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WWW List 61-70

All of the stems and derivatives

per through
co together
trans across
biblio book
phile love
demo people
graph write
sangui blood
cred believe
in not
plex weave
inter between
ob against
tens stretch
micro small
cosmo universe
de down
anim mind
neo new
phyte plant
mens measure
non not
plus more
confuse perplex
abundant copious
cross traverse
book lover bibliophile
study of populations demography
cheerful sanguine
showy ostentatious
small universe microcosm
toss out the window defenestrate
intent or hatred animus
perplexed nonplussed
prohibition interdiction
of like measure commensurate
beginner neophyte
not believing incredulous
de down
punct point
tude state of
pre before
ad to
hend grasp
pro before
in not
dol suffer
per through
ag to do
val worth
ous full of
lent full of
put think
moll soft
greg group
alter other
ego I
ambi both
to object demur
sharp poignant
langour lassitude
understand apprehend
amazing prodigious
lazy indolent
flippant style persiflage
indefinite ambiguous
conflicting feeling ambivalence
low-class declasse
thought-to-be putative
make soft mollify
sociable gregarious
heated dispute altercation
second self alter ego
phile love
andro man
apo away
crypt hidden
tend stretch
in in
port carry
caco bad
ethos custom
pre before
cap take
ver true
ex out
tude state of
punct point
acr sharp
per through
fid faith
phon sound
tang touch
luc light
to engage in love affairs philander
unauthentic works apocrypha
slanted tendentious
to trouble with requests importune
pithy saying apothegm
mania cacoethes
maxim precept
truthful veridical
physical beauty pulchritude
completely removed expunge
sharpness of temper acerbity
breach of faith perfidy
semitransparent translucent
bad noise cacophony
touchable tangible
alter other
ob against
sequ follow
ex out
pend hang
und wave
ate cause
amat love
xero dry
ous full of
sed sit
nihil nothing
ism doctrine
inter between
ab away
con together
de down
de away
concern for others altruism
funeral ceremonies obsequies
departure exodus
sadly thoughtful pensive
healthful salubrious
modest or affectedly modest demure
to wave undulate
friendly amiable
lessen abate
clear and calm serene
servilely following obsequious
calm sedate
lower oneself condescend
belief in nothing nihilism
small space interstice
dia across
ous full of
soph wisdom
ist one who
ex out
de down
cup desire
lent full of
ed eat
ven come
ten hold
inter between
locu talk
apo away
auto self
dis away
nod knot
medi middle
circum around
culp blame
logical argument dialectic
reckless temerarious
specious reasoner sophist
scholarly erudite
publicly condemn denounce
intense desire or lust concupiscence
edible esculent
holding stubbornly pertinacious
person in conversation interlocutor
concise wisdom aphorism
self-taught person autodidact
outcome, unraveling denouement
in the middle of things in medias res
get around circumvent
free from blame exculpate
cup desire
medi middle
proto first
ous full of
vid look
fic make
ate cause
mend flaw
uxor wife
apo away
phan say
re back
ob against
jur swear
sopor sleep
eu good
phor carry
dicho in two parts
tomy cut
epi on
phan appearance
greed cupidity
of low quality mediocre
rules of ceremony protocol
disgusting odious
face visage
speak dogmatically pontificate
wife-doting uxorious
mention by denial apophasis
sharp reprimand rebuke
rebuke objurgation
sleep-inducing soporific
joy euphoria
two-part division dichotomy
revelation epiphany
ek out
lect gather
numen deity
ous full of
mend flaw
ob against
phan say
pro forward
re again
a not
null none
fid faith
rid laugh
sed sit
ad to
ine nature of
vac empty
ex out
pusill small
anim mind
from various sources eclectic
supernatural numinous
beggar mendicant
complacently stupid fatuous
being forgotten oblivion
favorably disposed propitious
repay requite
loss of speech aphasia
faithless person nullifidian
laughable risible
persevering assiduous
gloomy and remote saturnine
stupidly empty of ideas vacuous
from the throne ex cathedra
small-minded pusillanimous
sub under
fid faith
ex out
act to do
im not
lum light
i plural
mony condition
psych soul
osis condition
phon sound
neuro nerve
ous full of
per through
ager field
re again
de down
ideo idea
pre before
curs run
eu good
ate cause
noble sublime
burning a heretic auto da fe
enthusiastic ebullient
exemption from punishment impunity
enlightened intellects illuminati
state dominance hegemony
major mental illness psychosis
mental disorder neurosis
oily oleaginous
to travel peregrinate
repeat reiterate
rambling desultory
obsession idee fixe
forerunner precursor
beautiful sound euphony
ad to
ten thin
extra beyond
pro forward
fundus bottom
se apart
in in
per through
ven come
phan appearance
pro before
legein to speak
hedon pleasure
ism doctrine
pater father
mis bad
cred believe
terr land
de from
thinned attenuated
from outside extraneous
deep profound
diligent sedulous
infancy incunabula
an upstart parvenu
an obsequious parasite sycophant
a slow movement adagio
disuse desuetude
preliminary statement prolegomenon
devotion to pleasure hedonism
self-infatuation narcissism
aristocratic patrician
evil unbeliever miscreant
solid ground terra firma
in in
peri around
patein to walk
ambi around
ten thin
duct lead
cilium eyelid
ous full of
ad to
ite adherent
sub under
ism doctrine
vale farewell
dict say
tion act or state
super over
mort death
ex out
pos put
dis from
rogat ask
just begun inchoate
walking peripatetic
surrounding ambient
thin tenuous
malleable ductile
by chance fortuitous
substitute surrogate
indirectly refer allude
partially dressed dishabille
devotee of luxury sybarite
indifference to sensation stoicism
farewell speech valediction
scornful supercilious
dying moribund
explanatory expository
untruthful mendacious
Created by: KATE THE GREAT!!
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