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SPAN342- examen 2
Term | Definition |
Iris | Iris |
Lente cristalino | Crystalline lens |
Nervio óptico | Optic nerve |
Párpado | Eyelid |
Pestaña | Eyelash |
Pupila | Pupil |
Retina | Retina |
Visión borrosa | Blurred vision |
Visión doble | Double Vision |
Catarata | Cataract |
Ceguera | Blindness |
Ceigo | Blind person |
Daltónico | Color blind |
Daltonismo | Color blindness |
Destello | Twinkle/sparkle |
Deterioro visual | Visual deterioration |
Discapacidad visual | Visual impairment |
Gafas | Glasses |
Hipermetropía | Farsightedness/hypermetropia |
Lagaña | Sleep in one's eyes |
Lágrima | Tear |
Lentes de contacto | Contact lenses |
Lentes | Glasses |
Lentillas | Contact lenses |
Miopía | Nearsightedness/myopia |
Ocular | Related to the eye |
Oculista | Eye doctor |
Oftalmólogo | Ophthalmologist |
Parpadear | To blink |
Vista cansada | Eye strain |
Alvéolos | Alveoli |
Bronquio | Bronchial tube |
Bronquiolos | Bronchioles |
Diafragma | Diaphragm |
Epiglotis | Epiglottis |
Faringe | Pharynx |
Fosa nasal | Nasal cavity |
Garganta | Throat |
Laringe | Larynx |
Pleura | Pleura |
Lóbulo | Lobe |
Pulmón | Lung |
Aspirar | Breathe in/aspire |
Debilidad | Weakness |
Escalofríos | Shivers |
Escupir | To spit |
Esputo | Spit |
Exhalar | To exhale |
Expirar | To breathe out |
Inhalar | To inhale |
Inspirar | To breathe in |
Mucosidad | Mucus, mucosity |
Pérdida de apetito | Loss of appetite |
Pérdida de peso | Weight loss |
Respirar | To breathe |
Ronquera | Hoarseness |
Tos | Cough |
Toser | To cough |