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Musicianship 1

Music Theory

What is the natural minor? A scale only using the minor key signature
What is the harmonic minor scale? A scale which using the minor key signature and a raised 7th
What is the melodic minor scale? A scale which uses the minor key signature and a raised 6th and 7th while ascending and becomes a natural minor scale while descending.
What is the natural minor t/s pattern? TSTTSTT
What is the harmonic minor t/s pattern? TSTTSA2S
What is the melodic minor t/s pattern? TSTTTTS
What is the order of sharps? FCGDAEB
What is the order of flats? BEADGCF
What is a relative key signature? A major and minor scale which use the same key signature. They are located a minor third apart.
What is the t/s pattern for a major scale? TTSTTTS
What is another name for the natural minor scale? The Aeolian mode
What are parallel keys? Keys that share the same tonic but not the key signature.
What is the name of an interval when the notes are played simultaneously? A harmonic interval
What is the name of an interval when the notes are played one after another? A melodic interval
How many semitones are in a major third? 4
How many semitones are in a minor third? 3
What are the perfect intervals? Unison, fourths, fifths and octaves
Why are major and minor intervals called diatonic? Because they naturally appear in major and minor scales
What is the order of intervals? Diminished, minor, major augmented Diminished, perfect, augemented
What is a tritone? An interval that spans three whole steps. It can also be called an augmented 4th.
What are the most common augmented intervals? A2, A4, A6
What are the most common diminished intervals? d4, d5, d7
What is interval inversion? When one pitch of the interval is moved up an octave
What is a compound interval? An interval that exceeds an octave
What is the order of scale degrees? Tonic, supertonic, mediant, subdominant, dominant submediant, subdominant/leading note
When is a scale degree called the leading note? When the note is only a semitone away from the tonic
When is a scale degree called the subtonic? When the note is a tone away from the tonic
What is the difference between the root and bass note in a chord? The root has the same pitch regardless of where it is placed in the chord whereas the bass note is always the lowest note
What is the lower and upper tetrachord of a diminished chord? m3 - m3
What is the lower and upper tetrachord of a minor chord? m3 - M3
What is the lower and upper tetrachord of a major chord? M3 - m3
What is the lower and upper tetrachord of an augmented chord? M3 - M3
What type of roman numerals are used to indicate a major chord? Upper case roman numerals
What type of roman numerals are used to indicate a minor chord? Lower case roman numerals
What type of roman numerals are used to indicate a diminished chord? Lower case roman numerals with a superscript 'o'
What type of roman numerals are used to indicate an augmented chord? Uppercase roman numerals with a '+'
In a major key, which chords are major? I, IV, V
In a major key, which chords are minor? ii, iii, vi
Which chord in a major key is diminished? vii'o'
In a harmonic minor key, which chords are minor? i, iv
In a harmonic minor key, which chords are major? V, VI, VII (subtonic)
In a harmonic minor key, which chords are diminished? ii'o', vii'o'
In a harmonic minor key, which chords are augmented? III+
How do we write a root position chord? I(5/3), I
How do we write a first inversion chord? I(6/3), I(6)
How do we write a second inversion chord? I(6/4)
How do you play a root position triad? The left hand must play the root. It does not matter what inversion the right hand plays.
In a chord, what intervals can be doubled? Root and dominant
When can you double the third? When the chord is diminished
What is a closed position chord? When the notes are spaces as close as possible to one another
What is an opened position chord? When the notes are spaced more widely
How do you determine the inversion of the chord? The lowest note of the chord determines it's inversion
What is the soprano range? C4 - G5
What is the alto range? F3 - C5
What is the tenor range? C3 - G4
What is the bass range? F2 - C4
How far can the upper three parts of a 4 part harmony be apart? No more than an octave
How far can the bass and tenor be apart from one another? No more than a 12th
In second inversion chords, what note can be doubles? Only the bass note
What are the rules for writing a diminished chord? Only write it in first inversion, double the 3rd or 5th, do not the double the root of a vii(o) but you can for a ii(o)
If given a major key signature with sharps, how do you find the key? from the last sharp, go up by one semitone
If given the major key, how do you find the key signature that has sharps? Go down one semitone from the key to get the last sharp of the scale
If given a major key signature with flats, how do you find the key? The second last flat is the key signature
If given the major key, how do you find the key signature that has flats? From the key, go up one flat in the order of flats to they the total number of flats in the key
What are the main voice leading rules? Each part moves to the closest note, no jumps bigger than a 6th, no diminished or augmented intervals, no part crossing, keep notes in the same part if two chords share the same note, leading note always goes to the tonic
What are the additional voice leading rule? No parallel fifths or octaves,
How do you make your four part harmony sound interesting? Change the soprano note and use inversions and change the middle notes of chords
What rule must be followed when chord progressions rise by a second? The upper parts should move in contrary motion to the bass
When can you use a vii(o) chord? When it is placed between a I and I(6) chord
When can you write two fifths consecuatively? When one is perfect and one is diminished
How are exposed octaves and fifths created? When soprano leaps more than a second, bass moves in similar motion and a perfect 5ht or octave is created
What chords can a chord V move to? I/i, VI/vi, not ii and rarely IV/iv
What chords can a chord ii (major keys) move to? V, not I, sometimes IV but it must be followed by a V chord
What chords can a chord IV move to? V, VI/vi, can go to ii, but must be followed by V
What chords can a chord VI/vi move to? ii, IV/iv, I/i, rarely V
What are some general rules for chord progressions? Don't repeat a chord across a bar line, don't repeat a bass note across a bar line, bass note can't rise a third from week to strong beats, descending a third from weak to strong is good
When do cadences occur? At the end of a musical phrase, section or at the end of the piece
What is a perfect authentic cadence? V - I
When is a cadence called an imperfect authentic cadence? When one of the chords is a first inversion
In a cadence, if the leading note is in the tenor of alto section, it can Drop to the fifth of the next chord
What is a plagal cadence? IV - I, it often involves a first inversion
What is a half or imperfect cadence? A cadence that ends on a V chord, I - V, ii - V, IV - V, it is like a comma in a phrase
What happens when a perfect or imperfect cadence has a first inversion in it? The sense of tonal stability is weakened
What is an interrupted or deceptive cadence? V - VI, it is like a question mark in a phrase
In which chord progression can you double the third? From V - VI, leading note resolves to tonic
Created by: Jurassica18
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