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Duolingo Unit 4
Section 1 Unit 4 Ordering food and drink
Spanish | English |
agua | water |
almuerzo | lunch |
azúcar | sugar |
bebida | beverage |
café | coffee |
carne | meat |
cebolla | onion |
cena | supper |
chocolate | chocolate |
comida | food/meal |
desayuno | breakfast |
ensalada | salad |
fresa | strawberry |
frutas | fruit |
gambas | prawns |
hamburguesa | hamburger |
helado | icecream |
huevos | eggs |
jugo/zumo | juice |
leche | milk |
lechuga | lettuce |
manzanas | apples |
mayonesa | mayonaise |
merienda | snack |
mostaza | mustard |
naranja | orange |
pan | bread |
papas fritas | fries |
pescado | fish |
piña | pineapple |
pollo | chicken |
postre | dessert |
queso | cheese |
refresco | beverage |
sal | salt |
salchichas | sausages |
salsa de tomates | tomato sauce / ketchup |
sándwich | sandwich |
sopa | soup |
té | tea |
tomate | tomato |
vainilla | vanilla |
verduras | vegetables |
para | for |
con | with |
de | of/from |
sin | without |
y | and |
o | or |
mezclado con | mixed with |
encima de | on top of |
envuelto en | wrapped in |
sobre | over |