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French (U4)

Unit 4 - Loisirs

partir en vacances to go on holiday
voyager travel
se depayser to get away
couper les ponts avec le quotidien to get away from everyday life
se reposer to rest
recharger les batteries to recharge one's batteries
recuperer to recover/recuperate
se faire plaisir to indulge oneself
lever le coude to drink alcohol (familiar)
chausser ses palmes to go on holiday (literally to put one's flippers on)
se detendre/se relaxer to relax/unwind
s'extasier to rave about
se faire dorer la pilule to tan (familiar)
lezarder sur la plage to laze on the beach (familiar)
s'aerer l'esprit to refresh one's mind
etre tributaire de to be dependent on
aller un colo to go to summer camp (familiar)
en profiter to benefit
decouvrir de mouvelles moeurs to discover new ways of life
se vider l'esprit to empty one's minds
oublier ses soucis to forget one's worries
rentrer de vacances to return from holiday
un sejour stay
une agence de voyage a travel agent
un vacancier holiday-maker
les conges payes (m) paid leave/holiday pay
le depayesement change of scenery
le cout/lebudget vacances cost of a holiday/holiday budget
l'Hexagone mainland France
un lieu de villegiature holiday resort
le repos rest
un transat deckchair
une serviette de plage beach towel
un parasol beach umbrella/parasol
une reservation reservation
un maillot de bains swimming costume
la farniete idleness
ma meteo weather news
plebiscite acclaimed
prise popular
rince rinsed
estival summery
a l'etranger abroad
au grand dam de to the chagrin of
faire du sport to play sports
gagner to win
participier a un epreuve to take part in an event
s'affronter to compete
affronter son adversaire to confront one's adversary
concourir a to compete
etre en competition avec to compete with
assouvir sa passion to satisfy one's passion
avoir du talent to have a talent
avoir une activite physysique reguliere to have a regular physical activity
etre membre d'une association sportive to be a member of a sports association
inciter a faire de l'exercise to encourage exercise
bouger to move
etre bon pour le moral to be good for moral
un sportif athlete
un sport d'equipe team sport
l'esprit sportif (m) sportmanship
la sedentarisation sedentary lifestyle
la march walking
une discipline sportive sports discipline
a contrario conversely/on the other hand
Popular French sets




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