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AP Lista N.5

aguantar to endure, to tolerate
difundir to spread
lograr to achieve, to manage (to)
los antepasados ancestors, forefathers
quejarse to complain, to grumble
merecer to deserve
los derechos rights
el orgullo pride
superar to overcome, to surpass
la supervivencia survival
destacado/a outstanding, distinguished
señalar a to point to; to signal
la raza race
las sobras leftovers, remnants
campensino/a farmer
vale la pena it's worth it
la cordillera mountain range
el cuero leather, hide
el golazo amazing goal
investigar to research, to investigate
la patria homeland
el peyote a variety of cactus that is characterized by its psychoactive properties; often utilized in indigenous rituals
un trago a drink, a swig
una viña vineyard
la caña cane
colgar (ue) to hang (up)
luchar por to fight for
una canasta basket
valorar to value, to appreciate
la herencia inheritance, legacy
aportar to contribute, to provide
fracasar to fail, not succeed
la conquista conquest
misioneros missionaries
cumplir to fulfill, to carry out
el atardecer late afternoon; to get dark
el agua bendita holy water
los marullos big waves
derrumbar to demolish
la guerra war
Created by: user-1749854
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