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A1 & A2 -description

adverbs of degree; adjectives

más que more than
menos que less than
un poco a little
algo somewhat
casi almost
demasiado too (much)
muy very
tan so (to an extent - so cute)
bastante fairly; rather
sumamente; super extremely
puedo ser I can be
puede ser he/she can be
mi(s) my
tu(s) your (talking to a friend)
su(s) his/her/its/their/your (formal)
nuestro(s); nuestra(s) our
vuestro(s); vuestra(s) your (talking to a group of friends - Spain)
distraído absent-minded; distracted
cariñoso affectionate
todos; todas all
molesto; pesado annoying
atlético athletic
atento attentive
malo bad
calvo bald
bello; hermoso beautiful
mejor better; best
grande big
negro black
rubio blond
azul blue
atrevido daring; bold
aburrido boring (with ser) bored (with estar)
los dos; ambos both
valiente brave
brasileño Brazilian
café; marrón brown
castaño brunette
canadiense Canadian
alegre cheerful
listo clever; smart (with ser) ready (with estar)
complicado complicated
loco crazy
rizado curly
muerto dead (used with estar)
decidido determined
diferente; distinto different
difícil difficult
fácil easy
enérgico energetic
caro expensive
extrovertido extroverted
rápido; veloz fast
gordo fat
favorito favorite
poco few; a little
primero first
tonto foolish
francés French
amigable; amable friendly
divertido fun
cómico; gracioso; chistoso funny
alemán German
bueno good
gris gray
verde green
gruñón; gruñona grumpy
guapo handsome
feliz happy
trabajador hard-working
hispánico; latino Hispanic
honesto honest
deshonesto dishonest
inmaduro immature
importante important
barato inexpensive
interesante interesting
introvertido introverted
italiano Italian
justo just; fair
injusto unfair
amable; agradable kind
último last (like the last one of a series)
perezoso; vago lazy
pequeño little; small
largo long
leal loyal
muchos many
maduro mature
antipático mean
desordenado messy
musculoso muscular
ordenado neat
nuevo new
simpático nice
ruidoso noisy
viejo old
mayor older
hijo único only child
abierto open
optimista optimistic
anaranjado orange
otro other; another
pálido pale
perfecto perfect
pesimista pessimistic
rosado; rosa pink
cortés; educado polite
pobre poor
popular popular
práctico practical; realistic
bonito; lindo pretty
orgulloso proud
violeta; morado purple
rápido quick
quieto quiet
rojo red
pelirrojo red-headed
rico rich
descortés; mal educado rude
triste sad (use with estar)
sensible sensitive
serio serious
varios several
corto short (in length)
bajo short (in height)
tímido shy; timid
enfermo sick (with estar)
semejante; similar similar
flaco skinny
despacio; lento slow
pequeño small
inteligente smart
español Spanish
fuerte strong
terco; obstinado stubborn
estúpido stupid
charlador talkative
alto tall
delgado thin
tímido timid
cansado tiring (with ser) tired (with estar)
confiable trustworthy
feo ugly
débil; flojo weak
blanco white
ancho wide
peor worse
amarillo yellow
joven young
menor younger
Created by: bethlawrence
Popular Spanish sets




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