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Assurance Slides

audit is a a subset of assurance
assurance engagement practitioner aims to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence to express conclusion designed to enhance degree of confidence of intended users about subject matter information
assurance services independent services that improve quality of information
can be performed by CA or other professions
three party relationship the practitioner (auditor) responsible party (directors) intended users (shareholders)
appropriate underlying subject matter e.g., financial statements
suitable criteria e.g., IFRS standards
a written assurance report contains an opinon
suitable criteria guide relevant, complete, reliable, neutral, understandable
reasonable assurance positive assurance and high assurance
limited assurance negative / lower assurance - not found anything wrong but not saying everything is right
attestation services a type of assurance in which audit firm issues a report about reliability of assertion of other party
direct reporting engagement the professional accountant expresses a conclusion on subject matter based on suitable criteria regardless of if responsible party has made written assertion about subject matter
two aspects of double materiality - inside out (impact) : comparing activities affecting users of accounts and services - outside in (financial) : how country, location, regulation affects the firm
increased demand for reporting and assurance
who provides sustainability assurance - statutory auditor - other audit firms - other providers of sustainbaility assurance
FRC view on statutory auditor providing sustainability assurance no issue - seen as 'natural progression' of scope of audit
difficulty regarding non-statutory auditor providing sustainability assurance not the same knowledge of systems and controls within the firm - and general knowledge of firm
FRC want to ensure UK Market is working effectively
focus of FRC study in 2024 how well is market functioning - is it delivery desired results
three broad themes of FRC study in 2024 1. choice of provider and competition 2. market capacity, opportunities and barriers to entry / expansion 3. regulatory framework and how changing international requirements could impact UK
results from FRC market study, 2024 - wide variety and choice of providers in UK -> concerns over consistency of quality of assurance - stakeholders concerns regarding domination and choice - concerns about immaturity of market and lack of clarity and regulatory position
how could the lack of framework impact market -> lack of regulation will hinder quality and consistency of assurance -> hindering decision making
audit firms movement in sustainability assurance transfer of skills and move into new market
what approach do consultant assurors provide value added
Created by: amyperston
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