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City Vocab
Vocab all about the city.
Spanish | English |
la ciudad | the city |
la zona comercial | the commercial area |
la fábrica | the factory |
la zona residencial | the residential area. |
el/la obrero | the worker |
el apartemento | the apartment |
el condominio | the condominium/the condo |
la casa privada | the private house |
el rasacacioelos | skyscrapers |
el edificio | the building |
la zona industrial | the industrial zone |
las afueras | the outskirts |
el plano | the plan, map |
la plaza | town square |
la avenida, el bulevar | the avenue, the boulevard |
la calle | the street |
el barrio viejo | the old neighborhood |
la esquina | the corner |
la acera | the sidewalk |
los peatones | the pedestrians |
el semáforo | the traffic light |
el cruce de peatones | the pedestrian crossing |
caminar | to walk |
cruzar | to cross |
desembocar | to lead |
pintoresco | picturesque |
ancho | wide |
angosto | narrow |
la estación del metro | the metro/train station |
la boca del metro | subway entrance |
la escalera mecánica | the escalator |
el tique | the ticket |
el torniquete | the turnstile |
la ranura | the slot |
la parada del bus | the bus stop |
el autobús/ la guagua, el camión | the bus |