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Rosario Garcia

physiology wks 1-6

Prostaglandins and steroids share a ring structure in their molecules
When 2 molecules of glucose are joined, they form which disaccharide Maltose
Which of the following is an active transport process Endocytosis
Meiotic division occurs in primitive sex cells
makes proteins by translation RNA
Three types of specific carbohydrates monosaccharides (simple sugars), disaccharides (double sugars), polysaccharides (complex sugars).
positive feedback system accelerate a change
negative feedback system reverses a chage
receptors detect changes in enviroment in skin
effectors implements a response to restore balance
control center processes info and decides on response (hypothalamus)
lipids that form hormones like cortisone, estrogen and testosterone steroids
23 chromosomes per cells in humans are haploid
amino group in amino acid NH3+
structural lipid found in a cell membrane phospholipid and steroid
free radical functional group that is temporarily unattached, highly reactive due to unpaired electrons
difussion uses cellular energy
when chromosomes align across the equator metaphase
ectodern layer skin cells, neurons, pigment cells
mesoderm layer skeletal muscle, tubule cell in kidney, rbc's, smooth muscle, cardiac muscle
endoderm layer lung cell, thyroid cell, pancreatic cell
phospholipids have a lipids bilayer; hydrophobic tails and hydophilic heads
epidermis/ 5 layers/epithelial tissue makes keratin, rapid cell division/skin color basale,spinosum,granulosum,lucidum, corneum
Tactile epithelial cells, also called Merkel cells, located in the deepest layer of the epidermis they connect to sensory nerve endings to form structures that serve as light touch receptor
Dermis/2 layers/connective tissue papillary dermis(collagen,protein) reticular dermis (anchors,arrector pilli)
Hypodermis/ 1 layer subcutaneous fat, muscle sits below this layer
axial skull, ribcage, vertebral columm
apendicular 2 legs, 2 arms, hips
diaphysis shaft of bone/ yellow marrow
epiphysis knuckle of bones(ends) red marrow
methaphysis growing plate
hematopoeisis stem cells are created and differentiate into rbc's, wbc's and platelets and subtypes
type of muscle w/o T-Tubules smooth muscle
Created by: rosybrisa17
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