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Auhs Book


Allegra fexofenadine anti-histamine--non-sedating
Alupent metaproterenol bronchodilator
Ambien zolpidem sedative/hypnotic
Ancef--Kefzol cefazolin anti-biotic--cephalosporin
Antabuse disulfuram anti-alcoholic agent
Apresoline hydralazine anti-hypertensive--vasodilator
Atarax hydroxyzine anti-histamine, -anxiety, -emetic
Ativan lorazepam anti-anxietybenzodiazepine
Augmentin amoxicillin + K clavulante anti-biotic
Bactrim--Septra sulfamethoxazole--trimethoprim anti-infective (misc)
Benadryl diphenhydramine anti-histamine
Biaxin clarithromycin anti-biotic (macrolide)
Brethine, Brethaire, Bricanyl terbutaline bronchodilator
Carafate sucralfate ulcer protectant
Cardura doxazosin anti-hypertensive agent
Cardizem ditiazem calcium channel blocker
Catapres clonidine anti-hypertensive
Celebrex celecoxib NSAID/cox II inhibitor
Claforam ceftoaxime anti-biotic--cephalosporin
Claritin loratadine anti-histamine--non-sedating
Colace docusate sodium succinate DDSdioctyl sodium succinate stool softener, lub laxative
Compazine prochlorperazine anti-emetic, -psychotic
Coumadin warfarin anti-coagulant
Cozaar losartan angiotensin II--antagonist
Demerol meperidine narcotic analgesic agonist
Depakote divalproex acid anti-convulsant
Diabeta glyburide anti-diabetic suflonylurea
Diflucan fluconazole anti-fungal
Dilantin phenyoin anti-epileptic hydantoin
Dyazide triamterine + HCTZ diuretic
EES erythromycin methysuccinate anti-biotic (marcolide)
Elavil amitriptyline anti-depressanttricyclic
Eldepryl sesgiline anti-parkinson disease
Flagyl metronidazole anti-infective, -bacterial,-protozoal, amebacide
Flexeril cyclobenzaprine CNSskeletal muscle relaxant
Fosamax alendronate bone resorption inihitorcalcium reg. bisphosphonate
Garamycin gentamicin anti-biotic, aminoglycoside
Glucotrol glipizide anti-diabetic/sulfonylurea
Halcion triazolam sedative-hypnotic
Imuran---Asazan azathioprine anti-neoplastic--anti-metabolite
Inderal propranolol anti-hypertensive--adrenergic beta blocker
Isordil---Imdur isosorbide dinitrate--isosobide monohydrate anti-anginal agent
Keflex cephalexin anti-biotic--cephalosporin
K-dur potassiun chloride electrolyte/supplement
Lanoxin digoxin cardiac glycoside
Lasix furosemide loop diuretic
Levaquin levofluxacin anti-bacterial--fluoroquinolone
Lipitor atorvastatin anti-hyperlipidemic
Lomotil atropine + diphenoxylate class V anti-diarrhea
Lopressor---Toprol XL metoprolol anti-hypertensive
Lotrisone clotrimazole anti-fungal
Mevacor lovastatin anti-hyperlipidemic
Monistat miconazole anti-fungal, -yeast
Monopril fosinopril anti-hypertensive--ACE inhibitor
Motrin ibuprofen NSAID
Naprosyn naproxen NSAID
Nexium esomeprazole PPI
Nizoral ketoconazole anti-fungal
Norvasc amlodipine calcium channel blocker
Paxil paroxetine anti-depressant SSRI
Pepcid famotidine h2 antagonist
Percocet oxycodone + acetaminophen narcotic analgesic
Percodan oxycodone + aspirin narcotic analgesic
Persantine dipyridamole anti-platelet, -coagulant
Phenergan promethazine anti-histamine--phenothiazide
Prevacid lansoprazole PPI
Premarin---Prempro conjugated estrogens estrogen replacement
Prilosec omeprazole PPI
Procardia nifedipine anti-hypertensive
Pronestyl procainamide anti-arrhythmic
Provera medroxyprogesterone progestin
Prozac fluoxetine anti-depressant SSRI
Reglan metocolopramide anti-emetic
Restroril temazepam hypnotic--benzodiazepine
Rocephin ceftriaxone anti-bactererial--3rd gen IV cephalosporin
Solu-Medrol methylprednisolone glucocorticoid
Soma carisoprodol CNS skeletal muscle relaxant
Sudafed pseudoephedrine nasal decongestant
Synthroid Levoxyl levothyroxine synthetic thyroid-hormone replacement
Tegretol carbamazepine anti-convulsant
Temormin atenolol anti-hypertensive adrenergic beta blocker
Tofranil imipramine anti-depressant--tricyclic
Tylenol #3 apap + codine narcotic analgesic
Ultram tramadol central analgesic
Valium diazepam anti-anxiety, -convulsant -epileptic, SM relax benzo
Vanceril-Vancinase beclomethasone respiratory corticosteroid--intranasal corticosteroid
Vasotec enalapril anti-hypertensive--ACE inhibitor
Ventolin---Proventil albuterol beta 2 agonist--bronchodilator
Versed midazolam general anesthetic
Vibramycin doxycylcline anti-biotic--tetracycline
Vicodin hydrocodone + apap narcotic analgesic
Vistaril---Atarax hydroxyzine anti-anxiety, -emetic
Wellbutrin---Zyban bupropion anti-depressant
Zantac ranitidine h2 antagonist
Zestril---Prinivil lisinopril anti-hypertensive--ZinacefACE inhibitor
Zinacef cefuroxime anti-bacterial--2nd gen cephalosporin
Zithromax azithromycin anti-biotic (macrolide)
Zocor simvastatin anti-hyperlipidemic
Zyrtec cetirizine anti-histamine--non-sedating
Xanax alprozolam anti-depressant SSPI
Actos pioglitazone anti-diabetic agent
Created by: AlleyKat61636
Popular Pharmacology sets




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