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chumash bekeyus test

for class 6BRG, in RYNJ, chumash bekeyus test

What was created on each of the six days of creation? 1: light, 2: heaven and water, 3: dry earth - grass, flowers, and trees, 4: the sun, the moon, and the stars, 5: birds and fish, 6: domestic animals, wild animals, אָדָם, and חַוָה
From what was Adam forbidden to eat in Gan Eden? the עץ הדעת
About whom does it say "On your stomach you will go and dirt you will eat" ? the snake
About whom does it say "with the sweat of your brow you will eat bread"? אָדָם
Who were the three sons of Adam and Chava? הבל ,קין, and שׁת
What were the "jobs" of Kayin and Hevel? קין was a farmer and הבל was a shepherd.
What did Kayin do to Hevel and what was his punishment? קין killed הבל and ה׳ punished him that he would have to wonder the earth.
From which of Adam's sons was Noach born? שׁת
What sin from the generation of Noach upset Hashem very much? חמס-violonce
Which members of his family were saved with Noach? His wife, his three sons, and their wives.
How many animals that were Tahor and how many animals that were not Tahor did Noach take into the Ark with him? 7 pairs of every Tahor animal, and a pair of every animal that is not Tahor.
For how long did the flood waters fall? 40 days and 40 nights.
Where did the Ark rest? On הר אררט
What are the seven mitzvos that the descendants of Noach must keep? (the first 5 mitzvos) 1: eating a limb from a live animal, 2: cursing in the name of Hashem, 3: steal, 4: not having a court, 5: worshipping idols
Who are the three sons of Noach and which one of them was cursed? חם ,שׁם, and יפת and חם was cursed
What did the people of the דור הפלגה try to do? They tried to build a tower that will make a noise in the sky to overcome Hashem.
How did Hashem punish them? Hashem mixed up their languages and spread them around the whole world.
From which son of Noach was Avram born? שׁם.
What is the family relationship between Lot and Avram? Avram was Lot's uncle, and Lot was Avram's brother-in-law.
Which Brachos did Hashem promise Avraham? Avraham will become a great nation, he will be wealthy, he will be well-known, and the children of the people of the earth will be blessed with him.
To which place did Avram and Sarai go during the famine? To Egypt.
To which two items were the children of Avram compared in the Parsha? The dust of the earth and the stars of the sky.
Who was captured in the battle of the kings and who saved him? Lot was captured and Avram and his men saved him.
What did the king of Sodom present to Avram and did Avram consent to his advice? He presented to Avram the spoils of war and Avram did not accept so they shouldn't say the king of Sodom made him wealthy.
What secret did Hashem reveal to Avram at the ברית בין הבתרים? His sons will be slaves for four hundred years in a foreign land, and they will leave with great wealth and inherit the land of Canaan
How old was Avram when he was commanded to perform a Bris and how old was Yishmael when he recieved a Bris? Avraham was 99 years old and Yishmael was 13 years old.
Why did Hashem change the names of Avram and Sarai? Avraham would be the father of many nations and kings of nations would come from Sarah.
Created by: Yedidya
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