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pochettes aimantees
essay vocab
english | French |
a smartphone | un smartphone |
device | un appareil |
magnetised pouch | une pouchette aimantee |
sealed pouches | une pouchette scellee |
magnetise/seal | aimanter/sceller |
it is necessary to prevent students from checking their phones constantly | il faut empecher les eleves de consulter leur telephone en permanence |
it is necessary that one distance students from their phone | il faut qu'on eloigne les eleves de leur portable |
it remains a real nightmare for teachers | ca reste un vrai cauchemar pour les enseignants |
one must fight against a wave of notifactions | on doit lutter contre les vagues des notifications |
so that students can avoid temptation of checking their phones | pour que les eleves puissent eviter la tentation de consulter leur portable |
school establishments have decided to act | les establissements scolaires ont decide d'agir |