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Subjunctive verbs
my 15 verbs conjugated into present subjunctuive.
Question | Answer |
-ar endings | -e,-es,-e,-emos,-éis,-en |
-er/-ir endings | -a,-as,-a,-amos,-áis,-an |
to generate | generar / gener- |
to steal | robar / rob- |
to plagiarize | plagiar / plagi- |
to copy | copiar / copi- |
to cite | citar / cit- |
to take in | asimilar / asimil- |
to learn | descubrir / descubr- |
to develop | desarrollar / desarroll- |
to separate | separar / separ- |
to create | crear / cre- |
to figure out | resolver / resuelv- (in the boot) |
to spread | extenderse / extiend- (in the boot) |
to cheat | hacer (trampa) / hag- (trampa) |
to identify | identificar / identifiqu- |
to edit | corregir / corrij- |