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Conc. Pharm.

Pharmacology Final

The primary action of simethicone is to: break of gas bubbles in the GI tract
Lactulose is classified as a: hyperosmotic laxative
The priority nursing diagnosis for clients experiencing a skin disorder is: Impaired tissue integrity related to skin condition
Their are 2 nureo transmitters are associated with parkinson's symptoms. The exictitory nuero transmitter is: Acetylcholimine
Frequent mouth care, gum massage and dental care should be incurged in clients receiving: phenytoin
A common adverse effect associated with taking contraceptives is: breast tenderness
Ocytocin is secreted by: posterior pituitary
ophthalmic agents administered to cause constriction of the pupils are caused: miotics
The classification of outic agents used to loosen and help remove impacted cermin is: wax emulsifier
Clients teaching regarding anti-convulsive therapy should include of the following: clients and families should be advised of long term treatment may be nessaciary. Clients need to be reminded of the importance of having serum blood levels drawn routinely. Clients should check with the MD before taking OTC medications.
Prostaglandins are used in the treatment of: Incomplete abortion
Acetaminiophn analgesic and antipyretic
Not given to children secondary to reyes syndrome Asprin
Over use can cause diarrhea Milk of magnesia
Common cox 2 inhibitor celebrex
Causes bone re-absorption inhibition alendronate/fasamax
Common anti convulsatin phenytion
Can cause orthostatic hypotension levodopa
systemic absorption can cause tachycardia when used to promote hair growth minoxidil
used to inhibit premature labor terbutaline
anticholinergic drug that is an antidote of miotic toxicity in the eye: atropine sulfate
stimulates labor contractions: ocytocin
Used prior to eye surgery and is classifed as miotic parasympathomimetic: actylcholine
The following purposes for the use of mydriatic drugs is appropriate: facilite examination of the eye, prepare client for octural surgery,prevent formation adhesion between the iris and the lense.
Which of the following prentral opiode analgesic carries the greatest risk for respiratory depression: morphine
recent research indicated the following provides the most healing for esophagitis with gerd: esomeprazole
metoclopramide is used as antiemetic because of its action as procinetic agent: misuse of laxatives my result in laxative dependency.
Clients with Parkinson's disease are believed to have excessive concentration of --- in the brain actylcholine
The following are common symptom of seziure disorder: abnormal electro enecphalogram and loss of consciousness, and abnormal motor function
The following is a chemical agent used in the autonomic nervous system: norepinephrine
The following are true about the instillation of eye ointment: The lower lid is pulled down to form a pouch, the ointment is applied from the inner to the outer eye, the client is instructed to avoid tasks requiring vision.
The following is a likely precursor of otitis media for adults: dental caries
Adolescence and young adults who misuse anobolic agents are at higher risk for cardiac abnormalities
T/F: CNS depression is the primary action of agents used in the treatment of migraine headaches False
T/F: Asprin is used in the prevention and treatment of m.i,s because of its action as an antiplatelet True
T/F: Omeprozole is a gastric stimulant: False: is an anti-ulcer/proton pump inhibitor
T/F: The client should be instructed to take in enough fluids while on laxatives: True
T/F: Paramenteral ondansetron is the most common antiemetic used to prevent nausea and vomiting due to gastroenteritis: False: used to treat post operative nausea/vomiting
T/F: minconazole is a good drug to treat a fungal skin infection: True
T/F: lactation suppressant agents are not more effective in stopping production of milk then applying a breast binder/tight bra True
hyponatremia equals sodium deficiency
T/F: clients receiving lopraminde should be monitored for CNS depression: True
T/F: promethazine is a neuroleptic antienemtic False: antihistamine antienemtic
Alters the rate of conduction of electrical impulses through the heart: Antiarythmis drugs
Used in the treatment of clients with head injuries and increased intracranial pressure: Osmotic Diuretics like Mannintol (Mans susttain more head injuries)
Calcium channel blocker medication that inhibits the passage of calcium into the smooth muscle of vascular cells: Verapomil ("Vera's calcium mill")
Do not administer if HR is lower than 60 BPM: Digoxin
Liver function tests are called for before and during the use if these medications: Antihyperlipdemia meds (Teacher said "remember that 9/10 of time liver questions will be about this")
A common side effect of antihypertensive medications: Postural hypotension
A loop diuretic that is more potent than thiazide diuretis: Lasix (furosemide) - loopy lasix, the loop diuretic
Levothyroxine sodium is used to medicate: Hypothyroidism
Calcitonin administration is warranted in this condition: Hyperparathyroidism
Hypoglycemia symptoms include all of the following: Weakness, hunger, and increased urination
Antihistamines are used in the management of: Nasal Allergies
Intranasal steroid is a type of: nasal decongestant
Non-narcotic antitussives have all of the properties except: contains codiene
The side effect of Guafenesin are: increased respiratory and gastric secretions
Xanthine bronchodilators include theophylline medication
Inhaled corticosteroids need to have what procedure done after using them? The client must rinse their mouth to prevent oral yeast infection.
Allopurinol prevents the formation of uric acid and is most commonly used agent in treating gout. (The hepatoxicity (live damage)
Created by: entrophe
Popular Pharmacology sets




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