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Senderos 5 L.3

Los medios de comunicación

la banda sonora soundtrack
la cadena television chain
el/la crítico/a de cine film critic
el canal channel
el/la corresponsal correspondent
el documental documentary
los efectos especiales special effects
el episodio (final) final episode
el/la locutor(a) de radio radio announcer
el/la oyente listener
la radioemisora radiostation
el reportaje news report
el/la reportero/a news reporter
los subtítulos subtitles
la telenovela soap opera
el/la televidente television viewer
el video musical music video
grabar to record
rodar to film
transmitir to broadcast
doblado/a dubbed
en directo/vivo live
la celebridad celebrity
el chisme gossip
la estrella (pop) pop star
la fama fame
la moda pasajera fad
la tendencia/la moda trend
hacerse famoso/a to become famous
tener buena/mala fama to have a good/bad reputation
actual current
de moda popular, in fashion
influyente influential
pasado/a de moda out of date, no longer popular
el acontecimiento event
la actualidad current events
el anuncio advertisement, commercial
la censura censorship
la libertad de prensa freedom of the press
los medios de comunicación media
la parcialidad bias
la publicidad advertising
el público public, audience
enterarse (de) to become informed (about)
estar al tanto/al dia to be informed, up to date
actualizado/a up to date
controvertido/a controversial
de último momento up to the minute
destacado/a prominent
imparcial unbiased
el/la lector(a) reader
las noticias locales/nacionales/internacionales local/domestic/international news
el periódico/el diario newspaper
el/la periodista journalist
la portada front cover/page
la prensa press
la prensa sensacionalista tabloid
el/la redactor (a) editor
la revista (electrónica) online magazine
la revista (electrónica) lifestyle section
la sección deportiva sports page/section
la tira cómica comic strip
el titular headline
imprimir to print
publicar to publish
suscribirse (a) to subscribe to
aclarar To clarify
dar la gana to feel like
darse cuenta (de) to realize
darse por aludido/a to realize/assume that one is being referred to
embalarse to go too fast
fijarse To notice
maletero Trunk
la nuca nape
parar el carro to hold your horses
pillar to get (catch)
la sintonía synchronization; tuning; connection
el/la columnista columnist
denunciar to denounce
el informativo news bulletin
manipular to manipulate
la oferta offer, proposal
el organismo público government agency
la propaganda advertisement
Created by: crojas
Popular Spanish sets




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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

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