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Global 2 - Unit 2
The French Revolution
Term | Definition |
Estate | a major political or social group or class, especially one once having specific political powers, as the clergy, nobles, and commons in France |
Bourgeoisie | the middle class, made up mainly of entrepreneurs, managers, professionals, and skilled office workers |
Deficit Spending | the practice of spending funds in excess of income, especially by a government. |
Equality | the state or quality of being equal |
Liberty | freedom from control, interference, obligation, restriction, hampering conditions |
Fraternity | the quality of being brotherly; brotherhood |
Faction | a group or clique within a larger group, party, government, organization |
Republic | a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them. |
Suffrage | the right to vote, especially in a political election. |
Guillotine | a device for beheading a person by means of a heavy blade that is dropped between two posts serving as guides: widely used during the French Revolution. |
Arbitrary | subject to individual will or judgment without restriction |
Nationalism | the desire for national advancement or political independence |
Philosopher | a person who seeks wisdom or enlightenment |
Annex | to incorporate (an additional geographic area) within the domain of a country, state, etc |
Guerilla Warfare | irregular military actions (such as harassment and sabotage) carried out by small usually independent forces |
Scorched Earth Policy | a military policy involving deliberate and usually widespread destruction of property and resources (such as housing and factories) so that an invading enemy cannot use them |
Legitimacy | being aligned with the law or established legal requirements |
Abdicate | to renounce an official position or power |