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S3 - U1 - biografia
Question | Answer |
nacer | to be born |
morir (o-ue) | to die |
fallecer | to die |
conocer | to know, to meet |
luchar | to fight |
recibir | to receive |
graduarse | to graduate |
hacerse | to become |
parar | to stop |
casarse | to get married |
mudarse | to move (a house) |
empezar a +inf | to begin to do something |
aprender a +inf | to learn to do something |
merecer | to deserve |
tener éxito | to be successful |
fallar | to fail |
enfrentar | to face, confront |
superar | to overcome |
ganar | to win |
perder (e-ie) | to lose |
decir (e-i) que | to say that |
el sueño | the dream |
la meta | the goal |
la mujer | the woman |
el hombre | the man |
el apodo | the nickname |
el nacimiento | the birth |
la muerte | the death |
el equipo | the team |
la carrera | the career or race |
la cultura | the culture |
la época | the time period |
la guerra | the war |
la paz | the peace |
la vez (las veces) | the time (s) (occurrances) |
exitoso | successful |
conocido | known |
inspirador | inspiring |
poderoso | powerful |
notable | notable |
por eso | therefore |
debido a | because of, owing to |
a causa de | because of |
el viajero | the traveler |
el político | the politician |
el científico | the scientist |
el pintor | the painter |
el director | the director |
el escritor | the writer |
el inventor | the inventor |
el deportista | the athlete |
el cantante | the singer |
el artista | the artist |
el actor | the actor |
la actriz | the actress |
el activista | the activist |
el personaje | the character / personality |
el revolucionario | the revolutionary |
el mejor | the best |
lograr | to achieve |
obtener | to receive, get |
reconocer | to recognize |
soñar | to dream |
los logros | the achievements |
la niñez | the childhood |
perder (e-ie) | to lose, waste, miss |
a pesar de | in spite of |