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AP US Government

Required Court Cases

Baker v. Carr 14th Amendment: EQUAL PROTECTION CLAUSE - federal courts can enforce EP requirement if districts are malapportioned (number) - Baker won
Shaw v. Reno 14th Amendment: EQUAL PROTECTION CLAUSE - 15th Amedment: districts cannot be drawn racially - Shaw won
Marbury v. Madison 14th Amendment: JUDICIAL REVIEW - SCOTUS cannot force delivery of commission - Marbury had right to commission and can sue fed. government
McCulloch v. Maryland Article 1, Section 8: NECESSARY AND PROPER CLAUSE - Congress had power to commission a national bank - Maryland cannot tax instruments of government - McCulloch won
US v. Lopez 10th Amendment: COMMERCE CLAUSE - carrying a gun at a school is not economic activity - the Gun Free School Zones Act exceeded Congressional authority of Commerce Clause - Lopez won
Shenck v. US 1st Amendment: FREEDOM OF PRESS - Shenck printed and mailed anti-draft messages - "clear and present danger" test - Constitution does not protect speech inciting violence or chaos - US won
Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District 1st Amendment: FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION - Students retain their right of symbolic speech in public schools as long as it does not interrupt instruction - Tinker won
New York Times v. US 1st Amendment: FREEDOM OF PRESS - Freedom of press is absolute - Government can only restrain freedom of press during an imminent threat (national security) - NYT won
Engel v. Vitale 1st Amendment: ESTABLISHMENT CLAUSE - Government official school-sponsored prayer violated Est. Clause - limited broad government religious activity - Engel (parents) won
Wisconsin v. Yoder 1st Amendment: FREE EXERCISE CLAUSE - prevented Wisconsin from forcing Amish and Mennonite parents to send children to public school past 14 - did not apply to non-Amish people - 14th: Due Process Clause (forced other states to comply) - Yoder won
Gideon v. Wainwright 6th Amendment: RIGHT TO COUNSEL - a defendant's right to a lawyer was essential to a fair trial - 14th: Due Process Clause (state courts must comply) - Gideon won
McDonald v. Chicago 2nd Amendment: RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS - right to bear arms in self-defense applied to states - 14th: Due Process Clause - McDonald won
Roe v. Wade 14th Amendment: (implied) RIGHT TO PRIVACY - 9th amendment reservation of rights (enumerated powers) is broad enough to include abortion - 1-3 trimester - Roe won
Brown v. Board of Education 14th Amendment: EQUAL PROTECTION CLAUSE - segregation of public schools violated clause by creating stigmatization and separate facilities were unequal - overturned Plessy v. Ferguson - charged school authorities with desegregation - Brown won
Created by: maraschrantz
Popular American Government sets




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