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French | English |
acheter | to buy |
alors | so, therefore |
l’ami(e) | friend |
arriver | to arrive |
assez | enough |
attendre | to wait |
au revoir | goodbye |
aussi | also |
bavard(e) | chatty |
bien | well |
ça | it |
calme | calm, quiet |
la catastrophe | catastrophe |
la clé | key |
connaître | to know (person, place) |
le copain | friend, boyfriend |
la copine | friend, girlfriend |
descendre | to go down |
devoir | to have to |
drôle | funny |
embêtant(e) | annoying |
en retard | late |
l’enfant | child |
entendre | to hear |
fier / fière | proud |
fort(e) | strong |
genial(e) | great |
gentil(le) | kind |
heureux(se) | happy |
inquiétant(e) | worrying |
intelligent(e) | intelligent |
l’ Internet (m.) | internet |
jamais | never |
l’école | school |
maintenant | now |
mais | but |
la maison | house |
me | me |
méchant | naughty, nasty |
même | same |
neuf/ neuve | new |
non | no |
la note | grade, result |
oui | yes |
paresseux/ paresseuse | lazy |
parfois | sometimes |
partir | to leave |
passionnant(e) | exciting |
penser | to think |
perdre | to lose |
la personnalité | personality |
personne | nobody |
la qualité | quality |
quand | when |
que | that |
quel(le) | which |
qui | who, which |
répondre | to answer |
salut | hi, hello |
sérieux/ sérieuse | serious |
son/ sa/ ses | his, her |
souvent | often |
surtout | especially |
le téléphone | phone |
timide | timid, shy |
toi | you |
ton/ ta / tes | your |
le train | train |
travailler | to work |
travailleur / travailleuse | hard-working |
triste | sad |
trop | too much, too many |
trouver | to find |
un peu | a little |
vendre | to sell |
vite | quick, fast, quickly |
la voiture | car |
vrai | true, real |
vraiment | really |