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Foundations of Strategic Communication
Question | Answer |
The ability to effectively and appropriately convey messages in various contexts and situations for a specific audience and purpose. | Communication Competence |
Is a deliberate and purposeful approach to conveying messages in a way that achieves desired outcomes. | Strategic Communication |
The framework for understanding how communication works and why people behave the way they do in communicative situations. | Communication Theory |
This plays a necessary role in advancing the understanding of communication and improving communication practices. | Research |
An understanding of characteristics, preferences, and motivations of the target audience essential to crafting communication that drives the desired outcome. | Audience Analysis |
This involves creating content that is tailored to resonate with the target audience, utilizing language, tone, and visuals that connect with their preferences and interests. | Intentional Message Design |
This step is essential as it determines the message's clarity, relevance, and persuasiveness, ultimately influencing its reception and impact. | Appropriate Platform |
Plays a pivotal role in strategic communication, as the success of a message often depends on delivering it at the optimum moment. | Timing |
Is a critical communication effort for strategy development and evaluating success. | Desired Impact |