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H Western Civ. 9-10

Study Guide for Chapter 9 and 10 MELLON

Explain the city of Constantinople! Think about its source of wealth, how they defended themselves from invasions, and who formed it. Roman Emperor Constantine rebuilt the city of Byzantium and called it Constantinople. Its geological location was superior for trade, making the empire prosper. Additionally, its high wall protected it from invaders and strengthened security.
What cultures influenced the civilization of the byzantine empire? Ancient Greek, Roman, and Christian influences.
Who was the emperor of the byzantine empire during its peak? Emperor Justinian.
How did Justinian expand his empire? With his code of laws called Justinian's code. Other empires modeled these laws and Justinian centralized power.
What was the Hagia Sophia and why was it important? It was a place of worship for Christians and Muslims. It is important because it was the center of religions and political stance.
The Byzantine had great military technology, one specific one was what? Greek fire, It contained petroleum and instantly set fire upon impact. It would be thrown at enemies, and could not be put out with water.
What were some differences in the way Christianity was practiced in the Byzantine empire compared to Western Europe? Byzantine controlled church affairs, byzantine rejected popes claim to authority, and byzantine clergy kept their right to marry. Greek, not Latin, was their language. Holy day was Easter, and they had less emphasis on Christmas.
What was the result of the Great Schism in 1054? (three things) . Byzantine church became known as the eastern or Greek orthodox church . Western branch became known as the Roman Catholic Church. . The pope and the patriarch excommunicated each other, and the churches became distant and rivalry.
Why did the byzantine empire call for western help during the crusades? Because the Seljuk's attacks blocked the pilgrimage routes to Jerusalem.
Explain the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks in 1453. After breaking the city walls of Constantinople, Ottoman Turks stormed the city, and the emperor died due to him not wanting to be without an empire.
What was the main influence of byzantine civilization on Europe during the middle ages? Roman achievements in engineering.
How did byzantine artists contribute to western styles? by creating icons, using mosaics, and blending middle eastern styles in their architecture.
What was the significance of Procopius' secret history of Justinian? It criticized emperor Justinian and Theodora.
Who is considered to be the western world's first important female historian? Anna Comnena.
Explain the three broad regions that shaped early Russian life. Northern forests supplied lumber but weren't fertile, a band of fertile land is where farmers settled, and the third region, the southern steppe, acted as a pasture for animals and a highway for migration.
How did the Ural Mountains serve as a boundary between Europe and Asia? Map makers used them to mark boundaries, but they posed no obstacle to migration as they were worn away.
How did the rivers in Russia contribute to its connection with the byzantine world? It provided transportation for people and goods for trade. They also opened up Russia to the Byzantine world's advancement.
Who were the vikings that settled among the Slavs in Russia? They were called varangians by Russians, and they traveled on the rivers trading tribute.
What impact did Mongol rule have on Russia? They cut Russia off from contacts with western Europe at a time when Europeans were making rapid advances in the arts + sciences.
What factors contributed to the increase in power of the princes of Moscow during the Mongol period? The cities location near important river trade routes. Moscow also became Russia's political and religious center.
Why did Moscow become both Russia's political and religious center during the Mongol period? The head of the Russian Orthodox church made Moscow Russia's capital.
How did the princes of Moscow contribute to the defense of Russia against foreign rule? They rallied other Russians + defeated the Golden Horde.
What role did Ivan the great play in expanding Moscow's power? he recovered Russian territory, built the framework for absolute rule, and limited power of the boyars.
how did Ivan the terrible further centralize royal power in Russia? by limiting the privileges of the old boyar families and granting land to nobles in exchange for military or other service.
What geographic regions border eastern Europe? Central Europe and Russia.
which two rivers flow through eastern Europe? Danube and Vistula.
What cultural influences impacted the Balkans in the south? Byzantine empire and muslim Ottoman empire. The rivers helped share these cultural influences.
Which states (or empires) exercised strong cultural and religious influences on eastern Europe? Byzantine empire and Ottoman empires.
Explain Muhammad and his Importance in full detail. Muhammad was called to be the messenger of God and devoted his life to spreading Islam. his faith continued to spread even after his death and is one of the world's major religions.
What is the scared text of Islam? The Quran
What are the five pillars of Islam and describe them. 1. Declaration of faith 2. Daily prayer: they pray five times daily 3. Alms for the poor: charity to the poor 4. fast during Ramadan 5. Hajj (pilgrimage): pray at the Kaaba once.
What is one reason why Muslim civilization flourished under the Abbasids? Muslim rulers united diverse cultures, and vouched for equality of Muslims. Discrimination ended and it became a more diverse religion.
How did Muslim merchants contribute to the global exchange of goods and culture? They spreaded products, technologies, and knowledge through trade. They made great fortunes.
What was the role of guilds in the manufacturing industry in Muslim cities? (three ways) Guilds regulated prices and quality (weight and measure) of their products. heads of guilds were chosen by their members. Labor was done by wage workers.
Describe how the Abbasids improved agriculture in their empire? (three ways) They organized massive irrigation projects, drained swamplands between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, and encouraged farmers to engage in crop diversity from other regions.
What role did slaves in Muslim society play? They worked as household servants, some skilled artisans. Slaves were brought from conquered lands (Muslims did not believe in enslaving other Muslims), and they could earn freedom through many different ways.
OPEN RESPONSE 1: Byzantine Explain Justinian's achievements. 2-3 descriptions of these achievements and how they impacted the empire socially, politically, economically, and religiously. Justinian recovered lands that had been overrun by invaders, rebuilt his empire's capital, and the Hagia Sophia after it burned down, created Justinian's code which other empires modeled for centuries, and his economic and military strength was the best.
OPEN RESPONSE 2: Russia Explain history of Russia. three geographical groups of Russia. Explain history of interaction with mongols. How does interaction with Mongol rule affect their future with Europe?
OPEN RESPONSE 3: Islamic Brief Islamic history: . How does it come about? (MUHAMMED) . Key people and terms Why was it so appealing and to whom? How does it spread (faster than Christianity, why?). Who does this religion have conflict with? (MECCANS)
Created by: 28abiggar1
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