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Which Aromatic Dampness Transforming herb calms the fetus?
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Which WInd-Dampness herb is good for a fish bone stuck in the throat?
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JQ- Diuretics et Cie

Jeopardy Questions from Herbs II Week 4

Which Aromatic Dampness Transforming herb calms the fetus? Sha Ren (Fructus Amomi)
Which WInd-Dampness herb is good for a fish bone stuck in the throat? Wei Ling Xian (Radix Clematis)
Which diuretic herb treats edema with deficiency heat causing anger, irritability and/or moodiness? Ze Xie (Rz Alismatis)
Which diuretic herb also activates the blood. There are two. Qu Mai (Herba Dianthi) and Chi Xiao Dou (Semen Phaseol)
Which diuretic herb can clear Heart fire? There are two. Mu Tong (Caulis Akebia) and Dang Xin Cao Medulla Junci)
Which diuretic herb is good for Wind-Damp Bi syndrome? There are two. (Or three...) He said Yi Yi Ren (Semen Coicis) and Bian Xu (Herba Avicularis Polygoni), but book says Yi Yi Ren, Bie Xie (Dioscoreae Hypoglaucae) AND Han Fang Ji (Rx Stephaniae)
Which diuretic herb would you use for Damp Heat in the UB with itchy skin or parasites? Bian Xu Herba Polygoni Aviculari)
Which diuretic herb would you use for Damp Heat in the skin (ezcema/itchiness)? Di Fu Zi (Fructus Kochiae)
Which diuretic herb can be used for insufficient lactation? There are two. Mu Tong (Caulis Akebia) and Dong Kui Zi (Semen Abuti aka Fructus Malvae)
Which diuretic herb clears Summer Heat? Hua Shi Ren (Talcum)
Which diuretic herb can be used for cough d/t Phlegm-Heat in the Lung? There are two. (Or three...) Herba Pyrrosiae (Shi Wei) and Semen Plantaginis (Che Qian Zi). (Dong Gua Zi is also for phlegm/pus but is mostly LI/SI.) In class he also accepted SC's answer of Dong Gua Zi (Sm Benincasae Hispidae)
Which diuretic herb would you use for amenorrhea or dysmenorrhea? Qu Mai (Herba Dianthi)
Which diuretic herbs can dissolve stones? There are three. Jin Qian Cao (Herba Lysimachiae), Shi Wei (Herba Pyrrosiae), Dong Gua Zi (Semen Abuti aka Fructus Malvae)
Which diuretic herb is used for Damp Heat jaundice? There are three. Yin Chen Hao (Herba Artemisae Capillaris) is the KING HERB for JAUNDICE. Also Jin Qian Cao (Herba Lysimachiae). Chi Xiao Dou (Semen Phaseol)
Which diuretic herbs also lube the tubes? Qu Mai (Herba Dianthi) and Dong Kui Zi (Semen Abutili aka Fructus Malvae)
Which diuretic herb can be used for insomnia and anxiety with fatigue? Fu Ling (Poria Cocos)
Which diuretic herb clears Heat from the Liver channel to benefit the eyes? Che Qian Zi (Semen Plantaginis)
Which diuretic herb can clear Kidney fire? Ze Xie (Rhizoma Alismatis)
What herb is known for its ability to treat WInd-Damp in the upper body? And what Blood Activator would you combine it with? Sang Zhi (Ramulus Mori) combine with curcumin (aka tumeric) rhizome: Jiang Huang
What Wind-Damp herb is especially good for chronic Bi syndrome d/t LR & KD deficiency and also treat oliguria or dysuria? Wu Jia Pi (Cortex Acanthopanacis)
What herb treats Wind-Damp and is also good for Liver Yang Rising, Liver Fire and hypertension? Xi Xian Cao (Herba Siegesbeckiae)
What herb treats Wind-Damp and also treats "weeping itchy skin lesions" and calms the Shen? Xi Xian Cao (Herba Siegesbeckiae)
What THREE Wind-Damp herbs are Cold or slightly Cold and thus can be used to treat Heat Bi (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis or gout)? Qin Jiao (Rx Gentianae) is BAslC. Xi Xian Cao (Herba Siegeseckiae) is BC. Luo Shi Teng (Trachelospermi Jasminoidis) is BslC
What are the first 2 Wind-Damp herbs you would think of when a 70-year patient comes into your clinic complaining of hip pain, back pain (cold type)? Hint: One of them means "1,000 years of health & vitality" and the other one means "Bark of 5 additions" Qian Nian Jian (Rz Homalomenae) aka 1,000 Years of Health and Wu Jia Pi (Cx Acanthopanacis) aka Bark of Five Additions. Both are BAW. Both go to LR & KD. Both Expel W-D and strengthen tendons & bones. (The "Pi" also treats oliguria/dysuria & edema.)
What Wind-Damp herb is sweet, salty, warm and TOXIC and can cause dizziness, headache and palpitations if you take too much? The white patterned snake: Bai Hua She (Agistrodon seu Bungarus) ("Think of WIND: paralysis, numbness, rashes, wind stroke, when you think of this herb."
What aromatic Damp resolving herb Releases the Exterior? Huo Xiang (Herba Pogostemi)
What aromatic Damp resolving herb "strongly dries Damp" and also induces sweating? Cang Zhu (Rz. Atractylodis Lancea)
What aromatic Damp resolving herb bitch slaps the Spleen and can be used for diarrhea d/t cold in SP and also morning sickness? Sha Ren (Fructus Amomi)
What aromatic Damp resolving herb needs to be added LAST FIVE MINUTES of decoction? Cao Dou Kou (Semen Alpiniae Katsumadai), according to CF. Book says Sha Ren (Fr Amomi) as well. And maybe even Huo Xiang!
What aromatic Damp resolving herbs can be used for rebellious ST qi, nausea and vomiting? Huo Xiang ("First one you think of"), Bai Dou Kou, Cao Dou Kou and Sha Ren
What aromatic Damp resolving herb can be used for cough and wheezing d/t cold Phlegm in the Lung? Hou Po (Cx Magnolia Officinalis)
What aromatic Damp resolving herb is not warm but only slightly warm? Huo Xiang (Herba Pogostemi)
Created by: mrbarr
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