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Spanish Week 2 vocab
Question | Answer |
Nephew | Sobrino |
Niece | Sobrina |
Grandchild | Nieto/a |
Partner | Pareja |
Wedding | Boda |
Divorce | Divorcio |
Engagement | Compromiso |
Family reunion | Reunión familiar |
In-laws | Suegros |
Father-in-law | Suegro |
Daughter in law | nuera |
son in law | yerno |
twins | gemelos, Mellizos |
single-parent family | Familia monoparental |
to argue | discutir |
to trust | Confiar (i-> í in some forms) |
to fight | pelear |
to forgive | perdonar |
To miss (someone) | Extrañar/ Echar de menos |
To grow up | crecer (crezco in yo form) |
to get married | casarse |
to be close (emotionally | ser cercano |
Like father like son | De tal palo, tal astilla |
To be inseparable | Ser uña y carne |
The black sheep | La oveja negra |
To lift the blanket (reveal something) | Tirar de la manta |
Blood calls | La sangre llama |
Things come in threes | No hay dos sin tres |
To be someones favourite | ser el ojito derecho de alguien |
to get along like cats and dogs | Llevarse como el pero y el gato |
To turn a blind eye | hacerse la vista gorda |
to be in the same boat | estar en las mismas aguas |
to badmouth someone | poner a parir alguien |
To be blunt | no tener pelos en la lengua |
to sow discord | meter cizaña |
familiarity breeds affection | el roce hace el cariño |