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Verbos A3
Question | Answer |
aconsejar | to give advice |
actualizar | to update |
advertir (e-ie) | to warn, advise |
afectar | to affect |
afrontar | to confront, face |
agregar | to add, incorporate |
apagar | to turn off |
avisar | to inform, notify |
carecer de | to lack, not have |
competir | to compete |
conllevar | to entail, involve |
descargar | to download |
descubrir | to discover |
desencadenar | to trigger, unleash, let loose |
empoderar | to empower |
entretener | to entertain |
enviar / mandar | to send |
establecer | to establish |
facilitar | to facilitate, make easier |
garantizar | to guarantee, promise |
gozar de | to enjoy |
guardar | to save |
innovar | to innovate |
interrumpir | to interrupt |
inventar | to invent |
mantener un equilibrio | maintain a balance |
ocultar | to hide, conceal |
promover | to promote |
retomar | to resume, restart |
satisfacer | to satisfy |
seguir | to follow, to continue |
sobrepasar | to surpass, exceed |
solicitar | to apply for |
surgir | to arise, emerge, appear |
tender (e-ie) / soler (o-ue) | to be inclined, prone, tend |