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Cardio Examination 2

Infants <2yrs BP 106-110 systolic/ 59-63 diastolic
Children 3-5 y/o BP 113-116 systolic/ 67-74 diastolic
Normal adult BP <120 / <80
Pre HPN 120-139/ 80-89
HPN stage 1 140-159/90-99
HPN stage 2 >160 / >100
Orthostatic HyPOtension sudden drop in BP that accompanies change in position
Orthostatic HyPOtension Drop in systolic BP of >20mmHg OR standing BP <100 systolic BP
Mean Arterial Pressure arterial pressure w/in large arteries over time
Mean Arterial Pressure sum of SBP and 2x of DPR / 3
(N) adult RR 12-20 breaths/min
Newborn RR 30-60 breaths/min
Tachypnea Inc in Rate of breathing >20/min
Hyperpnea inc in depth and rate of breathing
Dyspnea on Exertion brought on by exercise or activity
Orthopnea inability to breathe when in reclining position
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea sudden inability to breathe occuring during sleep
dyspnea scale +1 mild, noticeable to px only
dyspnea scale +2 mild, some difficulty, noticeable to observer
dyspnea scale +3 mod difficulty but can continue
dyspnea scale +4 severe difficulty, canT continue
crackles (rales) rattling, bubbling sounds; may be due to lung secretions
wheezes whistling sounds
Pulse oximetry electronic devise that measures the degree of saturation of hemoglobin with O2
Hypoxemia ab(N) low amount of O2 in the blood
Hypoxia low O2 level in the tissues
Ischemic Cardiac Pain angina or myocardial infarction
Ischemic Cardiac Pain sensation of tightness, achiness in the chest; assoc with dyspnea, sweating, indigestion, dizziness, syncope, anxiety
Angina sudden/gradual onset; rest/activity; physical or emotional factors; hot/cold temp, relieved by rest or Nitroglycerin
MI pain sudden; Pain>30mins, may have no precipitating factors; not relieved by meds
angina scale 1+ light, barely noticeable
angina scale 2+ mod, bothersome
angina scale 3+ severe, very uncomfortable
angina scale 4+ most severe pain ever experienced
Referred cardiac pain sh, arms, neck or jaw
dissecting aortic aneurysm back
intermittent claudication pain, cramping, fatigue occuring during exercise, relieved by rest, assoc with PVD
intermittent claudication related to arterial insufficiency pain in calf, may also be in thigh, hips or buttocks
intermittent claudication may have pain @ rest w/ severe dec in arterial blood supply, forefoot, worst at night
bilateral edema CHF
unilateral edema local factors, thrombophlebitis, PVD
Created by: bluepunkstar
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