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HTSK: Unit 1.13

사실 Fact
사실을 인정하다 To admit the truth
그것을 사실이다 That is the truth
사실은... The fact is...
실은.. Actually..
그것은 사실이에요? Is that true?
약국 Pharmacy
약사 Pharmacist
약을 먹다 To take medicine
치약 Toothpaste
약을 짓다/처방하다 To prescribe medicine
저는 이 약을 하루에 두 번 먹어요 I eat this medicine twice per day
음악 Music
음악가 Musician
음악을 듣다 To listen to music
음악을 녹음하다 To record music
음악을 틀다 To turn on music
음악을 연주하다 To play music with an instrument
저는 음악을 듣는 것을 좋아요 I like listening to music
하늘 Sky
하늘만큼 땅만큼 "Thiiiiiiis much"
하느님 "The respected one on the sky"
하늘에 비행기가 있어요 There is a plane in the sky
땅값 The price of land
땅콩 Peanut
한국은 다른 나라보다 땅이 작아요 Korea’s land is small compared to other countries
지하 Underground
지하철 Underground railroad/subway
지하층 Underground floor/basement
지하 주차장 Underground parking lot
차는 지하 주차장에 있어요 The car is in the underground parking lot
빵집 Bakery
빵 껍질 Bread crust
우리는 빵을 같이 먹었어요 We ate bread together
쓰레기 Trash / Garbage
쓰레기통 Garbage can
쓰레기 봉투 Garbage bag
쓰레기를 버려 주세요 Please throw out your garbage
회계사 Accountant
공인회계사 Public accountant
저는 회계사가 되고 싶어요 I want to be an accountant
녹차 Green tea
녹차는 한국에서 유명해요 Green Tea is famous in Korea
잇몸 Gums
이가 빠지다 To lose a tooth
이를 쑤시다 To use a toothpick to pick your teeth
이를 빼다 To get a tooth pulled
이가 시리다 The feeling when your teeth are cold
치과의사는 저의 이를 두 개 뺐어요 The dentist took out two of my teeth
정부 Government
그 회계사는 정부에 대해 나쁜 말을 했어요 That accountant said bad things about the government
성격 Personality
성격 차이 Difference in personalities
그 사람의 성격은 좋아요 That person’s personality is good
온도 Temperature
높은 온도 High temperature
낮은 온도 Low temperature
실내온도 The temperature indoors
온도를 높이다 Increase the temperature
온도를 내리다 Decrease the temperature
체온 Body temperature
교실이 너무 더워서 온도를 내려도 돼요? Because the classroom is too hot, may I lower the temperature?
커튼 Curtains
커튼을 치다 To close the curtains
창문이 커튼으로 가려져 있어요 The window is covered by the curtains
숨을 쉬다 To breathe
숨을 내쉬다 To exhale
숨을 들이마시다 To inhale
공기가 나빠서 저는 숨을 못 쉬어요 I can’t breathe because the air is bad
축하하다 To congratulate
축하합니다! Congratulations!
생일 축하합니다! Happy birthday!
일어나다 To rise / To get up
언제 일어났어요? When did you get up?
준비하다 To prepare / To get ready
준비시간 Preparation time
준비가간 Preparation period
시험준비 Preparation for an exam
저는 지금 갈 준비가 됐어요 I am ready to go now
들어오다 To come in
들어오세요! Come in!
들어오지 마세요! Don't come in!
그 남자는 방에 들어왔어요 That man came into room
들어가다 To go in
샴푸가 눈에 들어갔어요 Shampoo went into my eyes
입장하다 To enter
무료입장 Free admission
입장료 Admission price
몇 시부터 입장할 수 있어요? From what time can we enter?
숨쉬다 To breathe
숨을 못 쉬다 To not be able to breathe
저는 운동을 열심히 하고 숨을 빨리 쉬었어요 After I exercised I was breathing really fast
흥미롭다 To be interesting
그는 흥미로운 삶을 살아요 He lives an interesting life
늦다 To be late
늦게까지 Until a late time
우리가 늦어서 죄송해요 Sorry we arrived late
시원하다 To be cool / To be relaxing
시원한 물 Cool water
아! 시원해! Ah! That feels good!
요즘에 날씨가 시원해요 These days the weather is cool
질투하다 To be jealous
질투심 The feeling of jealousy
저의 남자 친구는 항상 질투해요 My boyfriend is always jealous
맵다 To be spicy
눈이 맵다 The feeling of your eyes burning
저는 매운 것을 못 먹어요 I can’t eat spicy things
죄송하다 To be sorry
미안하다 To be sorry
죄송합니다 Sorry!
미안합니다! Sorry!
죄송하지만... I'm sorry but..
시끄러워서 미안해요 Sorry it is so loud!
무겁다 To be heavy
이 가방은 너무 무거워요 This bag is too heavy
가볍다 To be light
이 가방은 가벼워요 This bag is light
유명하다 To be popular / To be famous
유명한 사람 Famous person
그 가수는 한국에서 매우 유명해요 That singer is very famous in Korea
익숙하다 To be familiar with something
~에 익숙하다 To be accustomed to
~에 익숙하지 않다 To not be accustomed to
저는 한국 음식 맛에 익숙해요 I am used to the taste of Korean food
요즘 These days
저는 요즘에 운동을 많이 해요 I am exercising a lot these days
같이 Together
저는 친구랑 같이 있어요 I’m with my friend
과/와 (Particle) And when always followed by a noun With
랑/이랑 (Particle) And when always followed by a noun With
하고 (Particle) And when always followed by a noun With
에게 (Particle) To indicate that your are doing/giving something to a person, usually written but can be used in conversation
한테 (Particle) To indicate that your are doing/giving something to a person, used in conversation
께 (Particle) To indicate that your are doing/giving something to a person, used with a person with high respect
에게서 (Particle) To indicate that you've received something from someone
한테서 (Particle) To indicate that you've received something from someone
(으)로부터 (Particle) To indicate that you've received something from someone but can be also used when given from a non person
위해(서) To indicate that you are doing something for the benefit of somebody
에 대해 Attached to nouns to mean "About"
Created by: NICKname18
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