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French | English |
à l’avenir | in the future |
aider | to help |
apprécier | to enjoy, appreciate, like |
l’ argent (m.) | money |
les associations caritatives (f.) | charities |
aucun(e) | no, not one |
les autres | others |
aujourd’hui | today |
l’ avocat(e) | lawyer |
le Canada | Canada |
cela | it, this, that |
célibataire | single |
certainement | certainly |
changer | to change |
cher/ chère | expensive |
chercher | to research, to look for |
la compétence | skill |
la connaissance | knowledge |
la course | race |
coûter | to cost |
la culture | culture |
demain | tomorrow |
développer | to develop |
donner | to give |
dur(e) | hard |
l’ employeur/ employeuse | employer |
entrer | to enter |
l’ Espagne | Spain |
Espanol | Spanish |
essayer | to try |
excellent(e) | excellent |
européen (ne) | European |
facile | easy |
faire du jardinage | to do the gardening |
le futur | future |
futur(e) | future |
garder | to keep |
l’ hôpital (m.) | hospital |
idéal(e) | ideal |
l’ importance (f.) | importance |
important(e) | important |
l’indépendance | independence |
l’ instrument (m.) | instrument |
le mariage | marriage |
se marier | to marry |
la mer | sea |
mieux | better |
le monde | people, world |
notre/ nos | our |
le PACS | civil partnership |
le parc | park |
par contre | on the other hand |
le / la partenaire | partner |
partout | everywhere |
le passe-temps | hobby, past time |
le pays | country |
plus | more |
pourquoi | why |
préférer | to prefer |
près (de) | near, next to |
probablement | probably |
le problème | problem |
le projet | project, plan |
la question | question |
quitter | to leave |
rencontrer | to meet |
rester | to stay |
le salaire | pay, wages, salary |
le souci | worry |
souhaiter | to wish |
traditionnel(le) | traditional |
le type | type |
la vie | life |
vouloir | to want |
voyager | to travel |