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SPAN342- examen 2

Iris Iris
Lente cristalino Crystalline lens
Nervio óptico Optic nerve
Párpado Eyelid
Pestaña Eyelash
Pupila Pupil
Retina Retina
Visión borrosa Blurred vision
Visión doble Double Vision
Catarata Cataract
Ceguera Blindness
Ceigo Blind person
Daltónico Color blind
Daltonismo Color blindness
Destello Twinkle/sparkle
Deterioro visual Visual deterioration
Discapacidad visual Visual impairment
Gafas Glasses
Hipermetropía Farsightedness/hypermetropia
Lagaña Sleep in one's eyes
Lágrima Tear
Lentes de contacto Contact lenses
Lentes Glasses
Lentillas Contact lenses
Miopía Nearsightedness/myopia
Ocular Related to the eye
Oculista Eye doctor
Oftalmólogo Ophthalmologist
Parpadear To blink
Vista cansada Eye strain
Alvéolos Alveoli
Bronquio Bronchial tube
Bronquiolos Bronchioles
Diafragma Diaphragm
Epiglotis Epiglottis
Faringe Pharynx
Fosa nasal Nasal cavity
Garganta Throat
Laringe Larynx
Pleura Pleura
Lóbulo Lobe
Pulmón Lung
Aspirar Breathe in/aspire
Debilidad Weakness
Escalofríos Shivers
Escupir To spit
Esputo Spit
Exhalar To exhale
Expirar To breathe out
Inhalar To inhale
Inspirar To breathe in
Mucosidad Mucus, mucosity
Pérdida de apetito Loss of appetite
Pérdida de peso Weight loss
Respirar To breathe
Ronquera Hoarseness
Tos Cough
Toser To cough
Created by: egpecory
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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

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