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CAM Point Rx - More

Insomnia - Facial Pain

DiagnosisPoint RxSx
Insomnia - Deficiency of Ht & Sp Qi H7, Sp6, Anmian, B15, B20, Sp 1 moxa Diff falling asleep, Dream Disturbed sleep, Palpitations, Poor Memory, Lassitude, Listlessness, Anorexia, Sallow complexion, T: Pale, w/ TWC, P:Thready, weak
Insomnia - Disharmony between Ht & Kd H7, Sp6, Anmian, B15, B23, K3 Insomnia, Palps, Poor memory, Low back pain, Noct emissions, Dizziness, Tinnitus, Restlessness, Dry mouth, little saliva, Burning sens of chest, palms, soles, T: Red P:Thready
Insomnia - Upward disturbance of Liv fire H7, Sp6, Anmian, B18, B19, G12 Dream-disturbed sleep, Fear & fright w/ H/A, Distending pain in costal region, Bitter taste, P: String-taut
Insomnia - Dysfunction of St H7, Sp6, Anmian, B21, S36 Insomnia, Belching, Suffocating feeling & distending pain in epigatrium, Difficult defecation, T:Sticky coat P: Rolling
Poor memory - Ht, Sp, Kd essence xu Sishencong, B15, B20, B23, S36, K6 Poor memory, Functional decline of brian, Hypomnesia, Forgetfulness
Palpitations - Disturbance of mind B15, Ren14, H7, P6, H5, G40 Palpitations, Fear & Fright, Irritability, Restlessness, Dream-disturbed sleep, Anorexia T: TWC P: Sl. rapid
Palpitations - Disturbance of mind w/ phlegm heat B15, Ren14, H7, P6, H5, G40, S40, B19 Palpitations, Fear & Fright, Irritability, Restlessness, Dream-disturbed sleep, Anorexia T: Sticky yellow P: Rolling, rapid
Palpitations - Qi & Blood xu B15, Ren14, H7, P6, B20, B21, S36 Palpitations, Lusterless complexion, Dizziness, Blurring of Vision, SOB, Lassitude T: Pale w/ toothmarks P: Thready weak or Intermittent
Palpitations - Fire hyperactivity due to yin xu B15, Ren14, H7, P6, B14, B23, K3 Palpitations, Dizziness, Blurring of Vision, Restlessness, Irritability, Insomnia, Tinnitus, T: Red w/ little coat P: Thready, rapid
Palpitations - Retention of Harmful fluid B15, Ren14, H7, P6, Ren9, Ren8, Ren4, Sp9 Palpitations, Expectoration of mucoid sputum, Fullness in chest/epig, Lassitude, Weak, Cold extrems T: White coat P: String-taut, rolling OR same except add scanty urine & thrist w/o desire to drink T: White slippery P: Deep, string-taut or rapid
Depressive Disorder B15, B18, B20, H7, S40 Gradual onset, Emotional dejection, Mental dullness followed by incoherent speech, changing moods or muteness, Somnolence, Anorexia, T: Think, sticky coat P: Stringtaut thready or Stringtaut rolling
Manic Disorder Du14, Du16, Du26, P6, S40, Sudden onset, Irritability, Easy to anger, Insomnia, No app, followed by excessive motor activity with increased energy & violent behaviors T: Yellow sticky coat P:String-taut rolling & rapid
Mania with extreme heat Du14, Du16, Du26, P6, S40, Bleed jing well points Mania with extreme heat
Epilepsy - During seizure Du26, Ren15, P5, Lv3, S40 1st dizziness, H/A & suffocating sens in chest, then falling down w/ loss of consciousness, pallor, clenched jaws, upward staring of eyes, convulsion, foam on lips, Screaming as pig/sheep, Poss incontinence urine/feces, T: White sticky P Wiry rolling
Epilepsy - After seizure Yintang, B15, H7, K3, Sp6, Yaoqi Listlessness, lusterless complexion, Dizziness, Palps, Anorexia, Profuse sputum, Weak/sore loins/limbs, T: Pale w/ white coat P: Thready rolling
Epilepsy - Daytime seizure Yintang, B15, H7, K3, Sp6, Yaoqi, B62 Seizure during daytime
Epilepsy - Night seizure Yintang, B15, H7, K3, Sp6, Yaoqi, K6 Seizure at night
Epilepsy - Phlegm stag Yintang, B15, H7, K3, Sp6, Yaoqi, Ren12, S40 Seizure with phlegm stag
Epilepsy - Severe qi & blood xu Yintang, B15, H7, K3, Sp6, Yaoqi, Ren4, S36 Seizure d/t qi/blood xu
Dizziness - Hyperactivity of Liv Yang G20, B18, B23, K3, Lv2 Dizziness (worse with anger), Irritability, Flushed face, Red eyes, Tinnitus, Bitter taste, Dream disturbed sleep T: Red proper, yellow coat P: String-taut rapid
Dizziness - Qi/Blood xu Du20, B20, Ren4, S36, Sp6 Dizziness w/ pallor & lusterless complexion, Weak, Palps, Insomnia, Pale lips/nails, Lassitude, Severe: Loss of Consciousness T: Pale proper P: Thready weak
Dizziness - Interior retention of phlegm dampness S8, B20, Ren12, P6, S40 Dizziness w. heavy feeling of head & suffoc sens in chest, Nausea, Profuse sputum, Anorexia, Somnolence T: White sticky coat P: Soft, rolling
Melancholia - Depression of Liv qi B18, Ren17, Ren12, S36, Sp4, Lv3 Mental depression, Distress in chest, Hypoch pain, Ab distention & pain, Belch, Anorexia, Vomit, Abnormal bowel movements T: Thin sticky coat P: String-taut
Melancholia - Transformation of depressed qi into fire Ren13, SJ6, Lv2, G34, G43 Distress in chest, Hypoch dist, Irrit, Acid regurg, Dry & bitter taste in mouth, Constip, Red eyes, Tinnitus T: Red, yellow coat P: String-taut rapid
Melancholia - Phlegm Stag (Globus hystericus) Ren22, Ren17, S40, P6, Lv3 Feeling of lump choking in throat, hard to spit it out or swallow it T: Thin, sticky coat P: String-taut rolling
Melancholia - Insufficiency of Blood Ren14, Sp6, Lv3, H7 Grief w/o reason, Sudden distress of chest, Irrit, Palps, Capricious joy or anger, Suspicious, Liability to get frightened, Hiccup, Sudden aphonia, Severe - Convulsions, Loss of Consciousness T: TWC P: String-taut, thready
Melancholia - Distress of chest P6, Ren17 Melancholia - Distress of chest
Melancholia - Hiccup Sp4, Ren22 Melancholia - Hiccup
Melancholia - Sudden aphonia H5, Ren23 Melancholia - Sudden aphonia
Melancholia - Convulsions LI4, B34 Melancholia - Convulsions
Melancholia - Loss of consciousness Du26, K1 Melancholia - Loss of consciousness
Occipital Headache (Pathogenic wind in Meridians & Collaterals) G20, B60, SI3 H/A occurs on exposure to wind, Violent fixed boring pain on nape of neck, T: TWC P: String-taut
Frontal Headache (Pathogenic wind in Meridians & Collaterals) S8, Yintang, Du23, LI4, S44 H/A occurs on exposure to wind, Violent fixed boring pain on forehead, T: TWC P: String-taut
Temporal Headache (Pathogenic wind in Meridians & Collaterals) G8, Taiyang, SJ5, G41 H/A occurs on exposure to wind, Violent fixed boring pain on temples, T: TWC P: String-taut
Parietal Headache (Pathogenic wind in Meridians & Collaterals) Du20, B67, SI3, Lv3 H/A occurs on exposure to wind, Violent fixed boring pain on the top of the head radiating down to the sides, T: TWC P: String-taut
Headache due to upsurge of Liv Yang G20, Du20, G5, G43, Lv2 H/A, Severe pain on the bilateral sides of head, Blurred vision, Irrit, Hot temp, Flushed face, Bitter taste T: Reddened w/ yellow coat P: String-taut rapid
Headache due to deficiency of both qi & blood Du20, Ren6, B18, B20, B23, S36 Lingering H/A, Pain relieved by warmth, aggravated by cold, overstrain, mental stress, Blurred vision, Lassitude, Lusterless face, Dizziness T: TWC P:Weak, thready
Facial pain - supraorbital region G14, Taiyang, B2, SJ5 Supraorbital pain
Facial pain - maxillary region S2, SI18, LI20, LI4 Maxillary pain
Facial pain - mandibular region S7, S6, S5, Jiachengjiang, LI4 Mandibular pain
Facial pain - invasion of pathogenic wind & cold G20 Abrupt onset of facial pain like electric shock, Pressure induces attack, Pain is cutting, boring, intolerable but transient & paroxysmal, Pain is accomp by local spasm, runny nose, lacrimation, salivation or exterior sx P: String-taut tense
Facial pain - Excessive fire in Liv & St Lv3, S44 Abrupt onset of facial pain like electric shock, Pressure induces attack, Pain is cutting, boring, intolerable but transient & paroxysmal, Pain is accomp by irritability, hot temp & thirst, constipation T: Yellow, dry P: String-taut rapid
Facial pain - Deficiency of yin & excessive fire K6, Sp6 Insidious pain of face, aggravated by fatigue, Emaciation, Malar flush, Sore lumbus, Lassitude T: Reddened w/ little coat P: Thready rapid
Created by: c-rex
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