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Vocabulario I-
!Asi Somos!
Question | Answer |
a las espaldas de alguien | behind someone's back |
abordar | to undertake |
acorde a | in compliance with |
adorno | decoration |
agregar | to add |
amenazar | to threaten |
arreglado | dressed up |
atado, -a de manos | tied hands |
autosuficiente | self-sufficient |
capricho | whim |
carcajada | gaffaw |
caricatura | caricature |
comisaría | precinct (police station) |
deleite | delight |
desanimarse | to lose heart |
desempeñar | to perform |
diligencia | errand, business |
discreto, -a | discrete |
echarse a | to make cry/laugh |
fuerza de voluntad | willpower |
hablar por los codos | talk a lot |
ingenioso, -a | witty |
introspectivo, -a | introspective |
buenos modales | good manners |
novedad | innovation |
ostentoso, -a | ostentatious, showy, extravagent |
perdurable | lasting |
pernoctar | to stay overnight |
pragmático, -a | pragmatic, practical |
rechazar | to reject |
relacionarse con | to be in contact with |
rezongar | to grumble |
sedentario, -a | sedentary |
titubeo | hesitation |
valorar | to appreciate |