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Ultimate Mythology

Comprehensive mythology stack for quizbowl, designed to power questions

Zeus/Jupiter/Jove The Sky/King of the Gods Greco-Roman
Hera/Juno Marriage and Childbirth/ Queen of the Gods Greco-Roman
Poseidon/Neptune (Earthshaker) The Ocean Greco-Roman
Hades/Pluto (Plutus) The Underworld/Wealth Greco-Roman
Hestia/Vesta The Hearth and Home/Purity Greco-Roman
Demeter/Ceres The Harvest Greco-Roman
Persephone/Proserpina (Kore) Spring/Queen of the Underworld Greco-Roman
Aphrodite/Venus Love Greco-Roman
Apollo (Phoebus, Pythius) Healing/Prophecy/The Sun/Music Greco-Roman
Artemis/Diana The Hunt/Women/The Moon Greco-Roman
Hephaestus/Vulcan The Forge/Invention Greco-Roman
Athena/Minerva (Pallas) War/Wisdom/Weaving Greco-Roman
Ares/Mars (Ultor) War/Carnage Greco-Roman
Dionysus/Bacchus Wine/Revelry Greco-Roman
Cronus/Saturn King of the Titans/ Wealth (Time) Greco-Roman
Eros/Cupid Love (Lust) Greco-Roman
Pan The Wild (Nature) Greco-Roman
Janus Doorways/Choice Greco-Roman
Hecate Magic/Death (witches) Greco-Roman
Asclepius Healing Greco-Roman
Hermes/Mercury Traveling/Messenger of the Gods
Thor/Doner (Aesir) The Sky and Lightning/War and Strength Norse-Germanic
Loki/Logi (Aesir/Giant) The Trickster/Fire Norse-Germanic
Freya (Vanir) Love/Wealth/Seidthr Norse-Germanic
Frey(r)/Yngvi (Vanir) The Harvest/Peace Norse-Germanic
Frigg(a) (Aesir) Queen of the Aesir Norse-Germanic
Tyr (Aesir) War Norse-Germanic
Heimdall (???) The Guardian(Watcher) Norse-Germanic
Baldr (???) The Sun Norse-Germanic
Ymir (Giant) The Earth Norse-Germanic
Skadi (Vanir/Giant) Winter Sports Norse-Germanic
Surt(r/a) (Giant) Fire Norse-Germanic
Mimir (Vanir) Wisdom Norse-Germanic
Njord (Vanir) The Sea/Fishing Norse-Germanic
Fenrir(ris) The Wolf Norse-Germanic
Odin/Woden (Aesir) Magic/Knowledge/King of the Aesir Norse-Germanic
Ra (Atum, Amun, Aten, Khepri) The Sun/The Pharaoh/Ma'at Egyptian
Isis Magic Egyptian
Osiris The Underworld Egyptian
Set(h) Chaos/The Desert Egyptian
Horus (the Avenger) War/The King Egyptian
Sekhmet (The Eye of Ra) Carnage Egyptian
Hathor Love Egyptian
Anubis Death/The Psychopomp Egyptian
Thoth Knowledge/Magic Egyptian
Bast(et) Childbirth/The Protector Egyptian
Nephthys ??? (Death, Night, Funeral Rights?) Egyptian
Apep/Apophis Chaos/Evil/Isfet Egyptian
Brahma (Modern) The Creator Hindu
Vishnu (Modern) The Preserver Hindu
Shiva (Modern) The Destroyer Hindu
Saraswati (Modern) Knowledge/The Arts Hindu
Lakshmi (Modern) Wealth and Power Hindu
Parvati (Modern) Femininity/Cosmic Energy Hindu
Ganesh (Modern) Wisdom/The Remover of Obstacles Hindu
Hanuman (Modern) Strength/The Monkey God Hindu
Kartikeya (Modern) War Hindu
Durga (Modern) Shakti/Protection Hindu
Kali (Modern) Carnage/Death Hindu
Indra (Vedic) The Sky/Kingship Hindu
Agni (Vedic) Fire/Messenger of the Gods Hindu
Vayu (Vedic) Wind Hindu
Varuna (Vedic) Water/Law Hindu
Chandra/Soma (Vedic) The Moon Hindu
Surya (Vedic) The Sun Hindu
Rudra (Vedic) ??? (Natural Disasters)/ The Roarer Hindu
Yama (Vedic) Death/Dharma Hindu
Xolotl Fire and Lightning/Evil Aztec
Tlaloc The Sky/Rain Aztec
Quetzalcoatl/Kulkulkan/Q'uq'umatz Wind/Knowledge (White Tezcatlipoca) Aztec/Mayan
Tezcatlipoca War/Darkness (Black Tezcatlipoca) Aztec
Xipe-Totec Agriculture (Red Tezcatlipoca) Aztec
Huitzilopochtli War (Blue Tezcatlipoca) Aztec
Coatlicue Fertility Aztec
Itzamna Creation Mayan
Chaac The Sky/Rain Mayan
Ixchel Midwifery/Medicine/The Moon Mayan
Yum Kaax Nature Mayan
Ek Chuaj War/Trade/Cacao Mayan
Created by: SimShady
Popular Quiz Bowl sets




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