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Spanish 2 Capit. 2A

Spanish 2 - Vocabulary of daily routine

acostarse to go to bed
afeitarse to shave
arreglarse el pelo to fix one's hair
bañarse to take a bath
cepillarse los dientes to brush one's teeth
cortarse el pelo to cut one's hair
despertarse to wake up
ducharse to take a shower
levantarse to get up
lavarse la cara to wash one's face
pintarse las uñas to paint, to polish one's nails
ponerse to put on
prepararse to get ready
alistarse to get ready
secarse to dry
vestirse to get dressed
el agua de colonia the cologne
el cepillo the brush
el inodoro, el váter toilet
el lavabo (bathroom) sink, lavatory
el desodorante the deodorant
la ducha the shower
el gel the gel
las joyas the jewlery
el lápiz de labios the lipstick
el maquillaje the make
el peine the comb
el pelo the hair
el salon de belleza the beauty salon
el secador blow dryer, hair dryer
la toalla the towel
las uñas the nails
la audición the audition
la boda the wedding
la cita date, appointment
el concurso the contest
un evento especial a special event
entusiasmado excited
nervioso nervous
tranquilo calm
antes de before
cómodo comfortable
elegante elegant
lentamente slowly
luego then
por ejemplo for example
rápidamente quickly
verse bien to look good
divertirse to have fun
dormirse to fall asleep
maquillarse to put on make up
mirarse to look at oneself
peinarse to comb one's hair
quitarse to take off
sentarse to sit
probarse (o:ue) to try on clothing
las pantuflas, las zapatillas slippers/house shoes
el espejo the mirror
el esmalte de uñas the nail polish
el jabón the soap
la crema de afeitar the shaving cream
la maquinilla de afeitar the razor
la pasta de dientes the toothpaste
la bañera the bathtub
la tina bathtub
pedir prestado to borrow
el cinturón belt
depende it depends
te ves (bien) you look (good)
sentirse to feel (an emotion)
después de after
antes de before
para + infinitive in order to + infinitive
tener + que + infinitive to have to do something
el champú shampoo
la loción lotion
ir+a+infinitive going to do something (near future)
el cepillo de dientes/de pelo toothbrush/hairbrush
el perfume perfume
La rutina diaria The daily routine
Created by: mlebouder
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