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Spanish Week 2 vocab

Nephew Sobrino
Niece Sobrina
Grandchild Nieto/a
Partner Pareja
Wedding Boda
Divorce Divorcio
Engagement Compromiso
Family reunion Reunión familiar
In-laws Suegros
Father-in-law Suegro
Daughter in law nuera
son in law yerno
twins gemelos, Mellizos
single-parent family Familia monoparental
to argue discutir
to trust Confiar (i-> í in some forms)
to fight pelear
to forgive perdonar
To miss (someone) Extrañar/ Echar de menos
To grow up crecer (crezco in yo form)
to get married casarse
to be close (emotionally ser cercano
Like father like son De tal palo, tal astilla
To be inseparable Ser uña y carne
The black sheep La oveja negra
To lift the blanket (reveal something) Tirar de la manta
Blood calls La sangre llama
Things come in threes No hay dos sin tres
To be someones favourite ser el ojito derecho de alguien
to get along like cats and dogs Llevarse como el pero y el gato
To turn a blind eye hacerse la vista gorda
to be in the same boat estar en las mismas aguas
to badmouth someone poner a parir alguien
To be blunt no tener pelos en la lengua
to sow discord meter cizaña
familiarity breeds affection el roce hace el cariño
Created by: izzy windeyer
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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

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