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Unit test Canon

Story of the conquest of Canaan (Chs 1-12) Joshua led the Israelites in an invasion across the Jordan river. He took the important city of Jericho and captured other towns in the north and south and most of Palestine was under his control,
Dividing up the Land among the 12 Tribes (Chs 13 -21) God promises a portion of the land to each of the 12 tribes. 3 tribes receive their land east of the Jordan river before the other tribes. Joshua commands them to help the other 9 tribes before settling into their own property.
Joshua leads Israel after Moses dies and leads the people into the Promised Land Joshua took the Israelites and crossed the Jordan river. This is there new home.
Defeat of Jericho with the help of Rahab Rehab helped the Israelites from being caught by the authorities of Jericho.
loss at Ai One Israelites had sin and kept some of the devoted things from Jericho
One major themes of Joshua Follow the commands of the LORD & God rewards the faithful and punishes the wicked
One major themes of Joshua There is a choice to serve only God (Ch 24 - Joshua’s final appeal to the people.)
How did scripture scholars speculate that these 6 books were all part of one tradition? Outside of Jesus, the phrase is not used anywhere else (Dt 4:29, 10:12, 11:13, 11:18, 13:4, 26:16, 30: 2, 6, 10; Joshua 22:5; 1 Kings 2:4, 8:48; 2 Kings 23:3, 23:25
Be HOLY, for God is Holy ???
They also have similar themes:Deuteronomic History Sacrifices can only be offered in the Temple in Jerusalem
They also have similar themes:Deuteronomic History The worship of stars (astrology) and other gods is forbidden
They also have similar themes:Deuteronomic History Passover is legally required for all Israelites
Chapters 13-21 explain in detail the boundaries of each of the 12 Tribes, placing importance on possessing the land that God has been faithful in giving them. The Bible explains how each of the 12 tribes of Israel was given a specific area of land. This land was very important to them because they believed God had promised it to them.
Eli and Samuel are the last two Judges Samuel were the last two judges, or leaders, of Israel before the people started asking for a king.
Samuel born to Hannah (song of praise 1 Sam 2:1-11) Samuel’s mother, Hannah, prayed to God for a child, and when Samuel was born, she praised God with a special song.
Election of a king was seen as a rejection of God as King When the Israelites asked for a king to rule over them, it was seen as them rejecting God as their ultimate king.
Israel under King Saul and David Israel first had Saul as king, and then David. These kings were important leaders of the people.
Kings were seen as chosen by God Kings like Saul and David were believed to have been chosen by God Himself to lead Israel.
More centralized power & loss of personal freedom With kings in charge, there was more centralized power. This meant the kings had a lot of control, but the people lost some of their personal freedom.
Shift of covenant from Exodus to establishing a reign/kingdom/king that will last forever (Messianic Promise) 2 Samuel 7: 11-16 There was a shift from the covenant of Exodus to a new promise—a kingdom and a king that would last forever, hinting at the coming of a future savior, or Messiah.
Saul Anointed by Samuel in response to the demand for a king. Has some military success which secures the border. From tribe of Benjamin Defeats the Philistines. Flawed by pride,jealousy, dark spirit
David Son of Jesse by Samuel Rises in Saul’s army Kills Goliath and is great military leaderBest friends with Jonathan David wants to build God a house (Temple)Messianic Promise am 7: David has affair with Bathsheba, kills Uriah
Solomon Son of David and Bathsheba Is granted the gift of wisdom from God Builds the Temple Has many wives and builds temple to other gods At his death, the united Israel splits in two kingdoms
After Solomon’s death Israel split in two: Israel – Northern Kingdom – defeated by Assyrians in 721BC Judah – Southern Kingdom – Defeated by Babylonians in 587BC
Stories of Prophet Elijah (1 Kings chs 17, 18, & 19) Call for drought (idolatry) and the widow Ending the drought and encounter with the prophets of Baal God revealed to Elijah at the cave
Rule of Judges includes Joshua (1220 – 1050BC) King Saul (1050BC) King David (1000BC) King Solomon (960BC) Kingdom Splits (930BC) North falls (721) South falls (587) Samaria Jerusalem Exiled to Assyria Exiled to Babylon
How did scripture scholars speculate that these 6 books were all part of one tradition? Similar language: “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength” (Dt 6:5)
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Popular History sets




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