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ID Exam 3 A

Ramsinghani Cyclic Peptide Antibiotics

What are the common features seen in cyclic antibiotics? they are natural products (some analogs); Peptide bonds; cyclic structure; D-amino acids; Unusual amino acids; more toxic to host than other antibioitcs
Vancomycin is a ________ containing a sugar and a peptide sturcutre where 2 sugars are __________ linked to one another. Glycopeptide; glycocydically linked
What 2 sugars are seen in Vancomycine? how many peptide bonds are present in Vancomycin? Vancosamine and Glucose; 6
What is the MOA of Vancomycin? inhibition of cell wall synthesis; binds to the D-Ala-D-Ala of NAM-NAG monomer--> inhinitng the polymerization and also prevents the cross linking
What 2 enzymes are prevented when using Vancomycin? transglycosylase and transpeptidase
What is the Antibacterial spectrum of Vancomycin? Gram + only
Due to Vancomycin's insufficent oral absorption its given IV, yet its ORAL form can be used for ___ __________ such as Clostridioides difficile overgrowth GI infections
What are the ADR's of Vancomycin? Vancomycin Infusion rxn (VIR); **Ototoxicity and Nephrotoxicitiy
When Vanco is given as a slow infusion, it helps to manage the VIR, what should we use to pre-treat the pt? antihistamines
The Mechanisms of bacterial resistance of Vancomycin is? Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus (VRE)
VRE is cuased by E. faecium, and E. faecalis which can change the target D-Ala-D-Ala to what? D-Ala-D-LACTATE or D-Ala-D-SER (this transfer of target will cause poor binding)
VRSA (Vancomycin resistant S. Aureus) can occur with a gene transfer from VRE to MRSA, what is the name of this gene? VanA
VISA can occur via intermediated staph aureus which occur when stapf can thicken their ______ _____ where the drug can't get to teh targe easily cell wall (VISA: cell wall thickening)
Vancomycin is mostly used in the hospital setting for treating _____. Vancomycin's half-life and PPB is? MRSA; 4-6h; 55%
What are your semi-synthetic derivatives of Vancomycin? What are their half-lives due to their high Plasma protein binding of (90%)? Due to their PK, these will be dosed ______ _______ TelaVANcin (6-9h), DalbaVANcin (346h), OritaVANcin (245h); less frequently
Telavancin, Dalbavancin, and Oritavancin MOA is? same as Vancomycin PLUS disruption of cell membrane integrity
Vanco is given every? Telavancin is dosed? Dalbavanic and Oritavancin are: 8-12 hours; once daily single dose
Your semi-synthetic vanco derivatives are all active against gram (+), which species? MSSA, MRSA, VRSA, and VISA
Your semi-synthetic vanco's are used to treat? acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections yet TelaVANcin can be used to treat HAP and VAP
Which features of your cyclic peptides are protective of its structure from degradation? cyclic peptide structurel unusual amino acids D-Amino acids
Daptomycin is a cyclic lipopolypeptide containing a lipid tail with 9 carbons. Its MOA is? binds to cell membranes and causes DEPOLARIZATION (causes a change where K+ can come out causing depolarization)
Daptomycin's antibacterial spectrum is for ____ ___ especially for sink and skin structure infection such as _____, _____ Gram (+); MRSA, VRE
Daptomycin has poor oral absorption and is given as a slow IV infusion. Its adverse rxns are: muscle pain/weakness and increased serum creatinine phosphokinase
What Drug interactions can occur with Daptomycin? HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors leading to an increased risk of skeletal muscle toxicity (Rhabdo)
Colistin also known as ______ __ is a CATIONIC antibiotic that binds to the anionic bacterial _____ _______ leading to a disruption of membrane integrity Polymixin E; OUTER MEMBRANE
Colistin (Polymixin E) contains 2 amino groups that can be charged at Physiological pH. Its use is effective against? Gram (-) bacteria
How does collistin bind to gram (-) bacteria? Their outer membrane is a lipo-polysaccharide rich in phosphates which are negatively charged so the + charged drug will bind to the (-) charge phosphates of the outer membrane
Colistin contains DAB which stands for __ _______ _______ _____. its structure contains 2 amnio groups which can be + charged at physiological pH Di-amino buteric acid
Colistin comes in what drug formulations? Colistimethate Na-->IM injection or as an Oral inhalation **oral inhalation of colistin can be used for CYSTIC FIBROSIS
Colistin's antibacterial spectrum is? active against gram (-) bacilli especially P. aeruginosa *RAMSINGHANI "remember it has the DAB
Colisitin is Polymixin E containing DAB which contains D-Leu; however if D-leu converts to D-Phe it becomes: Polymixin B (Cyclic Lipopeptide)
Colistin's main PK's to remember are: Metabolism: Colistimethate--> Colisitin (Active form) This is where DAB is modified with a Na+); Toxicity: nephrotoxicity; Neuromusclular blockade
Drug interactions with Colistin: We see increased nephrotoxicity when Colistin is added with (1) We see increased neuromuscular blockade when Colistin is added with (2) 1. aminoglycosides; amphotericin B; and Vancomycin 2. with neuromuscular blocking agents i.e. Succinylcholine
Mechanism of Bacterial resistance for Colistin can occur via: changes in the outer lipopolysaccharide layer or phosphate content leading to ---> decreased binding of the drug
Bacitracin's MOA is? interferes with the dephosphorylation of the glycophsopholipid carrier in the cell wall synthesis
Ramsinghani wants us to know the antibiotics that make up "TRIPLE ANTIBIOTIC" Bacitracin Zn Neomycin sulfate Polymixin B sulfate
Bacitracin's antibacterial spectrum includes? activity against gram (+) bacteria
Adverse rxns of Bacitracin include: Neurotoxicity Nephrotoxicity Bone marrow toxicity
Due to its toxicity profile, Bacitracin is given? topically
Mupirocin is ______ a cyclic structure. Its a 9-carbon chain lipid structure. NOT
What is Mupirocin's MOA? bind specificlaly to bacterial ISOLEUCINE (tRNA synthetase)--> preventing incorporation of isoleucine into bacterial proteins for protein synthesis.
Mupirocin's antibacterial spectrum includes: primarily against gram (+) streptococcal and staphylococcal infections with activity against MRSA
Mupirocin's PK profile: Absorption: systemic absorption through intact skin and skin lesions is minimal. Its Metabolism when applied to the skin causes what? rapid hydrolysis to MONIC ACID (hydrolysis at ester group)
The mechanism of bacterial resistance with Mupirocin is rare but bacteria can synthesize a BYPASS known as? Alteration of target "Bypass" synthetase
Mupirocin can be used via? topically and intranasal (nasal MRSA)
Which is the only cyclic peptide for gram (-) bacteria? Colistin (due to containing DAB)
Which of your cyclic peptides should NOT be used with other nephrotoxic drugs? Vancomycin and Colistin; Bacitracin is a topical preparation so we don't have to worry about nephrotoxicity.
Key points to remember: Cyclic peptide antibiotics are mostly (1) ____ _____. They have (2)_____ MOA. They are active against gram -positive bacteria, except (3)_____. They possess (4) ____ drug toxicities 1. natural compounds 2. diverse 3. Colistin 4. unique
Created by: Xander635
Popular Pharmacology sets




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