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SSv.TH Stipulations

Shannon Shahid v. Taylor Hopson (2024) Stipulations

Stipulation 1 All exhibits are pre-labeled and pre-numbered for trial use.
Stipulation 3 All parties and witnesses are of normal intelligence, without conditions impacting perception or memory.
Stipulation 2 Both parties complied with discovery, and only numbered exhibits are relevant.
Stipulation 4 MRE 902(11) and 902(12) notice requirements are satisfied for all exhibits.
Stipulation 5 All objections under the U.S. Constitution, attorney-client, doctor-patient, and spousal privilege are waived.
Stipulation 6 Exhibits 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 18, 20, 21, 37, and 42 are pre-admitted and may be referenced in opening statements.
Stipulation 7 Hearsay objections are waived for Exhibits 22, 23, 24, 31, and 35.
Stipulation 8 Exhibit 30 was a screenshot from Avery Bancroft's phone, created and last modified on April 25, 2024, at 4:57 am.
Stipulation 9 If Ashley Connel testifies, objections to Exhibit 5 are waived, and no additional foundation is needed.
Stipulation 10 If Dr. Hillary Edmund testifies, objections to Exhibit 19a are waived, and Exhibit 19a may be entered after opening statements.
Stipulation 11 If Dr. Hillary Edmund does not testify, Exhibit 19b is pre-admitted, and Exhibit 41 is of the same type and brand of rodenticide as in Exhibit 19b.
Stipulation 12 Interrogatory responses from both parties are authentic; no further testimony is needed to confirm this.
Stipulation 13 Depositions of Jordan Nathanson and Taylor Hopson are authentic, and all deponents were represented by counsel.
Stipulation 14 Neither Jordan Nathanson nor Taylor Hopson has any new information since their depositions.
Stipulation 15 Avery Bancroft did not threaten harm or assault toward Taylor Hopson or anyone on Train 1985.
Stipulation 16 Harley Kim deposited $7,500 in cash on April 25, 2024.
Stipulation 17 All digital clocks on Train 1985 were accurate at all times.
Stipulation 20 Taylor Hopson and Shannon Shahid are biological half-siblings, both children of Avery Bancroft.
Stipulation 19 Shannon Shahid has never been to Australia.
Stipulation 18 Train 1985 had security cameras at entrances and exits of the Platinum Section; no footage inside is relevant.
Stipulation 21 Avery Bancroft's death was not a result of suicide.
Stipulation 22 Avery Bancroft's estate was valued at approximately $404 million USD at his death.
Stipulation 23 After Bancroft's death, the Australian Federal Police found specific exhibits in certain locations on Train 1985.
Stipulation 24 No chain of custody issues exist with any numbered exhibits.
Stipulation 25 Plaintiff does not allege any of Plaintiff's witnesses were involved in Bancroft's death, but Defense may argue otherwise.
Stipulation 26 Defense does not allege any of Defense's witnesses were involved in Bancroft's death, but Plaintiff may argue otherwise.
Stipulation 27 No employees of the Mid-Riverina Express were involved in Bancroft's death.
Stipulation 28 Jury instructions follow Midlands Jury Instruction templates and are agreed to be accurate.
Stipulation 29 If Plaintiff wins, Shahid will inherit Bancroft's estate. If Plaintiff loses, Hopson and Shahid inherit according to Bancroft's will.
Stipulation 30 Witnesses unavailable under MRE 804 will be identified as such through no fault of either party.
Created by: junicruz
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