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Court Vocabulary

English-Spanish vocab for court interpreters.

English Spanish
civil commitment reclusion civil (sin fines de castigo)
indictment acusacion formal
principal principal. jefe, cacique
beyond reasonable doubt mas alla de toda duda razonable
moral certainty certeza moral
staffing agency agencia de colocacion
buttocks nalgas, culo
bullying acoso, intimidar
incident incidente, situacion
fire or dismiss despedir, correr, botar
mediation arbitraje, mediacion
disrespect falta de respeto
angry molesto, enojado
scapegoat chivo expiatorio
nunc pro tunc Latin: literally, "now for then." A retroactive ruling to correct and earlier one.
prejudice prejuicio
hearsay pruebas de terceros
foster home hogar adoptivo
foster care cuido o atencion adoptiva
foster placement colocacion adoptiva
Commonwealth of Massachusetts la mancomunidad de Massachusetts
speculation especulacion
bias inclinacion, parcialidad
inference inferencia
conjecture suposicion, conjetura
sua sponte Latin: literally - "of one's own accord." Indicates that a court has taken notice of an issue with its own motion without prompting or suggestion from either party.
manufacture, transportation and sale of a controlled substance Fabrication, transporte, y venta de una sustancia regulada
loitering vageando
begging pidiendo limosna, mendigar
bank fraud fraude bancario
arrest detener, arrestar
arrest warrant orden de arresto
attorney of record abogado/a que consta en el acta
acquittal absolucion, exoneracion
joy riding de pinta en auto robado, More formally: de paseo en vehiculo ajeno sin permiso del dueno
malicious mischief travesuras malevolas
malice aforethought alevosia, malicia de antemano
aider and abettor auxiliador e incitador
glue sniffing inhalar pegamento
environmental offenses delito(s) contra le medio ambiente
bookmaking concertar apuestas
brandishing a weapon blandir una arma
bigamy bigamia
auto tampering tocar un automovil con intenciones dudosas
diversion program programa de redireccion (hacia justicia alternativa)
clerk magistrate actuario magistrado
dismiss with prejudice desestimar con sobreseimiento libre
dismiss without prejudice desestimar con sobreseimiento provisional
accessory before the fact instigador
accessory after the fact encubridor
accomplice complice
adverse witness testigo hostil, testigo desfavorable
affiant declarante, deponente
affirmative defense defensa de fondo
bail forfeiture decomiso de la fianza, o, confiscacion de la caucion
bail bondsman fiancista
bail reinstatement reposicion de la caucion
bail revocation revocacion de la caucion
bailiff alguacil
bailment deposito, deposito caucional
bind (to) vincularse, o, obligarse
aggrieved (party) la parte perjudicada
encroachment usurpacion
Created by: pancholama
Popular Law sets




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