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Question | Answer |
Is widely distributed in the external environment. It may be found in 20 to 40% of the anterior nares of human adults. It also colonizes the skin, particularly in intertriginous areas such as the groin and axilla, and may be found in the vaginal canal | Staphylococcus aureus epidemiology |
Was discovered more than 100 years ago by Hans Christian Gram. Crystal violet-primary stain. Gram's iodine-mordant to fix the dye. GP Bacteria retain the dye in cell wall. Acid alcohol-decolorizer. GN bacteria stain red Safranin-counterstain. | The Gram stain |
Is a basic fluorochrome dye that binds nonspecifically to nucleic acids, proteins, polysaccharides, and glycosaminoglycans. AO is useful in demonstrating bacteria in specimens where concentrations may be low. | Acridine orange |
Catalase, Coagulase, Dnase, PYR, Nonmotile, Salt tolerance all + | Staphylococcus aureus |
Penicillin and cephalosporin (1st generation) | Drug of choice for Staphylococcus aureus, Strep pneumo |
Is the most frequently isolated coagulase-negative staphylococci from human sources. | Staphylococcus epidermidis |
Does not ferment mannitol, produces alkaline phosphatase, produces positive reactions for acetoin (Voges Proskauer), reduces nitrates to nitrites, and hydrolyzes urea. Acid is produced from maltose, fructose, sucrose, and mannose. | S. epidermidis |
Penicillin | Drug of choice for Staphylococcus epidermidis |
Has a particular predilection for causing urinary tract infections in young, healthy, sexually active females. | Staphylococcus saprophyticus |
Has its natural habitat as part of the normal nasal and skin flora of various domestic animals, including dogs, cats, and horses. It is the most common coagulase-positive Staphylococcus species recovered from the skin of dogs. | Staphylococcus intermedius |
Resistance to novobiocin is a key feature used in the presumptive identification of | S. saprophyticus |
Is among the most commonly recovered bacterial species in the clinical laboratory. It is the cause of classic streptococcal pharyngitis, colloquially known as "strep throat." | Streptococcus pyogenes |
Diseases include scarlet fever, rheumatic fever, endocarditis, and nephritis. | Poststreptococcal |
Small transparent colonies/wide zone of beta hemolysis. ID-Low conc of bacitracin (0.04 μg)/PYR +. | Group A streptococci |
Group B-specific antigen. Metabolism is fermentative with lactic acid produced as the chief end product. Narrow zone of beta hemolysis. + cAMP reaction/ hydrolyzes NA hippurate | Streptococcus agalactiae |
Infections include meningitis, pneumonia, polynephritis, sepsis including endocarditis/in women, puerperal infection assctd w/ abortion and premature labor. Neonatal sepsis and meningitis | Streptococcus agalactiae |
Penicillin, ampicillin, cephalosporin 1st gen, erythromycin | S. pyo |
Penicillin, ampicillin, carbenicillin, cephalosporin 1st gen, erythromycin | S. agalactiae |
2 species: S. bovis and S. equi. ID by + esculin hydrolysis in bile-esculin agar and by the inability to grow in 6.5% sodium chloride | Group D streptococci |
Can be divided into one of 83 different capsular serotypes(Latex agg, coagg, or the Neufeld quellung rxn)3, 4, 14, and 19, are particularly virulent. The capsular material prevents phagocytosis and killing by the host phagocytic cells. | Strep pnuemo |
Alpha hemolytic and smooth, moist, or mucoid/"checker piece" appearance/ susceptibile to either bile or ethylhydrocupreine hydrochloride (Optochin) | Strep pnuemo |
Lobar type pneumonia and bacterial meningitis in adults, infants, and toddlers. Diabetes and alcoholism are common conditions predisposing to serious pneumococcal infections. | Strep pnuemo |
Is the most important agent of diarrheal disease in humans. | C. jejuni |
1."campy" agar to inhibit the overgrowth of the normal intestinal flora. 2.42°C, the optimum temperature for growth of this organism. 3.incubation atmosphere, consisting of 5% oxygen, 10% CO2, and 85% nitrogen. | C. jejuni |
Is infrequently recovered from human sources but is an important cause of infective abortion in cattle and sheep. It can be recovered from the placentas and stomach contents of the fetuses of aborted sheep and cattle. | C. fetus |
Human infections that have been reported virtually always affect an individual who is debilitated, has compromised immune function, has a neoplastic disease, or has a chronic underlying disorder such as renal or hepatic failure. | C. fetus |
Does not hydrolyze indoxyl acetate or sodium hippurate. It is susceptible to cephalothin but resistant to nalidixic acid, profiles opposite to that of C. jejuni. Will not grow on campy selective media containing cephalothin. Does not grow at 42°C | C. fetus |
Erythromycin | Drug of choice for C. fetus and C. jejuni |
Is one of several spiral-shaped bacteria that have been observed in gastric secretions. Can be recovered from the GI tract of humans and a variety of domestic and wild animals, including several species of birds. | Helicobacter pylori |
Diagnosis: visualize the thin, curved bacterial cells in histologic sections of gastric biopsy material or by demonstrating the rapid conversion of urea agar after implantation with a small portion of the biopsy. | Helicobacter pylori |
+ rxns may be observed in as little as 1 hour. Cultures are not frequently attempted to establish a diagnosis. | Helicobacter pylori |
Incubation environments with reduced O (5-10%), increased CO2 (5-10%), and increased H (5-10%) at 37°C are the optimum conditions. Although selective "campy" agar may be used, a formulation devoid of cephalothin is necessary. | Helicobacter pylori |
Can be suspected when GNDC or D-CB are observed in Gram stains. MacConkey growth (pinkish tinge). Lack of motility, absence of cytochrome oxidase activity, inability to reduce nitrates to nitrites, and resistance to penicillin. | Acinetobacter baumannii |
Nosocomial infections most commonly involve the respiratory tract, the urinary tract, the genital tract, peritonitis in patients receiving continuous peritoneal dialysis, and postsurgical wounds. | Acinetobacter baumannii |
Carbenicillin, Cephalosporin 2nd or 3rd, Gentamicin, Tetracycline, SXT | Acinetobacter baumannii |
GN nonfermenters that grow on Mac, oxidase +, and motile via peritrichous flagella. Synonymous with A. odorans/ apple odor/ green discoloration. asaccharolytic | Alcaligenes faecalis |
Exist in soil and water/ Blood, sputum, and urine are the most common sources and are often associated with nosocomial infections, nebulizers, respirators, and lavage fluids. | Alcaligenes faecalis |
Exist in soil and water/ Blood, sputum, and urine are the most common sources and are often associated with nosocomial infections, nebulizers, respirators, and lavage fluids. | Alcaligenes faecalis |
Pipericillin and tircarcillin clavulanate | Drug of choice for Alcaligenes faecalis |
Inhabiting the epithelial cells in the upper respiratory tract only of man, to which the bacterial cells attach, invade, and survive. Highly contagious, transmitted from human to human via contaminated airborne respiratory droplets. | Bordetella pertussis |
Apple-green fluorescing using the direct Ab fluorescent test. Potato-based Bordet Gengou (BG) agar; or, charcoal horse blood agar of Regan Lowe. | Bordetella pertussis |
Each neutralize the effects of the fatty acids, metalic ions, and peroxidases also contained in the media. Growth require 2 - 4 days/ 35o C. 1-2 mm in diameter, entire, dome-shaped, gray and shiny, resembling drops of mercury. GNCB/ pleomorphic in older c | Bordetella pertussis |
Produces cytochrome oxidase and catalase (weakly), is non-motile (possesses no flagella) | Bordetella pertussis |
cephalosporin 3rd generation, ciprofloxacin, erythromicin | Drug of choice Bordetella pertussis |
is the most common cause of human infections and is the most virulent. It is found in the Mediterranean region, Latin America, and Asia. | Brucella melitensis (sheep, goats) |
Is worldwide in distribution, and its virulence is mild to moderate. | B. abortus (cattle) |
is endemic in the southern United States, Southeast Asia, and Latin America, and its virulence is moderate. | B. suis (swine) |
Cause undulant fever (Bang's disease)/grow slowly in culture/brucella agar or chocolate agar. Recovery in blood cultures is slow. Very small GNCB/ rapid urease reaction (1 hour on Christensen's urea agar). | Brucella |
Ciprofloxacin, tetracycline, streptomycin | Drug of choice Brucella melitensis |
Produces yellow-green colonies/ fruity odor,Mac agar, is oxidase +, and asaccharolytic, hydrolysis of DNA, gelatin, and urea, and (-) reactions for indole, nitrate reduction, and hydrolysis of esculin and ONPG/ resistant to polymyxin B. | Flavobacterium odoratum |
Isolates have been reported from wounds, sputum, blood, and commonly from urine. necrotizing fasciitis and septicemia | Flavobacterium odoratum |
Is the species causing human infections, including 2 biovars, ss tularensis (North America), and ss palaearctica (Europe). Reservoirs of this bacterium include rabbits, rodents, squirrels, beavers, deer, and domestic animals | Francisella tularensis |
Transmission between animals is via ticks and biting flies. Humans acquire infection via the bites of infected ticks or deerflies or by direct contact with the tissues of infected animals, as can occur during the skinning and evisceration of game animals. | Francisella tularensis |
Growth on buffered charcoal yeast extract agar (BCYE) and no growth on blood agar is a presumptive clue that an isolate may be | Legionella species |
Hydrolysis of NA hippurate is useful in separating __________ (+) from other Legionella species (-). Phenotypic characterization less than satisfactory. ID: serologically using immunofluorescent ab testing. | L. pneumophila |
Is the species most commonly associated with classic legionellosis.The most common manifestation is pneumonia. A milder form of the disease, Pontiac fever, presents as an influenza-like syndrome w/out sequelae and with few complications. | L. pneumophila |
Gray-white, smooth, opaque on BAP and choc, appear as small GNCBPR/ catalase and oxidase +. Asaccharolytic, strong DNase actvty, and the prodtn of beta lactamase/ separated from Neisseria species by hydrolysis of ester-linked butyrate groups (tributyrin) | Moraxella catarrhalis |
Contains supplements rich in cysteine, other aa, vit, hematin, and purines that are required for growth. It also contains antibiotics such as vancomycin, trimethoprim, and nystatin among others to enable recovery of N. gonorrhoeae from mixed cultures. | MTM |
Gram-negative diplococci with flattened opposing margins. In direct smears, the cells are seen intracellularly in segmented neutrophils. The identification can be confirmed if acid is produced from glucose, but not from maltose, sucrose, or lactose. | N. gonorrhoeae |
Glucose (+) Maltose (+)(Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome | Neisseria meningitidis |
Glucose(+) Maltose (+) Lactose (+) | N. lactamica |
Is most commonly isolated from urethral specimens, where it exists as a commensal/ similar to Moraxella species in being oxidase (+), nonmotile, and coccobacillary. Most strains grow on Mac, and(asaccharolytic). | Oligella urethralis |
The reduction of nitrite (but not nitrate) and + phenylalanine deaminase activity are two characteristics that, when taken together, separate __________ from Moraxella species. | Oligella urethralis |
Phenotypically resemble nonsaccharolytic Alcaligenes species, Bordetella bronchiseptica, n CDC group IVc-2, being motile via peritrichous flagella, oxidase (+), and(asaccharolytic). | O. ureolytica |
It differs from Alcaligenes species by rapidly hydrolyzin urea n from Bordetella bronchiseptica by reducin nitrates n nitrites n failin to hydrolyze malonate. | O. ureolytica |
The reduction of nitrates n nitrites (most strains) n + phenylalanine deaminase activity separates from CDC group IVc-2. Most human isolates have been from the urine, specifically in patients with long-term in-dwellin catheters | O. ureolytica |
Is a plant pathogen primarily causing onion bulb rot. It can be recovered from a wide variety of water sources, and in the hospital environment may be found on wet surfaces or where water accumulates, such as in nebulizer and bronchoscopy tubing, in irrig | B. cepacia |
Survives in various disinfectants, including povidone-iodine n quaternary ammonium complbs, n in fluids containin cycloheximide. Nosocomial infections pneumonia, septicemia, endocarditis, n septic arthritis, cystic fibrosis. | B. cepacia |
Trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole is the drug of choice for the treatment of infections with this organism. | B. cepacia |
Can be recovered from H2O n soil sources n often is found in various moist hospital environments, tracheostomies, in-dwelling catheters, burns, and weeping cutaneous wounds. The exudation of blue pus with a grape-like odor is characteristic. | Pseudomonas aeruginosa |
Straight or slightly curved, slender, GNR. They are motile via polar flagella, r strict aerobes, n utilize carbs oxidatvly n never fermentatively. The temp range of growth for various strains extends from 4-43 deg Celsius. The cytochrome oxidase rxn is +. | Pseudomonas aeruginosa |
Produce H@S, a characteristic helpful in diffn it from C. koseri, which is H2S (-). differentiated from certain closely related Salmonella species by failure to decarboxylate lysine decarboxylase, hydrolyzing ONPG, and the ability to grow in KCN. | Citrobacter freundii |
decarboxylates ornithine and produces acid from adonitol and malonate, both of which are negative reactions for C. freundii. In contrast, C. freundii produces acid from melibiose and sucrose, both of which are negative for most strains of C. koseri. | C. koseri |
Growth observed on HE after 36 hrs incubation at 35°C. The colonies r entire, convex, smooth to shiny, and distinctly green, showing no evidence of the yellow pigmentn indicatin lactose fermentation. Some have black central pigmentn indicatn H2S prodctn. | Edwardsiella tarda |
GNe sepsis and endotoxin-induced shock are serious complications. Urinary tract and wound infections, pneumonia in debilitated and immunocompromised patients, and neonatal meningitis are common infections. | Escherichia coli |
"dirty" gray on bap/produce a + spot indole test and dry pink-red colonies on Mac. The id confirmed by demonstrtin an acid slant/acid butt rxn on Kligler iron agar (fermenter), a + methyl red rxn, - Voges Proskauer, and - citrate utilizatn test results. | Escherichia coli |
heat-labile or heat-stable enterotoxins are produced, resulting in a watery diarrhea similar to that produced by Vibrios cholerae. | Enterotoxigenic strains |
produce an illness characterized by fever, malaise, vomiting and diarrhea, primarily in children. | Enteropathogenic strains |
penetration of the intestinal mucosa by the bacterial cells results in an inflammatory diarrhea similar to that produced by Shigella species. Blood, mucous, and segmented neutrophils are observed in fecal smears. | Enteroinvasive strains |
chiefly serogroup 0157:H7, produce a toxin that has a cytotoxic effect on Vero cells (called a verotoxin), producin in vivo effects similar to that produced by Shiga toxin. | Enterohemorrhagic strains: |
Hemorrhagic colitis results, manifest as abdominal cramps n watery diarrhea, followed by hemorrhagic discharge simulating a lower intestinal bleed. | Enterohemorrhagic strains: |
is the cause of a necrotizing lobar type pneumonia in which there is considerable hemorrhagic necrosis, leading to expectoratn of a "brick red" sputum that, when mixed with mucin, has a "currant jelly" appearance. | K. pneumoniae |
Infectns r most severe in persons with underlying diseases such as alcoholism, diabetes mellitus, n chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Pleuritis, Urinary tract infections, meningitis(in infants), n septicemia | K. pneumoniae |
Can be suspected in culture when large, mucoid colonies are recovered on 1. isolatn media. On Mac colonies are large, distinctly mucoid, n have a red pigmentatn that diffuses into the surroundin med. This pigment productn is abundant acid from lactose. | K. pneumoniae |
Two key characteristics separating species from certain closely related Enterobacter species are the lack of motility and the inability to decarboxylate ornithine. | Klebsiella |
An indole-positive variant of K. pneumoniae, is found primarily in the gastrointestinal tract of humans and animals but also may be recovered from vegetative matter and aquatic environments | Klebsiella oxytoca |
Morganella morganii can be found in the feces of humans, dogs, other mammals, and reptiles. It serves as a secondary pathogen in cases of urinary tract, respiratory tract, and wound infections. | Morganella morganii |
The combination characteristics of citrate negative, failure to produce hydrogen sulfide, and decarboxylation of ornithine | Morganella morganii |
recovered from soil, water, and any environment polluted with fecal material. part of the commensal flora of the LI of man and other animals. Most freq agent of uti and wound infectns, intestinal trauma and post colon surgery. | Proteus mirabilis |
- spot indole test, using a small inoculum from a well-isolated colony. strong urease activity, the production of hydrogen sulfide, a positive reaction for ornithine decarboxylase, and the failure to hydrolyze esculin or ferment salicin | Proteus mirabilis |
swarming colonies growing on bap/ odor-burned chocolate. id + spot indole test, using a small subculture. strong urease activity, H2S, - rxn for ornithine decarboxylase, and hydrolysis of esculin and the fermentation of salicin | P. vulgaris |
primarily recovered from the feces of humans, both with and without a diarrheal syndrome, with secondary spread to the urinary tract, wounds, and burns, where they cause infrequent infections. | Providencia |
Needs >100,000 for infection, H2S +, Lysine +, Indole -, Urea - | Salmonella |
May cause septicemia | S. cholerasius |
Typhoid fever. Blood + early (1st wk)/ stool + in 2nd/3rd wk | S. typhi |
ONPG + (others neg) | S. arizona |
Red pigment/ DNase, gelatinase + | Serratia marcescens |
(D) Most common/ has its natural habitat in the fecal content of humans. Infections occur following ingestion of contaminated food or water/ Lactose -, nonmotile, anaerogenic | Shigella sonnei |
Group A most severe | S. dysenteriae |
Group B | S. flexneri |
Group C | S. boydii |
The spread of black/ bubonic plague is via rodents to fleas, fleas to rodents. | Yersinia pestis |
acute mesenteric lymphadenitis and "pseudotubercules | Y. pseudotuberculosis |
Growth room temp and cold enrichment | Y. enterocolitica |
Motile by polar flagella, most are indole +, growth on mac, cellulitis, wound infections and diarrhea | Aeromonas |
6.5-7.5 pH | Bacteria |
5.0-6.0 pH | Fungi |
Enzyme synthesis and cell elongation | Lag phase |
Active reproduction | Log Phase |
Exhaustion of nutrients, less viability | Stationary phase |
Dead cells exced new cells | Death phase |
"Chinese Letters"; Metachromatic granules (Loeffler's Slants); tellurite hydrolysis (tinsdale agar); elek test determines toxin prod | Corynebacterium |
Tumbling motility at 25C, but not 37C; cold enrichment, neonatal menigitis and sepsis, sepsis in immunocomp hosts | Listeria |
Test tube brush in gelatin, infection in fisherman, butchers, veterinarians | Erysipelothrix |
Ground glass hemolytic colonies; non hemolytic, nonmotile, medusa head colonies, long bamboo shoots | Bacillus anthracis |
Ground glass hemolytic colonies; food poisioning, enterotoxin, beta hemolytic | B. cereus |
Long filamentous GNR w/ pleomorphic/ puffball or string of pearl colonies in thio broth/ rate bite fever haverhill fever/ acitic sample needed/ sps inhibits | Streptobacillus moniliformis |
Peridontal and jaw abscesses; high number in plague, center of colony has 4-6 pointed star | actinobacillus |
bleachy odor, pits agar, 3 zones of growth, peridontal and jaw abscesses | eikenella |
needs 5-10% co2 or anaerobic conditions, gliding motility, fusiform shape; bacteremia | capnocytophaga |
similar to actinobacillus, endocarditis | haemophilus aprophilus |
cause endocarditis, can gicve false + gram rxn | cardiobacterium |
clue cells; 10% koh added to discharge= fishy odor | gardenella vaginalis |
require x and v factors | haemophilus |
schoolof fish, genital ulcers | h. ducreyi |
growth on BCYE, legionaires disease | legionella pneumophilia |
inverted fried egg, dienes stain not gram stain | mycoplasma/ureaplasma |
causes primary atypical pneumonia, cold agglutinin titer | m. pneumoniae |
GN Ana, catalase +, black colonies on BBE | bacteroides fragilis |
gn ana pits agar, urease + | bacteroides ureolyticus |
gn ana, thin, fusiform rod, speckled col | fusobacterium nucleatum |
gn ana, rods variable in length and width | fusobacterium necrophorum |
gn ana, highly pleomorphic | fusobacterium mortiferum |
gp ana, pseudomembranous colitis, CCFA agar, horse stable odor, spore former | c. dificile |
gp ana, double zone of hemolysis, lecthinase +, gas gangrene, spores seldom observed | c. perfringens |
gp ana,terminal spores, racquet shaped, tetanus | c. tetani |
gp ana, molar tooth, branching, lumpy jaw, sulphur granules | actinomyces israelii |
gp ana, sensitive to sps | p. anaaerobius |
rickettsial pox, house mites | r. akari |
q fever, inhaled | coxiella burnetti |
typhus fever, louse | r. prowazekii |
rocky mt. spoted fever, tick | r. rickettsiae |
murine typhus, rat flea | r. typhi |
may infect 1/3 pop., res to drying, cauliflower colonies on LJ, mdr variants, id by nucleic acid probes, skin test for screening in US | mycobacterium tuberculosis |
environmental org, cause pulmonary disease, disseminated disease, infect immunocomp patients, nonpigmented on LJ, id by nucleic acid probes | m. avium complex |
causes leprosy (hansen disease), infects skin, mucous membranes, nerves, causes a progressive disease that is treatable, grows best in armadillo footpads | m. leprae |
Prescence of viral ab of ag | EIA |
Molecular cloning of a specific DNA sequence/ if viral ab unknown matches clone, the viral id is confirmed | DNA probes |
Method in which nucleic acid seq can be amplified in vitro/ carried out in cycles, each doubling the amount of desired nucleic acid product | PCR |
yellow fever, dengue, st. louis encephalitis, mosquito vector | flavivirus |
pulmonary syndrome, hemorrhagic fever, rodent-borne | hantavirus |
assoc w/ shellfish; one of most stable viruses infectings humans | Hepatitis A virus (HAV) |
formerly non-a, non b hepatitis | Hepatitis c Virus (HAC) |
measles, more serious in adults than in children | morbillivirus |
poliomyelitis, aseptic meningitis, occurs naturally only in humans | poliovirus |
seriuos respiratory infection in young children, giant multinucleated cells due to fusion of infected cells | respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) |
rabies, negri bodies in brain tissue of infected animals, rod or bullet shaped, wildlife- reservoir | rhabdovirus |
common cold | rhinovirus |
acute infectious infantile diarrhea, can cause death in infants | rotavirus |
rubella, vaccine available, contraindicated in pregnancy, spread by respiratory secretiions, seriuos congenital abnormalties | rubivirus |
respiratory infections | adenovirus |
infection mononucleosis, chronic failure syndrome, assc w. burkett's lymphoma,heterophile ab | epstein-barr virus |
ribbon-like aseptate hyphae; sexual and asexual | zygomycota |
septate, sexual and asexual, produce asci | ascomycota |
septate; sexual, mushrooms,club fungi | basidiomycota |
fungi imperfecti, no sexual stage, many common pathogens | deuteromycota |
simialar to SAB, inhibits some candida and crytococcus, aspergilluis fumigatus and pseudallescheria | mycosel |
cryoptococcus neoformans (brown colonies) | bird seed agar |
candida albicans (chlamydoconidia) | corn meal agar |
tinea (mostly in children), hair and skin, hair fluoresces, microconidia (small club-shaped), macroconidia (many, rough, spindle-shaped (except m.audouinii) | microsporum |
rare distorted macroconidia, terminal chlamydoconidia | microsporum audouinii |
thick walled macroconidia; knobby end | microsporum canis |
thin walled macroconidia | microsporum gypseum |
mostly in adults; hair skin and nails; no fluorescing hairs | trichophyton |
urease +. rose-brown reverse | trichophyton mentagrophytes |
urease -, red reverse | trichophyton rubrum |
black dot ringworm, balloon forms, yellow red reverse | trichophyton tonsurans |
feet, hands, and groin; macroconidia (large, smooth, club-shaped, found in singles or clusters at end of hyphae, 2-4 septa), olive green or khaki color | epidermophyton floccosum |
bat and bird droppings; oh and ms river valley; infects RES (Bone marrow), yeast(very small), mycelial (tuberculate n macroconidia) | histoplasma capsulatum |
along oh, ms valley n appalachia, may cause skin lesions, yeast (broad based bud, double-contoured wall), mycelial (lollipop forms) | blastomyces dermatitidis |
desert southwest and semiarid regions, yeast (spherules containing endospores), mycelial (alternatively staining arthroconidia) | coccidioides immitis |
south american blastomycosis, simulates tb, cutaneous lesions, yeast (multiple buds "mariner wheel"), mold (similar to lollipop forms) | paracoccidioides brasiliensis |
found in dirt and on plants (rose gardener's mycosis), yeast (cigar bodies), mold (delicate hyphae with ovoid conidia along side or in rosettte heads) | sporothrix schenckii |
germ tube +, urease -, may be isolated in blood of immunosuppressed | candida albicans |
germ tube -, forms structure between tube and spore | candida tropicalis |
hockey stick bud on one corner of arthroconidia | geotrichum |
budding from both corners of arthroconidia urease + | trichosporon |
assimilates only glucose and trehalose, no pseudohyphae | candida (torulopsis) glabrata |
urease +, brown colonies on birdseed agar, india ink | cryptococcus neoformans |
small extracellular yeast | candida sp. or sporothrix schenckii |
small intracellular yeast | histoplasma capsulatum |
yeast with pseudoyphae | candida sp. |
large yeast with broad based buds | blastomyces dermatiditis |
large yeast with multiple buds | paracoccidioides brasiliensis |
endospherules and endospores | coccidioides immitis |
green or blue-green colonies; branching or penicillus head, sterigmata blunt | penicillium |
delicate hyphae, elippticak conidia with appearance of brain surface | acremonium |
colonies lavendar to purple; banana shaped macroconidia | fusarium |
conidiophore ends in swelling which carries sterigmata and chains of conidia, farmer's lung | aspergillus |
green conidia | aspergillus fumigatus |
yellow conidia | aspergillus flavus |
black colonies | aspergillus niger |
Dog hookworm | ancylostoma caninum |
old world hookworm | ancylostoma duodenale |
large intestinal roundworm | ascaris lumbricoides |
oriental/chinese liverfluke | clonorchis sinensis |
broad fish tapeworm | diphyllobothrium latum |
hydatid tapeworm | echinococcus granulosus |
pinworm | enterobius vermicularis |
large intestinal fluke | fasciolopsis buski |
sheep liver fluke | fasciola hepatica |
rate tapeworm | hymenolepis diminuta |
dwarf tapeworm | hymenolepsis nana |
eyeworm | loa loa |
new world hookworm | necator americanus |
blinding worm | onchocerca volvulus |
oriental lung fluke | paragonimus westermani |
bladder fluke | schistosoma haematobium |
oriental blood fluke | schistosoma japonicum |
manson's blood fluke | schistosoma mansoni |
threadworm | stronglyloides stercoralis |
beef tapeworm | taenia saginata |
pork tapeworm | taenia solium |
dog/cat ascarid | toxocara canis/cati |
whipworm | trichuris trichiura |