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Pompey the Great

UQ ANCH1250, Pompey the Great, general information and source material

Pompey's full name Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus
How does Plutarch explain how Pompey got given the name great? Differing perspectives: 1. Sulla welcomed him and acclaimed him Magnus 2. Army of Africa gave it to him and Sulla's acknowledgement gave it "authority and edurance"
Who did Pompey have an early career under? Sulla
In his early years, what wars did he fight in? The social wars and was an important player in the civil wars
When did he get his first triumph and how old was he? Age 25 in 81 BCE
What social class was Pompey? Equestrian
When did Pompey hold his first consulship? 70 BCE, aged 35
What was unusual about Pompey's consulship? He was below the minimum age requirement and he had held no previous offices.
What did he achieve before his first consulship? Held imperium, commanded troops and celebrated two triumphs
What triumphs did Pompey have? 1. Africa - 81 2. Hispania - 71 3. Asia - 61
When dealing with public and private disagreements, Diodorus Siculus says Pompey's decisions were ... made with "unerring skill and ... incorruptibility" and despite his young age of 24, he lived with "austerity and sobriety" which was uncommon in youth who involved themselves in "irrational pleasures"
Cicero describes Pompey's first act as consul ... Restored the tribunician powers and was moderately appraised; however, was highly appraised when he said that the "provinces had been ravages .... courts where behaving scandalously ... and that he indented to .... take care of this matter"
What comment did Lucians Philippus state in response to Pompey's imperium, according to Cicero? "I give my vote to send him to in pace of consul, but in place of both consuls"
What does Pompey's coin of wreaths symbolise? Pompey's three triumphs over Africa, Hispania, Asia and then the world
Which story from Plutarch's lives highlights Pompey's ambition? His attempt to bring elephants into Rome for his triumphal procession instead of horses.
What was the senate's opinion of Pompey's pirate command? They opposed it
What was Pompey's pirate command? Given 3 years command, 15 legates and unprecedented power over the Mediterranean to end the war with Pirates
How long did it take Pompey to complete his pirate command? 3 months
Why did Pompey get the command against Mithridates? Lucullus fell from favor and Pompey had had great success with the pirates
In a political speech, what words does Cicero use to describe Pompey's military excellence? "god-like and unbelievable", his other great qualities include "outstanding integrity ... moderation .... trustworthiness ... ease in interpersonal relations ... talent ... human kindness"
What does Cicero's political speech highlight? Pompey's great moral and ethical values
What did Pompey achieve in the east? - Pursued Mithridates and Armenia - Explored - Won minor victories as a show of Roman power
What is the story of Tigranes according to Plutarch? He surrendered to Pompey because of his mildness and Pompey raised him up and restored his diadem
Who did Pompey share his first consulship with? Crassus
What was Pompey and Crassus' relationship like? Very tense and full of disagreements
What reforms did Pompey make during his consulship? made tribunitian powers and courts with benefited the provinces and sought to eliminate corruption in courts
How did Pompey do in the east after his battles? Settlement of the pirates and expansion of Cicilia, renewed treaties and created arrangements with neighboring kings
What strategies did Pompey use rather than imperialism? Diplomacy and negotiated surrender which caused an extremely low death total
How did Rome benefit from Pompey's 3rd triumph according to Plutarch? Pompey captured "900 towns and cities ... and founded 39 more colonies ... the eta territories had acquired for Rome were bringing in 85,000,000 drachmas in taxes"
How does Plutarch describe the extent of Pompey's three triumphs? " the world world had been subdued by his three triumphs"
What does Appian write about Pompey's humanity? "he did not put to death any of the captives [pirates]"
What does Cicero say about Pompey and Tigranes? "A king [Tigranes] had been created by him rather than chained"
What was happening in Rome when Pompey returned? Political instability and unrest
Why did Metellus Nepos want Pompey recalled? To suppress Catiline; however, the senate opposed
After Pompey divorces his wife Mucia, who did he seek a marriage alliance with? Cato, but he refused
Who prompted the alliance between Caesar, Pompey and Crassus? Cato and his obstructions
Who was part of the "first triumvirate"? Caesar, Pompey and Crassus
What problems did Pompey face after his third triumph? Needed ratification of his arrangements in the east and land for his veterans
What was the "first triumvirate"? An on and off again alliance - more dysfunctional than not
What was the triumvirate originally? Previous cooperation between Caesar and Crassus and then an arrangement with Pompey in 60
How was the 1st triumvirate alliance reinforced? Through Pompey's marriage to Caesar's daughter, Julia
What did Caesar's consulship give to Pompey? Land for his veterans and lawful ratification of his eastern arrangements
What is Cicero's view on Pompey's marriage to Julia? "He [Pompey] is confessedly working for absolute power. What else signifies this sudden marriage connection"
What is Cicero's perspective of Pompey's new marriage? "My beloved Pompey, to my greatest sorrow, has been the author of his own downfall"
What did the increased ambitus or electoral corruption do? Increase the dominance of Pompey, Caesar and Crassus
What power did Pompey receive because of his grain riots of 57? - Give him imperium as grain commissioner for 5 years - Proposed by Cicero - Did not allow him to have any legions of men
What happened in the 55 elections? Pompey and Crassus wanted to run for consulship after the cut off date. They purposefully delayed elections because of violence, they were elected an interregnum.
What happened when Pompey and Crassus held elections for the other magistrate positions? It was very biased
What did Pompey and Crassus achieve in 55? 1. New provinces 2. Caesar's Gaul command extended 3. Law which was a more objective mechanism for selecting jurors 4. Law against agents of electoral bribery
How did Pompey afford to create his theatre? From the proceeds of his eastern campaigns
What was the consequence of Julia's death? Political alliance between Pompey and Caesar waivered. and was the cause of political breakdown
What happened in the 53 consul elections? Consuls were not elected till July and there were calls for Pompey to be made dictator.
What was Pompey's sole consulship called? A consul without a colleague
Why was Pompey given a sole consulship? To restore order and elect other magistrates
What did Pompey do when he had sole consulship? Tried Milo for the death of Clodius and enacted a broad reform programme
Was Pompey's sole consulship different to a dictatorship? Seen as the lesser of two evils as he could take a colleague later in the year.
Who were Pompey's new allies? Cato and Biblulus who advised legislation
Who was Pompey's next marraige alliance to? Q. Metellus Scipio, through his daughter Cornelia
Who became second consul with Pompey in 52? Q. Metellus Scipio
What type of reforms did Pompey make? - Stricter electoral bribery laws - Procedural laws - Magistracy laws - Law on provincial commands
What was Pompey's opinion on Caesar's Gallic command in 50 BCE? He should end it and that he should give up his provences.
Why did Pompey and the senators leave Rome? Because Caesar crossed the Rubicon river and started an 'invasion' of Rome
What is the Rubicon? Boundary between Cisalpine Gaul and Italy
When did Pompey and the senators leave Rome? 17 January 50
When did Caesar cross the Rubicon? 10 January 50
How did Caesar justify crossing the Rubicon? - His renown was being attacked - Pompey had been corrupted - Tribune's veto's ignored
Who was the opposition to Caesar led by? Pompey
What was Pompey's side called? The 'republican' cause
What did the republican side say it was defending? The res publica and the laws
Who made up the republican side? Those who opposed Caesar, not those who supported Pompey, which caused problems later on
When was Pompey formally given command? Late 49 BCE
What was Pompey's strategy to defeat Caesar? Evacuate Ital in order to defend it. Sail for Greece,. bloackde Italy and control the seas and grain supply
What was Pompey's strategic/policy reasoning? 1. Pompey's strength on the sea and logistics 2. Desire to minimize bloodshed 3. Strong support from provinces and friendly kinds 4. Planned in advance
What was Cicero's perspective on leaving Rome for Greece and restricting the grain supply? "loyal, patriotic citizens take to buccaneering ... on land we cannot hold our own"
What did Pompey place a large emphasis on with outside of Italy? Legitimacy in the senate, as there were the 2 consuls, 200 senates and 10 past consuls
What does Cassius Dio say about Pompey's concerns for egality? "they had appropriated a small pie e of land for the auduries, in order that these might seem to take place under some form of law"
What happened in Dyrrhachium? - Pompey controlled the seas - 48, Caesar came after him - Pompey won - Both sides received reinforcements
What happened in Parsalia? - Pompey was over confident - While they had greater numbers, they were less experiences - They remained stationary - Caesar made an opportune surprise attack - Caesar won.
What battle happened first, Dyrrhachium or Parsalia? Dyrrachium
What does Plutarch write about Parsalia? "He [Pompey] had decided to avoid battle in favor of keeping him [Caesar] hemmed in and starving him into submission ... but he was surrounded by criticisms"
What does Plutarch say about Pompey caving to the will of his soldiers? "he [Pompey] was forced to change his mind and was turned against his better judgement in the wake of the others hopes and desires"
Where did Pompey seek support from after the battle at Parsalia? Egyptian king Ptolemy XIII
How was Pompey murdered? Murdered on arrival by Ptolemy's agents - head was chopped off
What are Cicero's comments on the death of Pompey? "I cannon but grieve for his fate. I knew him for a man of good character, clean life and serious principle"
According to Lucan, what was Caesar's perspective on Pompey's death? "lamented his son-in-law's torn-off head"
What did Pompey's sons do after Pompey's death? Continued the civil war.
When was the revival of the Pompeian cause? 46
Was the revival of the Pompeian cause successful? No, Caesar defeated them at Munda in 45
What does Plutarch say about the extent of Pompey's power under his pirate command? "full blown autocracy involving unregulated absolute power ... very few countries in the Roman world fell outside of this boundary"
Why was Pompey given the pirate command according to Plutarch? the romans "were low on supplies and were expecting a serious shortage"
What statement did Catulus make when acclaiming Pompey, according to Plutarch? "If you lose Pompey, who else will you have?"
Who was in support of Pompey taking on the pirate command? Caesar
What was the Roman state's reaction to Pompey's pirate commands initial success, according to Plutarch? "The people were so please by the fact that the price of goods immediately fell in the market place that the notion arose amongst them at the mere name of Pompey"
According to Plutarch, how did Pompey defeat the pirates? "divided the stretches of open water ... and deployed a certain number of ships and a commanding officer, within each ... he restricted the movement of the entire pirates fleet... hunted them down and brough them into land"
According to Plutarch, what were the consequences of Pompey's successful campaign? his "astonishing speed ... the market place ... was n oe overflowin with goods"
What was the Roman state's reaction to Pompey's return after his successful pirate command according to Plutarch? "everyone poured out of the city to meet him, as if the had not seen him off just a few days earlier"
What did Pompey do to the pirates he captured, according to Plutarch? The pirates were "treated leniently by him ... [after] putting them under arrest, he did them no further harm ... [those who] surrendered to him, he spared their lives ... [those who did no} he punished"
According to Plutarch, what did Pompey do to the pirates after they were captured? "made them live on the land ... [so they would] have fist-hand experience of a decent life"
What did other pirates being hunted by Metellus do, according to Plutarch? "begged him to come to the island" because "Metellis had a lit of the pirates trapped and was in the process of eliminating and destroying them"
What explanation does Appian give for why pirates turned to piracy? "not because they were naturally wicked, but because the war had deprived them of the means to make a living"
What is Cassius Dio's account of the pirates response to Pompey's leniency? "his leniency towards them ... won over large numbers... for those who were defeated by his troops and experience his clemecy went over to his side ver readily"
What does Strabo say Pompey did with the pirates he defeated? "bought them down to ... Dyme where there was a dearth of population; it is now occupied by a colony of Romans "
What does the coin stamped with Magn. Pr. Con. with the bust of Jupiter on it symbolise? Its a coin of Pompey the great, showing his is a consul. The bust of Jupiter wearing a diadem links Pompey with the strength of Jupiter. The eagle also symbolises Jupiter
When was the first triumvirate formed? 60 BCE
When was Pompey given his pirate command? 67 BCE
Created by: Jurassica18
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