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Irregular verbs ENG

Infinitive to past simple/ translation to Dutch

to be was/were zijn
to become became worden
to begin began beginnen
to break broke breken
to bring brought brengen
to breed bred fokken
to buy bought kopen
to build built bouwen
can could kunnen
to catch caught vangen
to choose chose kiezen
to come came komen
to cost cost kosten
to cut cut snijden
to do did doen
to draw drew tekenen
to dream dreamt dromen
to drink drank drinken
to drive drove besturen
to eat ate eten
to fall fell vallen
to feel felt voelen
to find found vinden
to fly flew vliegen
to forget forgot vergeten
to get got krijgen, halen
to give gave geven
to go went gaan
to grow grew groeien
to have had hebben
to hear heard horen
to hit hit slaan
to hurt hurt pijn doen
to keep kept houden
to know knew weten
to learn learnt leren
to leave left verlaten
to let let laten
to lie lay liggen
to lose lost verliezen
to make made maken
to meet met ontmoeten
to pay paid betalen
to put put plaatsen
to read read lezen
to ride rode rijden
to ring rang rinkelen
to run ran lopen
to say said zeggen
to see saw zien
to sell sold verkopen
to send sent zenden
to shake shook schudden
to shut shut sluiten
to sing sang zingen
to sit sat zitten
to sleep slept slapen
to speak spoke spreken
to spend spent besteden
to stand stood staan
to steal stole stelen
to swim swam zwemmen
to take took nemen
to teach taught aanleren
to tell told vertellen
to think thought denken
to throw threw gooien
to understand understood verstaan
to wake woke wekken
to wear wore dragen
to win won winnen
to write wrote schrijven
Created by: Esther Maes
Popular English Verbs sets




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