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chumash bekeyus test
for class 6BRG, in RYNJ, chumash bekeyus test
Question | Answer |
What was created on each of the six days of creation? | 1: light, 2: heaven and water, 3: dry earth - grass, flowers, and trees, 4: the sun, the moon, and the stars, 5: birds and fish, 6: domestic animals, wild animals, אָדָם, and חַוָה |
From what was Adam forbidden to eat in Gan Eden? | the עץ הדעת |
About whom does it say "On your stomach you will go and dirt you will eat" ? | the snake |
About whom does it say "with the sweat of your brow you will eat bread"? | אָדָם |
Who were the three sons of Adam and Chava? | הבל ,קין, and שׁת |
What were the "jobs" of Kayin and Hevel? | קין was a farmer and הבל was a shepherd. |
What did Kayin do to Hevel and what was his punishment? | קין killed הבל and ה׳ punished him that he would have to wonder the earth. |
From which of Adam's sons was Noach born? | שׁת |
What sin from the generation of Noach upset Hashem very much? | חמס-violonce |
Which members of his family were saved with Noach? | His wife, his three sons, and their wives. |
How many animals that were Tahor and how many animals that were not Tahor did Noach take into the Ark with him? | 7 pairs of every Tahor animal, and a pair of every animal that is not Tahor. |
For how long did the flood waters fall? | 40 days and 40 nights. |
Where did the Ark rest? | On הר אררט |
What are the seven mitzvos that the descendants of Noach must keep? (the first 5 mitzvos) | 1: eating a limb from a live animal, 2: cursing in the name of Hashem, 3: steal, 4: not having a court, 5: worshipping idols |
Who are the three sons of Noach and which one of them was cursed? | חם ,שׁם, and יפת and חם was cursed |
What did the people of the דור הפלגה try to do? | They tried to build a tower that will make a noise in the sky to overcome Hashem. |
How did Hashem punish them? | Hashem mixed up their languages and spread them around the whole world. |
From which son of Noach was Avram born? | שׁם. |
What is the family relationship between Lot and Avram? | Avram was Lot's uncle, and Lot was Avram's brother-in-law. |
Which Brachos did Hashem promise Avraham? | Avraham will become a great nation, he will be wealthy, he will be well-known, and the children of the people of the earth will be blessed with him. |
To which place did Avram and Sarai go during the famine? | To Egypt. |
To which two items were the children of Avram compared in the Parsha? | The dust of the earth and the stars of the sky. |
Who was captured in the battle of the kings and who saved him? | Lot was captured and Avram and his men saved him. |
What did the king of Sodom present to Avram and did Avram consent to his advice? | He presented to Avram the spoils of war and Avram did not accept so they shouldn't say the king of Sodom made him wealthy. |
What secret did Hashem reveal to Avram at the ברית בין הבתרים? | His sons will be slaves for four hundred years in a foreign land, and they will leave with great wealth and inherit the land of Canaan |
How old was Avram when he was commanded to perform a Bris and how old was Yishmael when he recieved a Bris? | Avraham was 99 years old and Yishmael was 13 years old. |
Why did Hashem change the names of Avram and Sarai? | Avraham would be the father of many nations and kings of nations would come from Sarah. |