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2.1-2.2 Vocab gov

Advice and Consent Allows senators to recommend or reject major presidential appointees
Coalitions A temporary alliance of distinct parties, persons, or states for joint action
Power of the purse Congress has the power to control government spending
Caucuses Meetings run by political parties that are held at the county, district, or precinct level. Usually unite around a particular belief or concern
Enumerated Powers specific powers given to Congress; allow for the creation of public policy --the laws that govern the US
Implied Powers Political powers granted to the U.S. gov that aren't explicitly stated in the Constitution
War Powers Act This law reigns in executive power by requiring the president to inform Congress within 48 hours of committing U.S. forced to combat
Conference Committee A temporary committee in the US Congress that resolves differences between the House and Senate versions of a bill
Cloture rule Enables and requires a 2/3 supermajority to stop the debate on a bill
Filibuster Action/tactic used in the Senate to delay or block a vote on a measure by preventing
Germane Relevant or important to the topic being discussed
Hold A measure to stall a bill
Logrolling Trading votes to gain support for a bill
Omnibus bill Includes multiple areas of law and/or addresses multiple programs
Pork-barrel spending Funds earmarked for specific purposes in a legislators district
Rider Opposite of germane, unrelated info & used to benefit a members agenda
Sponsor The member who introduced it & typically assumes authorship
Unanimous consent The approval of all Senators
Committee of the Whole A parliamentary device that allows a legislative body to debate and discuss issues as one large committee. A congressional committee that includes all members of the house or Senate.
Created by: JuliR
Popular American Government sets




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