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Government 10-14 tes

Government 10-14 test

The Process by which we develop our political values is called political Socialization
The main source of our political attitudes is our Family
The most vulnerable age to this process(political attitude) is in the ages from 9 to 13
College tends to have what effect on students Liberalizing
What influences political beliefs and behaviors because 76% of Americans feel it is important in their lives Religon
The most consistently liberal religious group is the Jewish
The most consistently conservitive religious group is the Evangelicals Pentocostal
Cuban Hispanics tend to vote for the Republican Party
Mexican Hispanics tend to vote for the Democratic Party
Older people are more likely to vote, and often vote from a Conservitive ideology
What the public thinks about a particular issue at any point in time is called public Opinion
Whether a person is for or against an issue is called the direction of their opinion
How strongly a person feels aout their opinion is called the intensity of opinion
Whether or not they are likely to change their mind on the issue is called the stability of their opinion
When measuring public opinion by taking polls, the most important factor in determining the validity of the poll is that it must be taken with a random sample
Some polls are not for getting information, but for providing information about an opponent. This is called a push poll
Candidates measure the success of their campaign by using a seris of tracking polls
Polls conducted at selected polling places on election day are called exit polls
Sensationlism in journalism that is used to mislead is called yellow journalism
What kind of Radio, on the AM band, has attracted a conservative audience, but has not been successful for liberals. Talk
In 2005 what percentage of Americans got their news from television 74
In 2005 44% of Americans got their news from the Newspaper
Broadcast media is regulated to some degree by the ___________ to ensure that the "public interest, convenience, and necessity" are served. Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Broadcasters must provide candidates for the same office equal time under the Equal Time rule
Three roles played by the media are Gate keeper, Score keeper, and Watch dog
In the media who determines what is the news and what is not Gate Keeper
In the media who decides who is in and who is out in politics Score Keeper
In the media who is overseeing government officials to uncover corruption Watch Dog
The process by which the media coverage establishes national priorities is called agenda building
In a survey of journalists what percentage considered themselves Democrats or Liberals 61%
Ina survey of journalists what percentage considered themselves Republicans or Conservatives 20%
What is an organization that sponsors candidates for public office under that organizations name Polictial Party
The first political parties in America were Democratic-Republicans and Federalists
The party known as the Antifederalists, is also called the Democrat-Republicans
The Democrat-Republicans was led by Thomas Jefferson
Those who backed the new constitution were known as the Federalist
The Federalist Party was led by Alexander Hamilton and John Adams
The modern Democratic Party came into being in 1824 and was led by Andrew Jackson
The modern Democratic Party was opposed by Henry Clay's Whig Party
In 1854, the anti slavery party was formed from Democrats and Whigs, calling themselves the Republican Party
Teddy Roosevelt's Progressive Party and George Wallace's American Independent Party were the Bolter Parties
The Bolter Parties did what from their founding major parties Seperated
What kind of parties, such as the Socialist Workers Party have little success because their principles radically differ from America's mainstream Ideological
The statement of policies of a national political party is called the Party Platform
The national party chair and party officals from every state make up the national committee
The national committee governs the party. They plan and coordinate the party's national convention
Formally elected by the National Committee, the National Chair is usually appointed by the party's Presidential candidate
The lowest level and most basic unit of political organization is the precent
Ethnically what race is the strongest Democrat vote at 90% African Americans
What race tends to vote Democrat by a 3/1 margin Hispanic
Middle age voters tend to prefer the Repblican Party
The youngest and oldest tend to lean toward the Democrat Party
An organized group of people that seeks to influence public policy is an interest group
An person who represents an interest group to influence government is a lobbyist
This carries their interest to government decision makers lobbyist
Lobbying goes on in the legislature, executive branch, the _____________, and government agencies Judicial Branch
What interest group attempts to motivate the general public to put pressure on the government, this is called grass roots lobbying
According to the 1995 Lobbying Disclosure Act, lobbyist must do what with the House Clerk or Senate Secretary Register
According to the 1995 Lobbying Disclosure Act, lobbyist must report names of whom and name the agency lobbied Clients
According to the 1995 Lobbying Disclosure Act, lobbyist must estimate the ____________ they received from each client amount
This List is a funding interest group for liberal, female, Democratic Candidates Emily's
This is a similar organization to Emily's List for republican candidates Wish
The most valuable asset of an interst group or a lobbyist is credible information
People who vote tend to be more highly _________ than those who do not. educated
People over age _____ tent to vote but the numbers decline after age ______ 30 and 70
By gender, who tends to vote at a slightly higher rate. women
The most politically active Americans make up about _____ of the population. 5%
Those who give financially to the parties and candidates are about ______ of the population 10%
The National Voter Registration Act (Motor Voter Act) required states to allow voter registration when obtaining a drivers license
A voter who considers the PAST perfomance of a candidate is using what judgment in their decision retrospective
Those who rely upon campaign promises are using prospective judgment
Party candidates are nominated to be on a general election ballot by winning a primary election
An election in which only party members may participate is a/an closed primary
An election in which non-party members may participate is a/an open primary
When a voter votes in the primary of the party in which they are Not a member, they are participating in crossover voting
If no candidates receives a majority of the vote in a primary or special election, the top two candidates face each other in a run off election
The election that is held on the Tuesday after the first Monday of November, in which we select office holders, is called the general election
The general election is the only election that requires this amount of votes to win a plurality
Direct democracy is partially practiced with three citizen actions: Initiative, referendum, and recall
This is an election in which citizens propose legislation and allows the voters to approve it Iniative
This is an election in which the legislature proposes legislation and allows the voters to approve it Referendum
This is an election in which voters can remove an elected office holder by popular vote Recall
Recently several states have moved their primary election dates up to have a greater effect on the final result. This process is called front loading
To win a presidential election, a candidate must have a majority of the electoral votes, or a minimum of 270 votes
The number of electoral college votes that a state has is a total of the number of _______, based upon population, plus one for each of the two_________ Senators and US Representives
The largest four states in number of electoral votes from the largest is: California, Texas, New York, and Florida
The process of distributing electoral college votes among the states based upon the national census is called reapportionment
Redrawing political districts based upon population changes is called redistricing
Redistricing is the process to benefit one party more than another which is called gerrymandering
Who has the responsibility of redrawing congressional district lines The state legislature
Thses ads are broadcast advertisements paid for by the candidate Spot
These are preferred by candidates because they are more credible than spots News visuals
Campaign contributions from individuals to candidates for federal office in 2006 were limited to how much per candidate per election $2300.00
In the 2004 campaign, Political Action Committees (PAC) contributed this amount to US House of Senate candidates, compared to this amount coming from individuals $294 million and $693 Million
These Funds are donations from the general tax revenues to the campaigns of presidential candidates Public
This term refers to unregulated money donated by individuals and committees through stae and local parties Soft money
How many politcal committees are nonprofit and unregulated interest groups that focus on specific issues or causes and attempts to influence voters. 527
This is an intentional course of action followed by government to deal with matters of concern Public Policy
Identifying areas of concern to address them in public policy is called agenda setting
What is creating specific courses of action to resolve a public problem Policy formulation
Accepting and putting that course into action is called policy adoption and implementation
Social Security is NOT a personal __________ it is a PAY AS YOU GO system where today's taxpayers are paying today's recipients retirement account
In 2006, the poverty income threshold for a family of four was $19,307.00
The program under the Socical Security Act that helps the needy aged, blind, or disabled is called Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
The Personal Responsibilty and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (POWORA) places a __ year lifetime for aid from block grants, and requires recipients to find employment within ___ years 5 and 2
SSI and Food Stamps are considered entittlement programs
The 2006 spending for health and human services was estimated at $68.9 billion
This is a federal program providing medical care for the poor Medicaid
This is a federal program providing medical care for elderly social security recipients Medicare
When the government practices a policy of leaving all economic factors to settle themselves, they are practicing a laissez-faire policy
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was established to oversee the Banking Industry
The Securities Exchange Commission regulates stock exchanges
Economic regulation by Congress is based upon Congress' interpretation of the Commerce Clause of Article 1, Section 8, of the constitution
This is a reduction of market controls in favor of market-based competition Deregulation
This is a short term decline in the economy Recession
This policy deals with regulating the nation's money supply and interest rates. Monatary Policy
Monatary policy is usually controlled by the Federal Reserve Board
This policy refers to programs concerning taxes, spending, and debt management. Fiscal Policy
Who held forth the theory that governments can stabilize the economy through application of fiscal and monetary policies John M. Keynes
When the government spends more than it takes in within a budget cycle, it is engaging in a deficit spending/financing
The accumulation of several years of deficit creates a national debt
Two committess of Congress responsible for raising the tax revenues to sustain oublic policy are the House Ways and Means Committee and the Senate appropiations Committee
A policy that avoids participating in foreign affairs Isolationism
Emphasizes morality in foreign policy Moralism
Takes advantages of situations for national gain Pragmatism
Acting on national policy without consulting other nations Unilateralism
The Persian Gulf are was indentified as a vital interes of the United States by the Carter Doctrine
The treaty providing for free movement of goods between the US, Canada, and Mexico is the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
This organization has jurisdicition to manage multinational negotiations and impose solutions The World Trade Organization(WTO)
This holds that the United States has the right to use preemptive strikes against those nations/forces that are threatening US interest The Bush Doctrine
Chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons are considered to weapons of Mass Destruction
The chief agent in US foregin policy is the President
The President's prinicpal assistant in diplomatic policy is the Secretary of State
The President's prinicpal assistant in military policy is the Secretary of Defense
The executive agency responsibile for collecting and analyzing information about foregin nations is the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Formed by the Defense Reorganization Act of 1947, the National Security Council has four statutory members: The President, Vice President, Secretary of State and Denfense
The primary disaster relief agency for the US government is the Federal Emergancy Management Agency (FEMA)
All treaties with other governments must have a ratification vote of 2/3 of the Senate
Presidents have bypassed these treaties by making these with foreign heads of state Executive agreements
The War Powers Act of 1973 requires that the President report to Congress within how many hours of placing US forces into combat 48
If Con gress disapproves or does not concur within how many days, the troops must be redeplyed within the following 30 days 60
The number of electoral college votes that a state has is a total of the number of REPRESENTIVES, based upon STATE POPULATION, plus one for each of the two SENATORS
Created by: 1221032531



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