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French | English |
à | at, to |
aller | to go |
après | after |
attendre | to expect |
aussi … que | as … as |
le beau-père | stepfather |
canadien(ne) | Canadian |
car | because |
chez moi | at my place, at mine |
choisir | to choose |
la chose | thing |
le cinéma | cinema |
comprendre | to understand |
les courses (f. pl.) | (grocery) shopping |
le déjeuner | lunch |
les devoirs (m. pl.) | homework |
(le) dimanche | Sunday |
écouter | to listen (to) |
l’ émission (f.) | program |
encore | again, still |
finir | to finish |
le fruit | fruit |
gagner | to earn, to win |
grandir | to grow (up) |
la grand-mère | grandmother |
le grand-père | grandfather |
le jeu | game |
là-bas | over there |
la lecture | reading |
meilleur(e) que | better than |
moins … que | less than |
le mois | month |
la musique | music |
né(e) | born |
Noël | Christmas |
normalement | normally |
nous | we |
le parent | parent |
pire que | worse than |
la plage | beach |
plus | more |
plus … que | more than |
pour | for |
le problème | problem |
regarder | to look, to watch |
remplir | to fill up |
réussir | to succeed |
rire | to laugh |
le sac | bag |
(le) samedi | Saturday |
la semaine | week |
s’entendre avec | to get on, get along with |
séparé(e) | separated |
septembre | September |
la télé | television |
tous | all, every |
le travail | work |
les vacances (f. pl.) | holidays |
(le) vendredi | Friday |
vivre | to live |
vraiment | really |