severe form of spina bifida without protrusion of the spinal cord or meninges spina bifida occulta
vertebrae don't completely enclose spinal cord, cerebrospinal fluid exits through opening, but no nerves - rarest form - usually no resultant paralysis but may have partial paralysis spina bifida meningocele
accidental and non accidental trauma -Unable to complete basic self care tasks -Delayed processing -Aphasia -Ataxic motor movement - decreased postural control -visual impairment - sensory damage Acquired Brain Injury (ABI)
OT treatment: ADL retraining, non slip mat, low stimulated envirnoment, Positioning equipment, natural weight bearing Acquired Brain Injury (ABI)
a psychological disorder marked by extreme inattention and/or hyperactivity and impulsivity. Can be a primary condition or with other condition attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
OT treatment: Consistent routine, Limit background noise, clear directions, use checklists, calming strategies, extra time on tests, reduced homework, shortened assignments, reduced writing. attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
a condition beginning in early childhood in which a person shows persistent communication deficits as well as restricted and repetitive patterns of behaviors, interests, or unknown cause - inflexible - lack of eye contact - lack of safety judgement Austism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
OT treatment: Provide sensory input, schedules, social storys, educate caregiver, peer mediated Austism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
A life-threatening injury that occurs when an infant is forcefully shaken back and forth, a motion that ruptures blood vessels in the brain and breaks neural connections. -Delayed growth - delayed development Shaken Baby Syndrome
OT treatment: ADL training in self care, Symbolic play, Sensory processing examination, coping strategies Shaken Baby Syndrome
A genetic disorder that is present at birth and affects both the respiratory and digestive systems due to mutation in the gene. - Accumulating thick, sticky mucus that causes coughing, shortness of breath, and frequent chest infections Cystic fibrosis (CF)
A noticeable lag in a specific aspect of development that is beyond average variations. Usually caused by other conditions - Self care - communication - motor development - sensory processing - social skills Developmental Delay
OT treatment: determine underlying diagnosis to facilitate intervention Developmental Delay
Clumsiness. Excessively delayed motor development that negatively influences daily functional tasks such as ADL or school activities and is not related to any other diagnoses. Developmental Coordination Disorder (Dyspraxia)
OT treatment: Pullover garments, Alternatives to fork and knife, bilateral hand use, sensory based tasks, develop postural control, environmental modification Developmental Coordination Disorder (Dyspraxia)
A condition of mild to severe intellectual disability and associated physical disorders caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21 - slanted eyes - protruding tongue - flat nose Down Syndrome
OT treatment: Compensatory ADLs, early intervention, life skills, discourage hyper-flexible postures, visual cues, auditory cues Down Syndrome
A condition in which the baby does not grow and develop properly due to medical or environmental factors - body weight well below normal - feeding difficulties Failure to thrive
OT treatment: oral motor skills, small portions, food play, daily routine, compensatory strategies Failure to thrive
Physical and cognitive abnormalities in children caused by a pregnant woman's heavy drinking. - Delays in cognitive and physical development - fussy - poor coordination - deficits in sensory processing - Visual impairments Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)
OT treatment: Proprioceptive activities, motor planning, calming tasks, schedules and timers Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)
A disorder marked by intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior that are well below average. Previously called mental retardation. - Intellectual functioning that below average - delays in 2 or more areas Intellectual Disability (ID)
A marked delay in a particular area of learning that is not caused by an apparent physical disability, by mental retardation, or by an unusually stressful home environment. Learning disability
OT treatment: school based OT services, sensory integration strategies, behavioral therapy, handwriting, organization training, motor planning tasks Learning disability
Progressive neurological developmental disorder featuring constant hand-wringing, intellectual disability, and impaired motor skills - loss of normal movement - abnormal hand movements - cognitive disabilities Rett Syndrome
OT treatment: look for use of eye gaze, progress often slow, maximize hand use, develop ability to access communication device/assistive technology Rett Syndrome
Mild or severe trauma that can result from a violent impact to the head Traumatic Brain Injury
OT treatment: schedules, textures to improve sensory awareness, ADL and play, weight shifting and weight bearing, meal prep and clean up Traumatic Brain Injury
Impairment in vision that even with correction adversely affects educational performance. Terms include both partial sight and blindness. Need licensed eye dr. - difficulty focusing on faces - cross eyes Visual Impairment (VI)
OT treatment: use contrast, sensory integration, hand exploration Visual Impairment (VI)
Most severe form of spina bifida in which the spinal cord and meninges protrude through the spine - exposed spinal cord is damaged - muscle weakness/ paralysis - loss of sensation - unable to control bladder or bowel - possible hydrocephalus Spina bifida myelomeningocele
legs more affected than arms Spastic diplegia CP
The most severe form of CP, where all four limbs, the trunk, and the face are impacted. Quadriplegia is often accompanied by intellectual disability, seizures, or issues with vision, speech, and hearing Spastic quadriplegia CP
one side of the body is more involves than the other Spastic hemiplegia CP
symptoms: Chorea, athetosis, choreoathetosis, dystonia, intellectural disability, visual impairment, hearing, speech, language, seizures, feeding and growth problems cerebral palsy (CP)
OT treatment: NDT, constraint induced therapy, othotic devices, positioning and seating devices, serial casting, adaptive equipment, assistive technology cerebral palsy (CP)
Created by: cnk
Popular Occupational Therapy sets




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