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Los Quehaceres
House hold chores acitivy
Question | Answer |
preparar ( la comida) | prepare (food) |
limpiar (la cocina) | cleaning (kitchen) |
adornar (las paredes) | decorate (walls) |
hacer la cama | making the bed |
doblar (la ropa) | folding (laundry) |
colgar (la ropa) | hanging (clothes) |
trabajar en El jardín | working in the garden |
subir Algo (al cuarto) | up Something (to the room) |
compartir | to share |
cortar el césped | to mow the lawn |
desempolvar | to dust |
fregar | to wash, to scrub |
guardar | to put away |
planchar | to iron |
regar las plantas | to water the plants |
secar los plantos | to dry the dishes |
solo/a | alone |
barrer (El piso) | sweep (floor) |
la aspiradora | the vacuum cleaner |
pasar la aspiradora | vacuuming |
recoger (la mesa) | pick up (the table) |
lavar las olllas | washing the pots |
dar de comer (al perro) | feeding (to the dog) |
sacar la basura | take out the garbage |
trear la leche ( a casa) | milk (home) |
la olla | pot |
cocinar | cooking |
las personas | the people |
juntos | together |
trabajo | work |
los quehaceres | the chores |