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AWS Cloud Practitioner

What is a ALB Application Load Balancer
What does ALB protect HTTPS/HTTP layer 7
What is NLB Network Load Balancer
What does NLB protect UDP/TCS
What does CROPSS (The Pillars) stand for Cost optimization, Reliability , Operational Excellence, Performance Efficiency, Security, Sustainability
What is auto scaling Horizontally scaling by increasing instances, reboots unhealthy instances
Security Groups Protects the instance, stateful, blocks in bound by default, traffic allowed in is allowed out, explicitly deny, rules can be modified anytime
NACL stands for Network access control list
NACLs Protects subnet, stateless, allows inbound and outbound default, rules can be modified after dissociation
What is Direct Connect Connects network directly to the AWS Cloud (Storage/Transit Gateways)
SaaS Software as a service, requires no instillation, simple easy
IaaS Infrastructure as a Service, Configure everything except hardware , volume and storage
PaaS Platform as a service, focuses on application level coding, DevOps related
Scalability Increase/ decrease by usage with users
Elastic Increase /decrease by compute resources on demand
ECR (Elastic container Registery) Stores Docker Images to be deployed by ECS
Amazon Machine Image (AMI) Is a template for EC2 instance
Elastic Beanstalk Deploys apps without managing, it handles hardware, Like PAAS
Elastic Block Store (EBS) Allows to add blocks to EC2 to share more permanent storage , for frequent updates , has SSD and HD drives
Elastic File Store (EFS) Like File system , allow access parallel across AZ like Google docs mount on ec2
Simple Storage Service (S3) Unlimited size, object bucket storage, fast read and writes , 100 max
S3 sizes 0-5TB
6 Types of S3 (ITs GF S O SIt GIRl) Intelligence tiering, Glacier Flexible, standard, standard infrequent, glacier instant removal, outpost
Dynamo DB NoSQL non relational Database, is Key-Value
Aurora SQL relational Database, unlimited compute and storage
Amazon RDS SQL Relational Database, on dedicated hardware in AWS, no pen test and automated backups
MemoryDB for Redis In memory Database for fast read and writes
Amazon Redshift Petabyte warehouse Relational DB
Storage Gateway Hybrid storage , acts as a staging area for data to upload to AWS, reduce cost of transfer
Quantum Ledger Database QLDB Fully Managed, No SQL database
Neptune DB Fully managed, Graph , no SQL
AWS Keyspace Fully managed, serverless for apace Kassandra
CIDR sizes /16(largest) to /28 (smallest)
Notions for AZs Sa-East-1a
A region contains 1 or more Azs
DaaS Desktop as a. Service (WorkSpaces)
How are AZs connected Low latency networks
Root user Is to create admin accounts only when necessary
Simple Queue service SQS Stores messages until it’s read, processes until timeout,
Simple Notification Service SNS Subscribers are lambda and email , publishers are Cloud Front
Web Applications Firewall WAF Prevents common web attacks layer 7
AWS Sheild Stops DDOS, in layer 3 4, and use with WAF
Amazon Inspector Analyze EC2 instances
Amazon guard Duty Uses AI to look at CloudTrail
Amazon Maice Scans s3 for sensitive info
What is EC2 Virtual Server instance that has ephemeral storage
Amazon Cloud Front Content Delivery network that sends data to edge location for faster loading think Netflix can change content language based on location
AWS Global Accelerator Directs web traffic to make loading faster,
Route 53 Domain Name service can route to S3 or EC2 or other domains
Cloud formation Templates can be made for pay SDKs version control
Cloud Trail Monitor/Audit ,track API usage, track users threats and vulnerabilities stored in S3
Cloud Watch Watches utilization, health , performance, notify when events occur
Virtualization allows you to Reduce expenses and pool Resources
Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF) Build from beginning, migrate to AWS or adopt
Principle of least privilege Only have access to what you need
Aws artifact Comply with security standard and compliance reports , you are still responsible for infrastructure, track status of agreements
Infrastructure as code Iaac Allows users to specify config and deploy when needed Bean stalk, lambda, cloud formation
Amazon lightSail Helps get started with simple projects, you specify infrastructure
Snow family Snow cone(14TB) snowball (80-14TB) snowmobile(100Petabytes)
SageMaker Helps build maintain deploy ML models
Amazon Lex Voice assistant and chat box AI
Amazon Kendra Intelligent search ML NLP
Data Lake Store structured and unstructured data with analytics s3
Amazon Athena Analyze s3 data lake
AWS glue Uses diverse data sets and cleans them
Amazon Kinesis Collects and processes realtime LARGE data in shards into Dynamo DB
Transit Gateway Connects VPC 1:1
FSx is for Niche Windows applications , luster for Linux, Ontap, open zfs
Classic load balancer Is like ALB and NLB it’s is not supported
AWS certificate manager Manages ssl and tls certificates
AWS Service Catalog Catalog of AWS resources
AWS Step functions No code state machine that manage workflows
Economy of scale means to Save when you buy more
AWS Directory service allows Connect aws resources to Microsoft Active Directory
VPC Peering connects virtual private clouds
VPC flow logs collect Information about IP traffic coming and going
Bastion Hosts Connect private subnets to the Internet
What ELB is better for high traffic NLB
AWS Management Console contains Regions and Services
Cloud watch uses what to initiate Alarms
Fargate is to Run containers without managing servers or clusters
Elastic Container Service(ECS) Allows you to run docker enable applications , uses files stored on ecr
AWS Billing and Cost Management contains Billing and payments, cost analysis, cost organization, budget and planning, savings and commitments
In Cost Analysis there is AWS Cost Explorer what does it do Analyze cost using visuals filtering and grouping. And forecast costs 12 months ahead and behind CURRENT SERVICE
What is a cost allocation tag A tag that can organize and view items in Cost Explorer
What are Budgets Govern cost and usage across organization and receive alert when exceeding defined thresholds
What is AWS Organization Consolidated Billing which is good for easy tracking, combined usage and no extra fee
AWS Pricing Calculator Tool to create cost estimates for for complex services like EC2. They can be organized into Groups BEFORE BUILDING
What are Quotas Limits placed on a service
What can Developer plan do Trusted Advisors, Business hours support,$29
What can Business plan do Trusted Advisors , 24/7 support, if you have prod, $100
What can Enterprise OnRamp do Trusted Advisors , Technical Account Manager, 24/7 support, if you.have prod and business critical , $5,500
What can Enterprise do Trusted Advisors , Technical Account Manager , 24/7 support, mission critical workload, $15,000
EFS vs EBS Efs is more available and managed, ebs is faster and cheaper exists in one region
What does CIDR stand for Classless inter domain routing
What is CIDR used for Assigning IP Adresses in vpc
What is accounted for in S3 costs Lifecycle transitions and data transfer from regions
What is the pricing model for EC2 Linux Per second
What activities are covered by AWS Support Third-party config and api troubleshooting
What can be configured through VPC console Security groups and NACL
Amazon url
What’s involved in SAML workflow Service providers and identity providers
What is AppStream Flexible low latency service that lets you stream resource intensive apps and games from cloud
AWS Systems Manager- Application Management -Application Manager helps DevOps engineers investigate and remediate issues
AWS Systems Manager- Application Management -AppConfig helps you create, manage, and deploy application configurations and feature flags. Lambda, mobile applications, or edge devices.
AWS Systems Manager- Application Management -Parameter Store provides secure, hierarchical storage for configuration data and secrets management
AWS Systems Manager- Change Management - Change Manager framework for requesting, approving, implementing, and reporting on operational changes
AWS Systems Manager- Change Management - Automation automate common maintenance and deployment tasks such as AMI and reset Passwords
AWS Systems Manager- Change Management - Change Calendar set up date and time ranges when actions you specify can or can't be performed, like automation
AWS Systems Manager- Change Management - Maintenance window set up recurring schedules for managed instances to run administrative tasks
AWS Systems Manager- Node Management - Compliance scan your fleet of managed nodes for patch compliance and configuration inconsistencies. aggregate data from multiple AWS accounts and AWS Regions
AWS Systems Manager- Node Management A managed node is any machine configured for use with Systems Manager in hybrid and multicloud environments.
AWS Systems Manager- Node Management - Fleet Manager you can view the health and performance status of your entire fleet from one console
AWS Systems Manager- Node Management - Inventory automates the process of collecting software inventory from your managed node
AWS Systems Manager- Node Management - Session Manager manage your all edge devices and EC2 instances
AWS Systems Manager- Node Management - Run Command remotely and securely manage the configuration of your managed nodes at scale
AWS Systems Manager- Node Management - State Manager automate the process of keeping your managed nodes in a defined state
AWS Systems Manager- Node Management - Patch Manager automate the process of patching your managed nodes
AWS Systems Manager- Node Management - Distributor create and deploy packages to managed nodes
AWS Systems Manager- Node Management - Hybrid Activation To set up non-EC2 machines in your hybrid and multicloud environment as managed nodes
AWS Systems Manager- Operation Management - Incident Manager helps users mitigate and recover from incidents, notifying responders of impact, highlighting relevant troubleshooting data
AWS Systems Manager- Operation Management - Explorer customizable operations dashboard that reports information about your AWS resources
AWS Systems Manager- Operation Management - OpsCenter view, investigate, and resolve OpsItems related to AWS resources. designed to reduce time to resolution
AWS Systems Manager- Operation Management - CloudWatch Dashboards monitor your resources in a single view
AWS Systems Manager- Quick SetUp configure frequently used AWS services and features with recommended best practices
QuickSight business intelligence (BI) service that you can use to deliver easy-to-understand insights
What can be optimized based on instances CPU, memory, storage, and networking
What are Spot Instances when AWS has extra space, 90% off from On-Demand, but may be interrupted
What are On-Demand Instances Instances that are available On demand if user most expensive (by sec or hour)
What are Reserved Instances fixed price for a set period of time (1 or 3 years) , 72% off from On-Demand
What are savings Plans 72% off fromOn-Demand, flexibility in usage changes
What are the types of Reserved Instances Convertible and Standard
What services uses savings Plans EC2, Lambda, Fargate, Sage Maker
What Services use On-Demand Instances EC2, Athena, RDS, Fargate, EKS/EKS/ECR
What Services use Reserved Instances all the DBs
What Services use Spot Instances EC2
What’ are global services Cloud Front, Global Accelerator, Route 53
Aws code star Build deploy develop and jira manage code
Reserved instance utilization report For billing and utilization report
Operational expenditure How much it cost to operate
Capital expenditure How much it cost to maintain the land
Amazon Cognito Federated authentication
Amazon CDK Cloud development Kit is for IAC rescources
Amazon SDK Software development kit libraries to integrate with aws apis
Amazon RDS traits Automated backup, patching, failure detection, recovery
Cost and usage repot CSV of users usage consumption and expenses
Disaster recovery Backup and restore(hours)pilot light (data live /mins), warm standby (mins running small), multi site (most expensive)
After verifying and authenticating identity Authorization determines what can be accessed
AWS XRAY Debug analyze microservice
AWS Control Tower Set up a well architected framework
What’s is a in line policy A 1:1 policy to group role
AWS codeCommit Source control/version control
What are origins in CloudFont Contains Content to deliver
Amazon Detective Analyze and Identify potential threats
How many versions of S3 will Amazon keep Unlimited
Cheapest s3 class One zone infrequent access
Glacier retrieval times Bulk 5-12 hours, standard 3-5hours, expedited 1-5mins
Open what secure port for firewall 443
Created by: Mikay.8
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