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El próximo mes/año/verano
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Capitulo 5

Nuestro Tiempo Libre - Our Free Time

Solo Only
El próximo mes/año/verano Next month/year/summer
El mes/año/verano que viene Next month/year/summer
Este mes/año/verano This month/year/summer
Verde Green
Rosado/a Pink
Rojo/a Red
La fiesta Party
El equipo Team
El ejericio Exercise
El béisbol Baseball
El básquetbol/el baloncesto Basketball
Amarillo/a Yellow
Ilover (ue) To rain
Oscuro/a Dark
Negro/a Black
Morado/a Purple
Marrón Brown
Gris Gray
Color cáfe Brown
Claro/a Light
Blanco/a White
Beige Beige
Azul Blue
Anaranjado/a Orange
La pelota Ball
El partido Game. match
El fútbol americano Football
La tormenta Storm
La primavera Spring
El otoño Fall
El invierno Winter
Navar (ie) To snow
Hace buen/mal tiemp The weather is nice/bad
Deber + infinitivo Should + verb
Dar un paseo/pasear To take a stroll, to take a walk
Dar (irreg.) To give
Correr To run
Conocer (irreg.) To meet, to know
Cantar To sing
Caminar To walk
El mar Sea
La flor Flower
El árbol Tree
El fútbol Soccer
El voleibol Volleyball
El videojuego Video game
El tenis Tennis
La sene (TV) series
La red social Social network/media
Nieva/está nevando It's snowing
Ilueve./está lloviendo It's raining
Hace sol It's sunny
Hace (mucho) viento It's (very) windy
Hace (mucho) frío It's (very) cold
Hace fresco It's cold
Hace (mucho) calor It's (very) hot
Está (un poco/muy) nublado/soleado It's (a little/very) cloudy/sunny
Ver la tele(visión) To watch TV
El verano Summer
Viajar To travel
Ver (irreg.) To see
Usar redes sociales To use social media
Traear (irreg.) To bring
Tomar el sol To sunbathe
Tocar la guitarra To play the guitar
Tocar (un instrumento musical) To play (an instrument)
Tener que + infinitivo To have + infinitive
Tener ganas de + infinitivo To feel like + infinitive
Tener (irreg.) calor/frío To be hot/cold
Saber (irreg.) To know
Practicar (un deporte) To practice (a sport)
Poner (irreg.) To put
Pintar (un cuadro) To paint (a painting)
Perder (ie) To lose
Pensar (ie) + infinitivo To think about doing something
Pasear To take a walk, to take a stroll
Oír (irreg.) To hear
Hadar To swim
Montar en bicicleta To ride a bicycle
Me encanta (n) I really like it (them)
Manejar To drive
Iimpair To clean
Levantar pesas To lift weights
Jugar al.. To play a sport/game
Jugar (ue) To play
Ir (irreg.) de compras To go shopping
Hacer (irreg.) ejericio To exercise
Hacer deporte To play sports
Ganar To win
Esquiar To ski
Encantar To delight
Decir (irreg.) To say
Descansar To rest
Bailar To dance
Venir (irreg.) To come
Qué tiempo hace? What's the weather like?
La nube Cloud
La nieve Snow
La lluvia Rain
Created by: zizasaunders
Popular Spanish sets




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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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