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EC 1 - U5 (Lista 3)
Term | Definition |
el Año Nuevo | New Year's |
La carroza | parade float |
el Día de Acción de Gracias | Thanksgiving Day |
el Día de la Independencia | Independence Day |
El desfile | parade |
La foto | photo (photograph) |
los fuegos artificiales (los cohetes) | fireworks |
La iglesia | church |
La mezquita | mosque |
El templo | temple |
Estuvo aburrido. | It was boring. |
¡Estuvo chévere! (¡Estuvo genial!) | It was great! |
¡Estuvo fantástico! | It was fantastic! |
Estuvo horrible. | It was horrible. |
¡La pasé bomba! | I had a great time! |
¡Me divertí mucho! | I had a lot of fun! |
No hice nada especial. | I didn't do anything special. |
No hice nada divertido. | I didn't do anything fun. |
No me gustó nada. | I didn't like it at all. |
Ir a (lugar) | To go to (place) |
Preparar | to prepare |
Sacar fotos | to take photos |
Ver | to see (to watch) |
Decorar | to decorate |
el disfraz (los disfraces) | costume (costumes) |
la flor | flower |
el globo | balloon |
el traje | suit |
el vestido | dress |
La fiesta sorpresa | surprise party |
llevar | to wear (to carry) |