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Section 6 Word Group

perplex to confuse
baffle to bewilder; to confuse
ambiguous unclear in meaning
obscure unclear; partially hidden (adjective and verb)
garble to make unclear
confound to confuse; to bewilder
misconstrue to interpret wrongly; to misunderstand
enigmatic puzzling
cryptic mysterious; puzzling; unclear
equivocate to mislead intentionally with an ambiguous remark
labyrinthine like a maze; puzzling
becloud to make unclear
knotty confusing; complicated; perplexing
conundrum a perplexing question; a riddle
obfuscate to confuse; to make unclear
defiant refusing to compromise
resolute determined
obstinate stubborn; inflexible
adamant inflexible; determined; resolute
steadfast determined; firm
obdurate unmoved by persuasion; stubborn; resistant
intransigent stubborn; refusing to compromise
intractable stubborn; unmanageable
recalcitrant refusing to compromise; stubborn
refractory stubborn; unruly
negligent careless
superficial not thorough
slovenly careless; sloppy
perfunctory performed without care or interest; not thorough
cursory casually or hastily done; not thorough
heedless not noticing; careless
lax/laxity careless/carelessness
remiss negligent or careless, as in performing one's duty
turmoil a state of confusion or chaos
hectic intensely active or chaotic
disarray disorder; confusion
anarchy lack of government or law; chaos
havoc chaos
tumult a disorderly confusion or uprising
deter to discourage through fear; to inhibit
dishearten to discourage; to depress
daunt to intimidate; to lessen the courage of somone
faze to daunt; to disturb the composure of someone
browbeat to bully with words; to intimidate
adage a wise, old saying; a proverb
aphorism a brief statement of principle
dictum a short authoritative statement
maxim a short saying; a proverb; words to live by
frugal thrifty; not given to waste
miserly stingy; cheap
stinting frugal or sparing; cheap; stingy
parsimonious stingy; cheap
finicky picky
meticulous paying close attention to detail; neat; picky
fastidious fussy; picky; neat
fortuitous accidental in a lucky way; fortunate
auspicious favorable; fortunate
propitious favorable; kind; helpful
servile like a servant; submissive
fawning seeking notice through servile behavior
grovel to behave in a servile manner
wheedle to get what you want through flattery
sycophant a person who seeks favor through flattery; a brown-noser
obsequious overly submissive
saccharine nauseatingly sweet; overly-friendly
blandish/blandishment to get what you want through flattery
fulsome excessively complimentary
inveigle to win over or acquire by flattery
unctuous oily or greasy; insincerely suave
toady one who flatters in the hope of gaining favors
reprehensible blameworthy
culpable deserving blame; guilty
Created by: Ms.Sherrie
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