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ID exam 2


Gonorrhea Bacterium? What kind of Gram (-) Neisseria gonorrhoeae -Gram (-) diplococci
Transmission of Gonorrhea can occur via? sexual contact with penis, vagina, mouth or anus of an infected partner; Perinatally from mother to baby during childbirth
S/sx of Gonorrhea in men and women include? Men: dysuria, white/yellow/green penile discharge, painful swollen testicles Women: dysuria, increased vaginal discharge, vaginal bleeding b/w menstrual bleeding
Who gets screened for Gonorrhea? -All sexually active femails <25 yo -Older women who are at risk (new sex partner, more than 1 sex partner, or sex partner with sexually transmitted infection)
Gonorrhea treatment: For uncomplicated gonococcal infection of the cervix, uretra, pharynx, and/or rectum, Ceftriaxone is drug of choice: Doses are: If < 150 kg: Ceftriaxone 500 mg IM x1 dose If > 150 kg: Ceftriaxaone 1000 mg IM x1 dose
Who is Gonorrhea's best friend? Chlamydia
If Chlamydial co-infection CAN-NOT be EXCLUDED, what drug therapy on top of the Ceftriaxone needs to be give? what dose? ADD doxycycline 100 mg PO BID x 7 days (or azithromycin 1g PO once if pt is PREGNANT)
What are Gonorrhea treatment alternatives if Ceftriaxone is not available? What is the PREFERRED option? Preferred option: Gentamicin 240 mg IM x1 dose + Azithromycin 2000 mg PO x1dose Non-preferred: Cefixime ^1,2 800 mg PO x1dose
The non preferred alternative treatment option for Gonorrhea is Cefixime 800 mg PO x1dose. What should we know and consider about it? Considered alternative due to lower bactericidal blood levels as a 500 mg IM dose of ceftriaxone; Limited efficacy for pharyngeal gonorrhea
For pts with IgE PCN allergy considerations, we will not dispense _____ or ______ and instead give the Genatmicin 250 mg IM in a single dose and Azithromycin 2000 mg PO x 1 dose cetriaxone or Cefixime
For pts with Gonococcal infection of pharynx you need to: Consult infectious disease specialst for alternative treatment *Beck: "Very hard to get rid of Gonorrhea in the throat, consult ID
What are consulting points that you need to tell your pt with gonorrohea treatment? -All pts should be told to abstain from sex for 7 days after tx and until ALL PARTNERS are treated
Counseling point for gonorrhea treatment: If symptomatic, must practice ________ until symptoms resolve; Test for other STIs (HIV, Chlamydia, etc, If HIV negative--> consider offering ____ abstinence; PrEP
Pt follow-up to Gonorrohea treatment: For urogenital or rectal gonorrhea--> No test or cure is ______ Necessary
(Gonorrhea) Pharyngeal infection: culture or NAAT test of cure __-__ days after completing treatment 7-14 days
Gonorrhea--> Retest after treatment ________ if they believe parter was treated REGARDLESS
Critera for Gonorrhea Treatment Failure. Symptoms do not resolve __=__ days after tx and no sex contact during post-tx follow up period; Positive test culture > __ hours or + NAAT > __ days after completeing recommended tx w/ no sex during post-treatment period 3-5 days; 72 hours
Consider ______ _______ (Gonorrhea) for persons w/ (+) culture w/ evidence of decreased susceptibility to Cephalosporin on susceptibility test (regardless of sexual contact during post-tx follow up period treatment failure
Action item (Gonorrhea) ______ all isolates suspected to be treatment failures to the ____ for susceptibility testing REPORT; CDC
New drugs in the pipeline for Super Gonorrhea include: Other tx for super gonorrhea? Zoliflodacin; Gepotidacin -DoxyPEP
Key points: Drug resistance gonorrhea is becoming more______; remember tx options: ______ monotherapy unless chlamydia co-infection can not be ruled out. Prevalent; Ceftriaxone
(Gonorrhea) _______ more likely than treatment failure but if ______ persist after treatment, take cultures and test for susceptibilities Reinfection; symptoms
Syphilis is a ________ from the bacterium Treponema pallidum Spirochete
Transmission of Syphilis occurs when mucocutaneous syphilitic ________ are present lesions
Transmission can come from sex via direct contact of _______ as well as through mother to baby during child ________ ulcer; delivery
Who should be screened for Syphilis? -All pregnant women at first prenatal appt (retest at 28 weeks gestation if high risk pt) -MSM (men who have sex with men) annually -Asymptomatic men or women <29 yo that are high risk
What are the stages of Syphilis? -Primary (lesions on genitalia) -Secondary (going systemic--> spots on hand and soles of feet) -Tertiary (deeper into the skin, form Goomas onto organs) -Latent (Quiet) -Neurosyphilis (syphilis in the brain, get into eyes affecting vision)
What is my gold standard treatment option for Syphilis? Brand name? Parenteral Penicillin G (contains Benzathine) Bycillin LA *Benzathine Penicillin (generic)
Which brand name should we reject during verification because it doesnt contain enough dose needed to wipe out syphilis? Bicillin C-R *Salt formation matters
Who gets treated for syphilis? -PREGNANT WOMEN -People who had sexual contact with a person who received diagnosis of primary, secondary, or early latent syphilis
During a drug shortage, who gets top preference for treatment? Why is there a shortage? PREGNANT WOMEN; Pfizer cant keep up with demand of Bycillin LA (*thank you stewardship programs)
when a pt gets reaction to the Bycillin-LA, do we write it down in their chart as an allergy? No, its not a Penicillin allergy. Its known as a Jarish-Herxheimer Reaction
What should you tell your pt when taking this injection of elmer's glue (Penicillin G) -They will feel like garbage; worst flu of their life; warn pts of the rxn (Jarish-Herxheimer rxn) -Might induce early labor or cause fetal distress in pregnant women but this should not prevent or delay therapy
How can symptoms of the Jarish Herxeimer rxn be managed? Antipyretics can be used to manage symptoms but are not proven to efficacious in preventing rxn.
Treatment for Syphilis and follow up period? Benzathine Penicillin G (2.4 million units IM in a single dose) Follow up: within 6-12 months after treatment
Treatment failure in syphilis can more likely occur due to? reinfection, or Failure of nontreponemal test titers to decrease 4 fold w/in 12 months after therapy might be indicative of tx failure
What are my alternatives for a Pen allergy? (Syphilis Treatment) -Doxycycline 100 mg PO BID x 14 days (not for pregnancy) OR -Tetracycline 500 mg PO QID x14 days -Ceftriaxone 1 g IM/IV daily for 10 days (admitted only for neuro syphilis, would otherwise be treated out-pt) -Azithromycin 2g PO single dose (there is resistance and may not work in curing syphilis
If a pregnant pt has a PCN allergy and we want to give them the best option we can and not an alternative, what do we do? DESENSITIZE pt to PCN (micro-doses of PCN but not enough to get anaphylaxis and eventually give pt the full dose)
Pt comes in with latent symptoms of Syphilis. What is latency? Is it transmissible during this period? Tx options? characterized by seroactivity w/o evidence of primary, secondary, or tertiary syphilis; acquired during last 12 months; not transmitted sexually so purpose is to prevent complications of syphilis; Tx doesnt change (Pen G 2.4 million units IM x1 dose)
Early latent Syphilis tx is 2.4 million units IM in a _______ dose. Late or syphilis of unknown duration gets a total of ____ million units in a span of 3 weeks. single; 7.2
Follow up period for latent syphilis treatment follows a _________ nontreponemal serological test repeated at months __, ___, ___ months Quantitative; 6, 12,24
In Late latent dosing there is _______ ________ on what to do. Clinicians indicate that an interval of __-___ days b/w doses of benzathine Penicillin before RESTARTING the sequence limited evidence; 10-14
If a pt waits more than 14 days (i.e. day 15) and comes in for their next dose, do they get the dose or restart? RESTART the 3 star shot series
What is the time interval for pregnant women during Late Latent syphilis? Time window between doses is 9 days. If they wait more than 9 days b/w shots, they must repeat the full course
For late latent syphilis (perhaps a year ago) treatment is extended from 14 days to 28 days for which meds? (*due to a PEN allergy) Doxycycline 100 mg PO BID x28 days Tetracycline 500 mg PO QID x28 days
What is the treatment dosing for Tertiary Syphilis? Must have "normal" CSF examination (so no Goomas in brain) -Benzathine Penicillin G 7.2 million units total, administered as 2.4 million units IM as 3 doses once a week)
Ok, so Goomas are in my brain and syphilis is rampant in my body, this is known as _______ Neurosyphilis
What are my treatment options for Neurosyphilis? Aqueous crystalline pen G 18-24 million units per day adminsitered 3-4 million unts IV Q4h or continueous infusion for 10-14 days
Neurosyphilis for PCN allergy treatment option is? Ceftriaxaone 1-2g IM/IV daily for 10 days
What is my follow up time after Neurosyphilis treatment? If CSF (+) initially--> CSF examination repeated every 6 months until cell count is normal
What if the treatment for neurosyphilis didn't work? should the treatment be repeated? "Re-treat" if cell count is not decreased after 6 months or if CSD cell count or protein not normal after 2 years
What is Chlamydia? Obligate intracellular parasite from the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis
how does a pt get diagnosed with chlamydia? urethra swab or first void urine
What symptoms occur among men and women? usually asymptomatic Men: dysuria, penile discharge Women: dysuria, vaginal discharge
Chlamydia complications include: PID, ectopic pregnancy, and infertility
Who gets screened for Chlamydia? sexually active women < 25 yo; older women at high risk of infection
What are the treatment goals of Chlamydia? -Prevent adverse reproductive health complications and continued sexual transmission -Treating Sex partners -Prevent reinfection -Prevent transmission to baby during birth
What is the recommended tx option for Chlamydia? Doxycyline 100 mg PO BID for 7 days
What is the alternative tx option for Chlamydia? Azithromycin 1000 mg PO x 1 dose OR Levofloxacin 500 mg PO daily for 7 days
What does a pt need to hear while on the Chlamydia treatment? Abstain from sexual activity for 7 days after single dose therapy or until completion of 7 day regimen and resolution of symptoms (if present)
When should a pt re-test for cure status? Test of cure not recommended (repeat testing 3-4 weeks after completing therapy) unless symptoms still persist or re-infection is suspected
According to BECK, if your pt is pregnant what drug and dose is recomennded? Is there an alternative? Azithromycin 1g PO as a single dose (Recommended) Amoxicillin 500 mg PO TID for 7 days (Alternative)
What are the key points that Beck wanted us to know about Syphilis? pts will usually be asymptomatic but should screen <25 yo sexually active females annually -1st line tx: doxycycline 100 mg PO x 7days
What is my STI PEP option? (Prevent Bacterial STIs Post Exposure) Bacterial STI POST-EXPOSURE -Doxycycline 200 mg PO x 1 w/in 72 hours of exposure
Who gets STI PEP? gay, bisexual, MSM, trans women w/ history of bacterial STI (especially syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia) during last 12 months
Bacterial Vaginosis comes from _______ bacteria. *not necessarily an STI anaerobic
List the species of anaerobic bacteria that can cause Bacterial vaginosis G. vaginals; Provotella species; Mobiluncas species; A. Vaginae
How does one get diagnosed with Bacterial Vaginalis? Nugent score or Amsel Diagnostic criteria: -homogenous discharge -Clue cells (epithelial cells studded with adherent bacteria) -pH of vaginal fluid >4.5 - (+) WHIFF TEST
What is the main diagnosis for Bacterial Vaginosis to get seen? (+) WHIFF TEST
What symptoms would an individual experience when dealing with bacterial vaginosis? vaginal discharge, itching, burning, or ODOR
Give me the risk factors for Bacterial vaginosis Non-monogamous relationship, new sex partner, lack of condom use, douching, and HSV infection
What are my first line preferred treatment options for bacterial vaginosis? -Metronidazole 500 mg PO BID for 7 days -Metronidazole gel 0.75% --> 1 applicatorful (5g) Intravaginally daily for 5 days -Clindamycin cream 2%--> 1 applicatorful (5g) intravaginally QHS for 7 days
What are my Alternative treatment options for bacterial vaginosis? -Clindamycin 300 mg PO BID for 7 days -Clindamycin ovules 100 mg intravaginally QHS for 3 days -Secnidazole 2g PO daily x 1dose -Tinidazole 2g daily x2days -Tinidazole 1g daily x5days
What are my counseling points for pt taking metronidazole for bacterial vaginosis? NO ALCOHOL during treatment
If a pt drinks alcohol while taking metronidazole, what side effects should they be told about? Metronidazole has to be absorbed systemically. if pt drinks, they will get the disulfiram rxn (get violently ill)
What are my counseling points for pt taking Clindamycin for bacterial vaginosis? Cream/ovules formulation: oil based and may weaken latex condoms and diaphragm for 5 days after use so back up with contraception if engaging in sexual activity; Other side effects would be diarrhea with PO option
What is the box warning with PO Clindamycin? Box warning--> C. Diff diarrhea, pt will get diarrhea even if they dont have C.Diff. (the longer you take it, the more diarrhea you get)
What are my counseling points for pt taking Secnidazole for bacterial vaginosis? Medication comes in granules that can be sprinkled into unsweetened applesauce, yogurt or pudding before ingestion. Make sure pt does not chew or break up the granules
Encourage pt to _____ from sexual activity during treatment abstain
What is the Jarish-Hexheimer reaction? Acute febrile reaction accompanied by headache, myalgia, fever within 24 hours of treatment
Created by: Xander635
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