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Capitulo 5
Nuestro Tiempo Libre - Our Free Time
Term | Definition |
Solo | Only |
El próximo mes/año/verano | Next month/year/summer |
El mes/año/verano que viene | Next month/year/summer |
Este mes/año/verano | This month/year/summer |
Verde | Green |
Rosado/a | Pink |
Rojo/a | Red |
La fiesta | Party |
El equipo | Team |
El ejericio | Exercise |
El béisbol | Baseball |
El básquetbol/el baloncesto | Basketball |
Amarillo/a | Yellow |
Ilover (ue) | To rain |
Oscuro/a | Dark |
Negro/a | Black |
Morado/a | Purple |
Marrón | Brown |
Gris | Gray |
Color cáfe | Brown |
Claro/a | Light |
Blanco/a | White |
Beige | Beige |
Azul | Blue |
Anaranjado/a | Orange |
La pelota | Ball |
El partido | Game. match |
El fútbol americano | Football |
La tormenta | Storm |
La primavera | Spring |
El otoño | Fall |
El invierno | Winter |
Navar (ie) | To snow |
Hace buen/mal tiemp | The weather is nice/bad |
Deber + infinitivo | Should + verb |
Dar un paseo/pasear | To take a stroll, to take a walk |
Dar (irreg.) | To give |
Correr | To run |
Conocer (irreg.) | To meet, to know |
Cantar | To sing |
Caminar | To walk |
El mar | Sea |
La flor | Flower |
El árbol | Tree |
El fútbol | Soccer |
El voleibol | Volleyball |
El videojuego | Video game |
El tenis | Tennis |
La sene | (TV) series |
La red social | Social network/media |
Nieva/está nevando | It's snowing |
Ilueve./está lloviendo | It's raining |
Hace sol | It's sunny |
Hace (mucho) viento | It's (very) windy |
Hace (mucho) frío | It's (very) cold |
Hace fresco | It's cold |
Hace (mucho) calor | It's (very) hot |
Está (un poco/muy) nublado/soleado | It's (a little/very) cloudy/sunny |
Ver la tele(visión) | To watch TV |
El verano | Summer |
Viajar | To travel |
Ver (irreg.) | To see |
Usar redes sociales | To use social media |
Traear (irreg.) | To bring |
Tomar el sol | To sunbathe |
Tocar la guitarra | To play the guitar |
Tocar (un instrumento musical) | To play (an instrument) |
Tener que + infinitivo | To have + infinitive |
Tener ganas de + infinitivo | To feel like + infinitive |
Tener (irreg.) calor/frío | To be hot/cold |
Saber (irreg.) | To know |
Practicar (un deporte) | To practice (a sport) |
Poner (irreg.) | To put |
Pintar (un cuadro) | To paint (a painting) |
Perder (ie) | To lose |
Pensar (ie) + infinitivo | To think about doing something |
Pasear | To take a walk, to take a stroll |
Oír (irreg.) | To hear |
Hadar | To swim |
Montar en bicicleta | To ride a bicycle |
Me encanta (n) | I really like it (them) |
Manejar | To drive |
Iimpair | To clean |
Levantar pesas | To lift weights |
Jugar al.. | To play a sport/game |
Jugar (ue) | To play |
Ir (irreg.) de compras | To go shopping |
Hacer (irreg.) ejericio | To exercise |
Hacer deporte | To play sports |
Ganar | To win |
Esquiar | To ski |
Encantar | To delight |
Decir (irreg.) | To say |
Descansar | To rest |
Bailar | To dance |
Venir (irreg.) | To come |
Qué tiempo hace? | What's the weather like? |
La nube | Cloud |
La nieve | Snow |
La lluvia | Rain |